Executive Producer
In March of 2017, Baltimore was rocked by one of the nation’s largest Police corruption scandals when seven members of the elite Gun Trace Task Force unit were federally indicted on racketeering charges. Defense attorney Ivan Bates wasn’t shocked by the news because for years he had been listening to the victims of these crimes and had been trying to bring down the corrupt sergeant. I GOT A MONSTER is the true story of a cat-and-mouse game in an upside-down world where the cops are also the robbers.
Executive Producer
Em um voo internacional rumo a Londres, o jornalista Buck Williams e o piloto Rayford Steele se veem no meio do mais incrível acontecimento da história. De repente, sem qualquer tipo de alerta, dúzias de passageiros simplesmente desaparecem no ar. Mas isso não é tudo. Logo fica claro que milhões de pessoas estão desaparecendo. E a medida que o caos e a anarquia tomam conta do mundo, esses dois homens partem em rumos diferentes numa busca desesperada por respostas.