Tor Borong

Tor Borong

Nascimento : 1886-11-19, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Morte : 1967-09-05


Tor Borong


The Yellow Car
Older man in the bus
On a tourist trip abroad the passengers on the coach witness an assassination attempt on the President Hurkas. One of the tourists has evidence against the perpetrators, and is killed when the coach reaches Sweden. Another passenger observes how one of the perpetrators is picked up by a yellow car. She is kidnapped and locked up in a mental hospital.
Luz de Inverno
Johan Åkerblom (uncredited)
O pastor da igreja de uma pequena vila começa a sentir sua fé em Deus abalada e a questionar seu trabalho e missão no que faz todos os dias. Um colega que frequenta a Igreja está numa terrível crise existencial pela situação política atual da Guerra Fria temendo a destruição do mundo caso as bombas atômicas sejam usadas, e quando procura o pastor, este, ao contrário de confortá-lo com a palavra de Deus também apresenta todas as suas dúvidas e inseguranças.
Lady in White
A ghost called Vita Frun (White Lady) is accused of several murders. Detective Hillman is contacted to resolve the case.
A Fonte da Donzela
Cristãos fervorosos, os pais de uma menina de 15 anos a encarregam de levar velas à igreja do vilarejo. No caminho, abordada por dois pastores, a menina é estuprada e morta. Por ironia, ao cair da noite, seus assassinos vão buscar abrigo na casa de seus pais que, ao descobrirem o triste destino da filha, só pensam em vingança.
The Magician
Border Officer (uncredited)
When 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' comes to town, there's bound to be a spectacle. Reading reports of a variety of supernatural disturbances at Vogler's prior performances abroad, the leading townspeople (including the police chief and medical examiner) request that their troupe provide them a sample of their act, before allowing them public audiences. The scientific-minded disbelievers try to expose them as charlatans, but Vogler and his crew prove too clever for them.
O Sétimo Selo
Farmer at Inn (uncredited)
Após dez anos, um cavaleiro retorna das Cruzadas e encontra o país devastado pela Peste Negra. Sua fé em Deus é sensivelmente abalada e, enquanto reflete sobre o significado da vida, a Morte surge à sua frente querendo levá-lo, pois chegou sua hora. Objetivando ganhar tempo, convida-a para um jogo de xadrez que decidirá se ele parte com ela ou não. Tudo depende da sua vitória no jogo e a Morte concorda com o desafio, já que não perde nunca.
A Lesson in Love
David Erneman e a sua esposa Marianne estão casados há 15 anos. Antes do casamento, Marianne esteve noiva de um artista, Carl-Adam, o melhor amigo de David. Sabendo que David a trai, Marianne procura o antigo amor. Um triângulo sentimental longe de ser compreendido que questiona a durabilidade das relações.
Monika e o Desejo
Harry Lund tem 19 anos de idade e trabalha numa loja de porcelanas. Quase vizinho a ele, na loja de verduras, trabalha Monika, uma simpática e alegre garota de 17 anos. Assim que eles se conhecem a paixão explode. Mas por causa da idade deles, os dois sofrem com a intereferência dos mais velhos. Monika briga com os pais e decide sair de casa. Harry discute com o chefe e pede demissão. Sem mais nada que os prendem na cidade, os jovem decidem fugir de barco para uma ilha e passar algumas semanas juntos.
Isto Não Aconteceria Aqui
Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of Liquidatzia. Almkvist, a local policeman and former lover of Vera's, contacts her while investigating the death of one of the refugees. Natas has a list of agents operating in the host country and wants to sell them to the Americans. However before he can do so, Vera tries to kill him, after an argument about getting her parents out of Liquidatzia.
To Joy
Father at the maternity ward
After discovering that his wife has been killed in an accident, Stig looks back on their relationship, beginning with when he and Marta were starting out as violinists together in an orchestra overseen by conductor Sonderby.
Railroad Workers
Railroad worker
The north of Sweden in 1902. A team of railroad men are building a rail road from Luleå at the Bay of Bothnia to Narvik at the Norwegian Sea. One of the newest workers, Valfrid from the south of Sweden, is not accepted by neither Stora Ballong, the informal leader of the workers, nor the others. They refuse to talk to him but instead Valfrid gets help from the sworn enemy of the railroad workers: the greedy drugstore owner Blom.
A Guest Is Coming
Andersson, smed på säteriet
It's Christmas. The owner of an old mansion decides to tell his family he's going to sell it. The following morning he's found murdered.
Kristin Commands
Unit Production Manager
Translator Vilhelm and his young wife have a child, as well as a grumpy housemaid who doesn't hesitate to give her opinion on how they behave as parents. In secret Kristin arranges a scholarship for Vilhelm so he can go back to his medical studies.
Kristin Commands
Man lying down at a medical examination
Translator Vilhelm and his young wife have a child, as well as a grumpy housemaid who doesn't hesitate to give her opinion on how they behave as parents. In secret Kristin arranges a scholarship for Vilhelm so he can go back to his medical studies.
Natt i hamn
Unit Manager
Early 1940s, during WW2, pitch black waters except for a moon-shadow over the waves. Surrounded by minefields and the fog slips in the sweeping headlights of the cargo ship S/S Rune. But the ship bows relentlessly forward through the night.
Flickan i fönstret mitt emot
Unit Manager
A 1942 film.
Kyss henne!
Unit Manager
Lisa Larsson, dancer at a theater, witnesses a traffic accident and banker Brenner's private driver asks her to be a witness. When her friends see her talk to the driver, they start to believe that she is Brenner's fiancée. The manager of the theater, Gravander, gives her the leading part in his latest show, in order to befriend Brenner. Larsson plays along in this mistake and when Brenner hears about this he asks to see Larsson, pretending to be a news journalist... Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Landstormens lilla Lotta
Location Manager
It's time for conscription training outside the small town Lillköping. The bank clerk becomes an officer - the bank manager ordinary conscript. Everybody seems to be trying to get a date with Elsa, who cooks their food. Nobody takes the training seriously.
Only One Night
Captain Walter
Funfair worker Valdemar is unknowingly the illegitimate son of a rich landowner, colonel Von Brede. The colonel knows and employs Valdemar as his stable master. The colonel has a young and beautiful ward, Eva, but will she and Valdemar fall in love with each other?
Cat Across the Road
Borong, inspicient
An actress is happy when she is finally contacted by a famous director, but the director is more interested in her cat.
Klart till drabbning
Two marines go AWOL and save a girl from drowning, they then sneak her aboard the ship.
On the Sunny Side
Unit Manager
Eva Bergh works as a bank clerk, but dreams of becoming an artist. At a party she meets the rich Harald Ribe and he instantly falls in love with her. When he proposes to marry her she has no work or place to live and she accepts. At Harald's estate she can live comfortably, but she misses her old friends.
Air Mechanic
The Swedenhielms is an old aristocratic family. The head of the family is professor Rolf Swedenhielm. His three children Bo, Julia and Rolf Jr also live in the house. They also have an excellent house maid, Boman. Because of the family's extravagance, they are heading for bankruptcy. But perhaps their problems would be solved if Rolf was awarded the Nobel Prize?
Karl Fredrik Reigns
A man goes from the tough life as a hired worker all the way into the Swedish government.
Den farliga leken
Lola Brio has a large number of professions. She is partly a revue primadonna and gramophone singer, but the nameplate on her door also reads "Lessons in French and Grace", which of the film's act to judge apparently means that she is partly a luxury prostitute and partly takes care of country girls to give them some posture of polish.
Servant's Entrance
Helga Breder is a young, spoiled girl. To her beloved Jörgen she says that she, as a modern young woman, is multi-talented and can do whatever she likes. Jörgen bets that she can't work as a house-maid but, if she manages it, he will buy her a diamond ring. Helga becomes a house-maid at Vinger Mansion and falls in love with an inventor, Bertil Frigård, who lives there.
Participator at Andelius 60 birthday party (uncredited)
Erik Andersson marries Brita Blomstedt. During the wedding party he drinks alcohol which he is not used to. Later that evening Erik is involved in a brawl that end with a policeman getting a knife in the back.
The Wrong Millionaire
Poliskonstapel som griper Fridolf I
The American boat is on its way to Gothenburg. On board are the Swedish-American millionaire Fridolf F. Johnson from Detroit (Håkan Westergren) and his male secretary of the same name (Fridolf Rhudin). The millionaire stays hidden in his cabin with the secretary and does not appear on deck. A journalist arrives out at sea by airplane and asks for an interview, which the millionaire refuses to agree to. The journalist disguises himself as a steward, puts on a hidden camera (a spy camera) in the buttonhole, enters with a tea tray and photographs the wrong person - the secretary.
For Her Sake
The young married couple Sigvard and Isabella Löfgren are constantly being sought by different companies where they are trading on the bill. Sigvard is a traveling salesman and Isabella works as a secretary at a theatre agency seeking artists for a revue.
Artificial Svensson
When silly inventor Svensson gets mistaken for Swedish/American aviator Smith, he is accidentally enlisted in the military and drawn into unexpected romantic affairs.
Svarte Rudolf
Rudolf Carlsson, who works at a department store, dreams of making movies.
Gustaf Wasa, Part One
The story takes its beginning in 1518 , the Danish King Christian II has taken Sweden. Sten Sture the younger appeal to all loyal subjects to resist. The offer reaches the farmer Mats Waltersson in Dalarna , Sweden's heart and he gathers his men. Dalmas were going from house to house, they do not want a Dane on the throne. At Brännkyrka outside Stockholm is a battle between the Danes and Swedes. Swedes win and the Swedish riksbaneret out during the Battle of Gustav Eriksson Vasa.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft
Courtroom audience
A 1917 Swedish drama film directed by Victor Sjöström, based on a 1913 novel by Selma Lagerlöf. It was the first in a series of successful Lagerlöf adaptions by Sjöström, made possible by a deal between Lagerlöf and A-B Svenska Biografteatern (later AB Svensk Filmindustri) to adapt at least one Lagerlöf novel each year. Lagerlöf had for many years denied any proposal to let her novels be adapted for film, but after seeing Sjöström's Terje Vigen she finally decided to give her allowance.