Marc Denize


Assistant Set Decoration
Uma adolescente pobre, Evita, como era chamada, transformou-se em uma mulher querida e influente. Após a morte de seu pai, ela viaja para Buenos Aires e se relaciona com diferentes homens de poder até conhecer Juan. A influência e o domínio de Evita fez com que a primeira-dama da Argentina fosse amada e odiada ao mesmo tempo.
O Encontro
Location Manager
Nina, young girl from the provinces discovering the capital, meets people by chance, and carries out apprenticeship of the theatre and love. Paulot first of all, reassuring figure of an ordinary man, solid as a rock. Then Quentin, a fallen actor tormented by a past drama, violent as lightning. Finally, Scrutzler, an inflexible and exhausted director who chooses Nina, throws her on the stage. A revelation is born through these three meetings. But, it is with herself that Nina has an appointment.