Based upon the Celtic legend Tam Lin, a young man is bewitched by a beautiful, heartless, aging sorceress to become her lover. When his attention wanders to a lovely girl, he is doomed to ritual sacrifice by the sorceress.
When her mother dies, her attractive young daughter hungry for love moves into the dead woman's house as a quest to seduce its tenants in her desperate search for love.
O agente Alexander Eberlin é designado pelos britânicos para caçar um espião russo, conhecido por eles como Krasnevin. Apenas Eberlin sabe que Krasnevin não é outro senão ele mesmo! Ele é o agente duplo. Quem o acompanhando em sua missão é um parceiro implacável, que gradualmente vai descobrindo seu segredo, percebendo como Eberlin tenta se livrar de uma situação desesperadora. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
A young conservative black man, minding his own business, rides a nearly empty subway car. The only other passenger, a blonde vixen looking for trouble, sizes him up. Sexual tension, racial bigotry and righteous fury collide in a razor's edge confrontation between this unlikely pair.
Desta vez, Fu Manchu e seu exército de capangas estão sequestrando as filhas de cientistas proeminentes e levando-as para sua sede na ilha remota. Em vez de pedir resgate, Fu exige que os pais o ajudem a construir um raio da morte, que ele pretende usar para dominar o mundo. Mas o arquiinimigo de Fu, Nayland Smith, da Scotland Yard, está determinado a não deixar isso acontecer.
A circus becomes the location for stolen loot and murder.
Terríveis estrangulamentos em Londres alertaram Nayland Smith da Scotland Yard para a possibilidade de que o diabólico Fu Manchu pode não estar morto, embora Smith tenha testemunhado sua execução. Um spray assassino feito de frutas tibetanas parece estar envolvido e as pistas continuam levando de volta ao Tâmisa.
A former district officer is assigned to work on a team of diamond prospectors, who are busy double crossing each other until they are blown up having found bullion.
An investigative reporter travels to a small European country with the hope of exposing its dictator's family secrets.
Meet Ellen Sheppard, an American living in Britain. Her English husband, Jason Sheppard, has been killed and she's under suspicion despite the appearance of a happy marriage. Jason's friend assists Ellen go over the facts to see if they can find the real killer.
A returning moon capsule goes off course and lands in Africa where a little-known tribe finds it. Washington sends Matthew Merriwether to recover it—thinking he's an expert on the region—when in fact he's no such thing. However, a foreign power sends Secret Agent Luba to try and acquire the capsule for itself and, when Matthew and Luba reach their destination, they find that the tribe believes the capsule to be sacred and won't give it up.
After spending a long time in prison, Kip is still willing to pull off one more big job
O desenhista Victor e a datilógrafa Ingrid se conhecem no trabalho. Atraídos um pelo outro, eles começam um caso que leva a uma gravidez indesejada. Apesar do amor não correspondido, eles logo se casam e aprendem a formar um relacionamento.
A government team researching cures for plague find their results put on the Official Secrets list. One of their number is so incensed by this that he lets the maimed and jealous companion of a female colleague draw him into what, technically, could be a treasonable act.
Good natured comic caper charting the misadventures of a hapless bunch of Brighton based petty crooks dogged with disaster at every turn.
When her architect father brings home a much younger new wife, rebellious and resentful teen Jenny goes to extreme lengths to sabotage their relationship.
A seasoned pilot is condemned for an error which causes a crash. The pilot later dies in a crash with similar circumstances and an examiner looks for scientific reasons for the crashes.
Depois de se tornar rei do antigo Israel, Salomão enfrenta ameaças vindas de seu irmão ciumento e despossuído Adonias, o faraó egípcio e a intrigante rainha de Sabá. Pouco antes de sua morte no antigo Israel, o rei Davi teve uma visão de Deus dizendo que seu filho mais novo, Salomão, deveria sucedê-lo como rei. Seu outro filho, Adonias, é infeliz e pretende assumir o trono. Enquanto isso, o Faraó egípcio concorda em ceder um porto do Mar Vermelho para a rainha de Sabá, se ela encontrar uma maneira de destruir Salomão, cuja sabedoria e governo benevolente são vistos como uma ameaça para os monarcas mais tirânicos da região. A Rainha de Sabá, o Faraó, Adonias, os líderes das Doze Tribos e seu próprio Deus dificultam a vida de Salomão, que é tentado pela Rainha de Sabá a se desviar de seu caminho.
British melodrama about a cabbie befriending a girl caught up in the white slave trade.
While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.
In England during WWII, an American news correspondent’s affair with a married British correspondent ends tragically when he is killed in action. Fearing a nervous breakdown as a result of his death, she travels to Cornwall to mourn with his family without any intention of revealing her relationship with him.
The Commanding Officer of an RAF Training School must deal with a difficult cadet, but the cadet reminds the C.O. of himself when young.
A woman hires soldier-of-fortune Carson to smuggle her into Albania by way of Greece. Their trouble is just beginning when they get there.
Culver is a psychiatrist who uses hypnotism to treat his patients. When Carpenter, a test pilot, comes to see him complaining of blackouts that make his job difficult, Culver tries to mesmerise him into killing his wife.
Tony e Felix são donos de um barco fuleiro e navegam pelo Caribe fazendo biscates e bebendo muito. Eles concordam em transportar a bela mas sem passaporte Irena para Trinidad sem fazer perguntas. Ambos se apaixonam por ela, levando a traição e a uma ruptura em sua parceria. Tony pega um emprego em um navio de carga. Após uma colisão de seu navio, ele encontra-se preso debaixo do convés com o tempo se esvaindo, o navio está em chamas, e só Felix, a quem ele odeia e jurou matar, se dispõe a salvá-lo.
Wealthy eccentric Sir Vincent Brampton and his fiancée Linda Latham hire Ken Duffield to lead them on a jungle hunt. Duffield is looking for the murderer of his son; he gets the killer and Linda.
Bank robber's plans for a wealthy lifestyle gradually turn to more noble aims.
Robert Ayres plays a moody author with a suicide complex. Ayres' melancholia plays right into the hands of a gang of thieves. For a lofty fee, they convince the author to confess to their crimes and then kill himself. Yes, you're way ahead of us: Ayres has a change of heart and decides that he loves life. Delayed Action was produced by Robert Baker and Monty Berman, the men behind the popular 1960s TV adventure series The Saint.
A married bookstore owner is blackmailed after he makes a pass at his new sexy blonde clerk.