Stephen C. Bradbury

Stephen C. Bradbury

Nascimento : 1944-04-03, El Paso, Texas, USA


Stephen Bradbury is an actor and producer, known for Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999), Hi Honey, I'm Home (1991) and Person of Interest (2011).


Stephen C. Bradbury


The Winter House
Shop Owner
Eileen is grieving. She needs to get away. She rents a house in a remote corner of New Hampshire, in the dead of winter, where no one is likely to bother her. But wouldn't you know it? Someone does.
Found in Time
Chris is a psychic who lives his life out of order - experiencing past, present and future as a jigsaw puzzle. But when he commits a murder in the future, he has to change his past and present in order to prevent it from happening.
Caleb's Door
Caleb is an ex-marine who's drifting through life trying to find answers. He moves back to his childhood home to escape his nightmares. He finds that everything's different. His high school sweetheart is now engaged. His parish priest, to whom he always turned for support, is struggling with his own crisis of faith. And instead of getting better, the nightmares start coming true.
Vote and Die: Liszt for President
Neil Liszt
A charismatic Billionaire runs for president as an independent candidate. His platform is simple: KILL EVERYONE NOW!!!
O Ditador
American Senator
Urania Cabral é uma advogada de Manhattan que retorna à República Dominicana, depois de 30 anos. Em busca do passado, ela se reencontra com o pai, um homem que um dia foi o Presidente do Senado e o braço direito do ditador Ramfis Trujillo.
As Artimanhas de Justin
Stu Stuart
Quando o jovem Justin se perde de sua família, ele procura refúgio no que parece ser uma casa abandonada. Mas ele rapidamente descobre que a casa só não está abandonada, como está ocupada, por dois sequestradores que mantêm a filha de um homem de negócios rico como refém no local.