Production Manager
Inspired by real events, “Bestia” enters the life of a secret police agent in the military dictatorship in Chile. The relationship with her dog, her body, her fears and frustrations, reveal a macabre fracture in her mind and a country.
Assistant Director
Inspired by real events, “Bestia” enters the life of a secret police agent in the military dictatorship in Chile. The relationship with her dog, her body, her fears and frustrations, reveal a macabre fracture in her mind and a country.
Art Direction
Do interior rural e carente ao sucesso estrondoso que a leva à Europa, a cantora e artesã Violeta Parra se tornou um ícone da cultura chilena e do cancioneiro popular da América Latina. Sua biografia é um relato poético de luta e amor pelo povo e suas manifestações artísticas.