An in-depth look of the 40 year journey, from post-war Germany to Hollywood royalty, of Hans Zimmer, the man who’s become the dominant force in the world of movie soundtracks. His film credits include The Lion King, Rain Man, Pirates of The Caribbean, Gladiator, The Dark Knight Trilogy, 12 Year A Slave, The Thin Red Line, The Da Vinci Code and Dune.
Após estarem desaparecidos durante mais de 500 anos, os restos mortais do Rei Ricardo III são descobertos debaixo de um parque de estacionamento em Leicester. A busca fora orquestrada por uma historiadora amadora, Philippa Langley, que viu a sua pesquisa incessante recebida com incompreensão pelos amigos e familiares e com ceticismo por especialistas e acadêmicos.
Original Film Writer
Alexandre Desplat is one of the most famous film music composer of today. Innovative artist with a singular expression, he is the successor of french masters of film music: Georges Delerue, Antoine Duhamel, Maurice Jarre. Writing music for films gather his two passions: music and cinema. Between working sessions, confidences, films and personnal archives, Alexandre Desplat offers, through this documentary, a great record on the creative process and today’s cinema.
Director Stephen Frears, film historian Ian Christie, and author and British film historian Richard Dacre discuss the unique qualities of The Man in the White Suit as well as the legacy of its director, Alexander Mackendrick.
Chris Wade's documentary film is a personal, intimate and affectionate look at the life and work of Lindsay Anderson, the legendary film and theatre director behind if. - and O Lucky Man. With new recollections from director Stephen Frears, if - star David Wood, plus actor and friend Brian Pettifer, Memories of Lindsay Anderson paints a portrait of a stubborn, self assured artist, an anti establishment non conformist who refused to play the game, and a private man who, though on the surface seemed confident, held his emotional cards close to his chest. This is an in depth study of one of our most brilliant yet undervalued filmmakers.
A brand new feature-length documentary on the film’s production, including new interviews with director Stephen Frears, director of photography Oliver Stapleton, editor Michael Audsley, executive producer Barbara Defina and co-producer Peggy Rajaki.
A feature length documentary about the real state of the British film industry in relation to UK structures past, present and currently for the future. This film exposes the shocking truths about the UK Governments' will to grow an indigenous British film industry, the legacy and testament of the now closed UK Film Council (UKFC), the current British Film Institute and the new Creative England.
A extraordinária história real de uma amizade inesperada nos últimos anos da Rainha Vitória. Quando Abdul Karim, um jovem empregado, viaja da Índia para participar do Jubileu de ouro da rainha, ele é surpreendido ao encontrar a própria rainha. Como a rainha questiona as constrições de sua posição de longa data, os dois forjam uma aliança improvável e dedicada com uma lealdade um ao outro que seu círculo doméstico e interno todos tentam destruir. Quando a amizade se aprofunda, a rainha começa a ver um mundo em mudança com novos olhos e com alegria recupera sua humanidade.
Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep) é uma rica herdeira que persegue obsessivamente uma carreira de cantora de ópera. Aos seus ouvidos, sua voz é linda, mas para todos os outros é absurdamente horrível. O ator St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant), seu companheiro, tenta protegê-la de todas as formas da dura verdade, mas um concerto público coloca toda a farsa em risco.
Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep) é uma rica herdeira que persegue obsessivamente uma carreira de cantora de ópera. Aos seus ouvidos, sua voz é linda, mas para todos os outros é absurdamente horrível. O ator St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant), seu companheiro, tenta protegê-la de todas as formas da dura verdade, mas um concerto público coloca toda a farsa em risco.
Stephen Frears in a interview with film scholar and producer Colin MacCabe. The topics which he touches upon include his career in theater and TV prior to making the film, his impressions of Hanif Kureishi, his relative ignorance of immigrant life and the world he was unwittingly stepping into, the impact of the release of the film, and plenty more.
French Cinema Mon Amour is an ensemble film in which each contributor brings their own voice, their own particular approach, their culture, and their language to produce a portrait of French cinema.
Em 1945, durante a libertação dos campos de concentração nazistas, soldados britânicos registraram em vídeo todo o horror que encontraram. Por ser "chocante demais", as cenas ficaram guardadas por 70 anos, até serem redescobertas e transformadas em documentário pelo British Imperial Museum.
Executive Producer
Em 1945, durante a libertação dos campos de concentração nazistas, soldados britânicos registraram em vídeo todo o horror que encontraram. Por ser "chocante demais", as cenas ficaram guardadas por 70 anos, até serem redescobertas e transformadas em documentário pelo British Imperial Museum.
Thirteen filmmakers talk about Henri Langlois and their relationship with him.
Thirteen filmmakers talk about Henri Langlois and their relationship with him.
Irlanda, 1952. Philomena Lee é uma jovem que tem um filho recém-nascido quando é mandada para um convento. Sem poder levar a criança, ela o dá para adoção. A criança é adotada por um casal americano e some no mundo. Após sair do convento, Philomena começa uma busca pelo seu filho, junto com a ajuda de Martin Sixsmith, um jornalista de temperamento forte. Ao viajar para os Estados Unidos, eles descobrem informações incríveis sobre a vida do filho de Philomena e criam um intenso laço de afetividade entre os dois.
Em 1967, o boxeador Muhammad Ali se recusou a servir o exército dos Estados Unidos na Guerra do Vietnã por ter se convertido ao islã e, segundo a religião, ele não participar do conflito. Devido à atitude, Ali teve seu titulo de campeão mundial cassado e foi proibido de lutar boxe nos Estados Unidos, além de se tornar réu em um processo que poderia levá-lo à prisão. O julgamento em questão chega à Suprema Corte de Justiça, onde os juízes, todos de idade avançada, precisam decidir a questão. O problema é que nem sempre eles avaliam apenas o espírito da lei, levando em consideração também a política adotada pelo então presidente Richard Nixon.
Beth Raymer (Rebecca Hall) é uma sonhadora incorrigível que trabalha como dançarina em uma casa de striptease em Tallahassee. Sua vida muda quando conhece Dink Heimowitz (Bruce Willis), um dos jogadores mais conhecidos da atualidade, que participará de um campeonato de pôquer em Las Vegas. Beth logo se torna sua assistente, mas precisa lidar com as ameaças da esposa de Dink, Tulip (Catherine Zeta-Jones), uma showgirl aposentada.
Sam was born with an extremely rare genetic disorder called Familial Dysautonomia. When born, he had 50 per cent chance of making it to his fifth birthday. Now, at the age of 39 we follow this exceptional person as he pursues his joint goals of getting his acting career back on track and finding love.
Documentary about Hans Zimmer.
A jornalista Tamara Drewe retorna para a pequena cidade onde cresceu e causa um rebuliço. Na adolescência, ela era feia e tinha o nariz grande. Após fazer plástica, se transformou em uma linda mulher. Agora é o objeto de desejo de três homens: Andy, um faz-tudo local, seu ex-namorado Ben, baterista em uma banda de rock, e Nicholas, que é casado.
Documentary about the making of Alfred Hitchcock's 1946 film NOTORIOUS.
Executive Producer
O filme reconta o chocante caso de Jean Charles de Menezes, brasileiro que vivia na Inglaterra, foi confundido com um terrorista e assassinado pela polícia britânica em 2005. O caso gerou polêmica ao redor do mundo e comoveu o Brasil.
Features conversations with ten of the world's greatest living directors: Bernardo Bertolucci, David Lynch, Liliana Cavani, Stephen Frears, Agnes Varda, Ken Loach, Todd Haynes, Catherine Breillat, Richard Linklater and John Sayles. The film documents Ismailos' voyage of discovering the creative personalities behind the camera.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Na Paris de 1920, o filho de uma cortesã refugia-se em um mundo de fantasia após ser obrigado a terminar seu relacionamento com uma mulher mais velha, que o iniciara nos caminhos do amor.
Na Paris de 1920, o filho de uma cortesã refugia-se em um mundo de fantasia após ser obrigado a terminar seu relacionamento com uma mulher mais velha, que o iniciara nos caminhos do amor.
Documentary on the history of gay and lesbian film.
A notícia da morte da princesa Diana se espalha rapidamente pelo mundo. Incapaz de compreender a reação emocional do público britânico, a rainha Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) se fecha com a família real no palácio Balmoral. Tony Blair (Michael Sheen), o recém-apontado primeiro-ministro britânico, percebe que os líderes do país precisam tomar medidas que os reaproximem da população e é com essa missão que ele procura a rainha.
A program of short films from some of the cinema's greatest diectors. Curated by Emir Kusturica and Stephen Frears.
- George Lucas "1.42.08 to Qualify" (1966)
- Ridley Scott "A Boy and a Bicycle" (1965)
- Robert Zemeckis "The Lift" (1972)
- Tony Scott "One of the Missing" (1969)
- Emir Kusturica "Guernica" (1978)
- Luc Besson "L'avant dernier" (1981)
- Lars von Trier "Nocturne" (1980)
- Terry Gilliam "Storytime" (1968)
- Paul Verhoeven "A Lizzard Too Much" (1960)
- Roman Polanski "Le gros et le maigre" (1960)
- Jane Campion "Peel" (1982)
- Stephen Frears "The Burning" (1967)
Eccentric 70-year-old widow purchases the Windmill Theatre in London as a post-widowhood hobby. After starting an innovative continuous variety review, which is copied by other theaters, they begin to lose money. Mrs. Henderson suggests they add female nudity similar to the Moulin Rouge in Paris.
Self - Interviewee
Episode of the BBC Scotland television series focusing on Lindsay Anderson's 1968 film "If...", featuring interviews with star Malcolm McDowell, cinematographer Miroslav Ondříček, assistant editor Ian Rakoff, director’s assistant Stephen Frears, producer Michael Medwin, and screenwriter David Sherwin
As a traveler searches for a place called Confidence, he keeps running into other versions of himself.
Interviewee (archival)
A documentary about film director Lindsay Anderson, made for BBC Scotland television series "Artworks Scotland."
It is approaching an election in the UK when the leader of the Labour party, John Smith, suffers another in a line of heart attacks and dies. With the leadership campaign about to start the clear choice appears to be Gordon Brown, a stanch Scotsman. However Tony Blair is also beginning to appear more likely as he will appeal to Southern voters who would be turned off by Brown. Blair rings Brown to arrange a meeting to discuss which will go for the job. The film flashbacks to the start of their relationship, sharing an office in Westminster on their first seats.
De Stephen Frears, diretor nomeado ao Oscar por Os Imorais, Ligações Perigosas e Alta Fidelidade. Indicado ao Oscar de Melhor Roteiro Original, com Audrey Tatou, estrela de sucesso internacional. No secreto submundo de Londres, dois imigrantes ilegais descobrem que o preço da liberdade pode ser mais do que eles estão dispostos a arriscar. Um nigeriano, imigrante ilegal, que trabalha como porteiro em um hotel, é acusado de assassinato. Ele se junta a uma camareira turca e uma prostituta chinesa para desvendar o crime.
Robert Altman interviewed during the making of GOSFORD PARK (2001), as well as members of the cast and crew. Also, revealing behind the scenes footage and information about his career leading up to this feature.
A rare look at the the career of film director Pedro Almodóvar, especially his early works, with interviews with the director himself and his stars and admirers.
A morality tale of xenophobia, religious prejudice, mob violence, poverty, and their effect on two children in Liverpool during the Depression. When a shipyard closes, Liam and Teresa's dad loses his job. Liam, who's about 8, making his first Holy Communion, gets a regular dose of fire and brimstone at church. Teresa, about 13, has a job as a maid to the Jewish family that owns the closed shipyard. The lady of that house is having an affair, and Teresa becomes an accomplice. Liam stutters terribly, especially when troubled. Dad comes under the sway of the Fascists, who blame cheap Irish labor and Jewish owners. A Molotov cocktail brings things to a head.
British film-maker Alan Clarke was championed by the likes of Gary Oldman, Tim Roth and Ray Winstone - Stephen Frears even called him the best. And yet Clarke only ever made 3 feature films. This documentary explores the life and career of an exceptional director - Alan Clarke.
O mundo está à beira de uma catástrofe nuclear. Uma pane no computador do Departamento de Defesa americano, envia uma transmissão de códigos de ataque nuclear, para um esquadrão de bombardeiros dos EUA, liderados pelo coronel Jack Grady (Clooney), com ordens para atacar Moscou. Sem muito tempo para agir, o presidente americano e seus conselheiros precisam impedir que os mísseis sejam disparados e que a Terceira Guerra Mundial tenha início.
Rob Gordon é o dono de uma loja de música beira da falência, pois apenas vende discos em vinil. Azarado no amor e ao mesmo tempo uma enciclopédia ambulante sobre música pop, os caminhos da vida terminam por levá-lo a analisar suas escolhas e prioridades, fazendo com que se torne uma pessoa mais madura.
Os amigos vaqueiros Pete Calder e Big Boy Matson voltam para a fazenda depois de lutarem na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pete espera voltar à simplicidade do pastoreio de gado, mas o rico fazendeiro local, Jim Ed Love o avisa que os caminhos do Velho Oeste não são mais os mesmos. Big Boy, briga, faz apostas e ganha o afeto da sedutora casada, Mona. Josefa anseia por Pete, mas ele quer o que Big Boy tem.
Executive Producer
The true story of Stephanie Slater, a British estate agent who was kidnapped, raped, and held for ransom by Michael Sams, who imprisoned her in a coffin-like box for eight days.
A tribute of Howard Hawks by the British Film Institute.
A terceira parte da "'Barrytown Trilogy" do autor irlandês Roddy Doyle, na sequência de "The Commitments" e "The Snapper", retrata as aventuras hilariantes ainda que pungentes de Bimbo. Após ser demitido de seu emprego na padaria, Bimbo e seu melhor amigo resolvem empreender negócio próprio e compram uma "Chipper" (uma van para venda de peixe e batatas fritas). Mas será que as pressões do sucesso financeiro azedará sua amizade para sempre?
No século XIX na Inglaterra, uma arrumadeira (Julia Roberts) vai trabalhar na casa de um médico conceituado e rico (John Malkovich). Entretanto, este médico é o Dr. Jekyll e, apesar de idolatrar seu patrão, ela gradativamente descobre que ele é um homem desesperado, que esconde um terrível segredo que envolve seu assistente, o senhor Hyde.
Stephen Frears and a quartet of film industry notables - representing different cinematic periods - drink tea and discuss ups and downs of British cinema.
Stephen Frears and a quartet of film industry notables - representing different cinematic periods - drink tea and discuss ups and downs of British cinema.
Morando na Irlanda, Sharon Curley tem 20 anos e vive com seus pais e muitos irmãos e irmãs. Quando ela fica grávida e se recusa a dizer quem é o pai, ela se torna o assunto da cidade.
Bernie Laplante faz o primeiro gesto altruísta de sua vida quando ele ajuda salvar passageiros feridos de um acidente de avião na estrada, e depois desaparece na noite. Na esperança de encontrar o herói que a tirou do naufrágio, a repórter Gale Gayley anuncia um prêmio de 1 milhão de dólares para o herói se apresentar. Mas, quando o bonito vagabundo John Bubber recebe o crédito, Bernie luta para expô-lo em meio a um circo de mídia e incontáveis fãs.
Documentary - Alan Clarke's films exposed a real, raw world as no other films have. Works such as "Scum," "Made in Britain," "The Firm," "Rita, Sue and Bob Too" and "Elephant" inspired a generation of British actors, writers and directors that changed cinema forever. This documentary features rare behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with friends and colleagues of Clarke, including Tim Roth, Danny Boyle, Stephen Frears, Ray Winstone and Phil Daniels. -
Depois de muito tempo, jovem desonesto reencontra a mãe também metida em contravenções. É mais uma comédia de humor negro do que propriamente uma tese sobre imoralidade. Martin Scorsese assina a coprodução e faz a narração em off.
França, 1788. A Marquesa de Merteuil (Glenn Close) precisa de um favor do seu ex-amante, o Visconde de Valmont (John Malkovich), pois seu ex-marido está planejando se casar com uma jovem virgem e ela deseja que o Marquês, que é conhecido por sua vida devassa e suas conquistas amorosas, a seduza antes do dia do casamento. No entanto, ele tem outros planos, pois planeja conquistar uma bela mulher casada (Michelle Pfeiffer), que sempre se mostrou fiel ao marido e é religiosa. A Marquesa exige então uma prova escrita dos seus encontros amorosos e, se ele conseguir tal façanha, ela lhe promete como recompensa passarem uma noite juntos. Mas os jogos de sedução fogem do controle e os resultados são bem mais trágicos do que se podia imaginar.
A couple of bored escorts find themselves suddenly involved with a hit-gang and an ax-murderer - Mr. Jolly. Gratuitous violence, rivers of blood and maximum hilarity, all rolled into one.
Sammy and Rosie are an unconventional middle-class London married couple. They live in the midst of inner-city chaos, surround themselves with intellectual street people, and sleep with everybody - except each other! Things become interesting when Sammy's father, Rafi, who is a former Indian government minister, comes to London for a visit. Sammy, Rosie, and Rafi try to find meaning through their lives and loves.
Stephen Frears directs this biographical drama focusing on controversial British playwright Joe Orton, revealed in flashback after his murder by lover Kenneth Halliwell. Born in 1933 in Leicester, in the English Midlands, John 'Joe' Orton moves to London in 1951, to study at RADA, and enjoys an openly gay relationship with Halliwell in their famous Islington flat in the 1960s. However, when Orton achieves spectacular success with such plays as 'What the Butler Saw' and 'Loot', Halliwell begins to feel alienated and the pair's future looks increasingly uncertain.
Scottish Television's film on the 40th Edinburgh International Film Festival in 1986, starring Robbie Coltrane (a former EIFF chauffeur) and featuring interviews with Bill Forsyth, Samuel Fuller and Barry Norman, among many others.
As the Lady Chatterley court case puts its seal on the 1950s, three boys set out for a day's train-spotting. They see more than just trains, though, on a day when innocence and illusion are lost.
A look at the career of Oscar-winning cameraman Chris Menges. Filmed on location of 'Comfort and Joy'. Chris Menges discusses his early career in television and film. Featuring interviews with Bill Forsyth, Bill Paterson, Ken Loach, Neil Jordan, and Jeremy Isaacs.
A Pakistani Briton renovates a rundown laundrette with his male lover while dealing with drama within his family, the local Pakistani community, and a persistent mob of skinheads.
Newly widowed Etta visits her beloved Aunt M and discovers her bedridden and listless. Etta's struggle to restore her aunt's dignity and cheer brings renewed meaning to the lives of both women, but also reveals family secrets and forces confrontations with her aunt's indifferent son and hostile daughter-in-law.
Ex-gangster Willie Parker has betrayed his former "colleagues" and now lives in Spain where he thinks he can hide from their vengeance...
The year is 1974, and Barbara Dean (Judi Dench), a British assistant manager in a foreign bank in Saigon, begins a relationship with American Bob Chesneau (Frederic Forrest). She quickly realises that he works for the CIA and he knows that the fall of South Vietnam is very near.
Sequel to the TV film "Walter". In the United States, the two films have been released together on DVD as a package, called "Loving Walter".
A man with learning difficulties suffers neglect and ill-treatment, and this is only exasperated when his parents die and nobody seems to know what to do with him. A sequel to this film, titled "Walter and June", was released in 1983 and set 19 years later in time. In the United States, these two are sometimes bundled together under the title "Loving Walter".
Play about two elderly cancer patients suffering in hospital.
The slender premise springs from the actions of two listless 11-year-old boys, the cold, manipulative Leo, and his weaker, more impressionable friend, Mike. Contemptuous of the fallible police force (Mike has already filched a police hat from an accident scene), the boys arrange a staged knife fight outside a football stadium with the aid of a bag of stage blood and a real blade.
Play For Today written by and starring Neville Smith. Christian Harvey , a local radio DJ and ageing rocker, is an obsessive fan of Elvis and the news of Elvis's death is for him a personal tragedy as well as the end of an era.
Alan Bennett's play about the mid-life crisis of an estate agent.
Alan Bennett's play about the mid-life crisis of an estate agent.
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested in him, on his afternoon off work he buys a box of chocolates and sets off to find her.
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested in him, on his afternoon off work he buys a box of chocolates and sets off to find her.
A series of pink forms has Doris and Doreen fearing for their cushy jobs.
A repressed night-school teacher, secretly homosexual, struggles to cope with his demanding, eccentric mother.
Biscuit Man
A budding Scottish film producer tries to get his ambitious Aberdeen-set western financed, and while he attracts some major stars and directors to the film he finds that with their support come more and more script changes... Filmed around the 1977 Edinburgh Film Festival, Long Shot is a deadpan satire about the trials and tribulations of British independent filmmaking, with terrific cameos from Wim Wenders, Susannah York, Stephen Frears, Alan Bennett and John Boorman.
Arthur Dodsworth has recently retired. He lives alone except for his budgie and memories of his late wife Winnie. One afternoon his nap is interrupted by the doorbell; his former secretary, Peggy Prothero, has come to visit. A brash, charmless woman who seems to take no pleasure in anything but putting people down, Miss Prothero wants to fill her old boss in on all the changes that have taken place at work since he left. Dodsworth isn't very curious, and as the visit wears on it puts a little strain on his politeness and patience. Miss Prothero doesn't enjoy it much either, but lingers on as there's a bombshell she wants to drop. The docketing system Dodsworth introduced thirty years earlier, which revolutionised the firm, has been scrapped by her adored new boss Mr Skinner. The crowning achievement of Dodsworth's career has just become obsolete, and she wants to tell him all about it.
A bittersweet drama on a familiar theme - the frictions forced to the surface during a Christmas family get-together - Michael Abbensetts' Black Christmas is an understated and affecting study of relationships, unexpressed pain and a tormented nostalgia for a distant home.
A 1976 play concerning an unemployed school leaver becomes involved with professional car thieves. Part of the ITV Playhouse strand.
A 1976 play concerning an unemployed school leaver becomes involved with professional car thieves. Part of the ITV Playhouse strand.
Kevin's wife walked out, and left him holding the baby. No sleep, dirty nappies - and a career in pop music at risk. And ahead lies a visit to the clinic. Will Kevin succeed as a mother?
One hot June day, three friends decide there is nothing they would like to do more than to get away from London. A boating holiday with lots of fresh air and exercise would be just the very thing, or so their doctors tell them. So, after debating the merits of hotel or camp beds and what to pack, they set off on their voyage - a trip up the Thames from Henley to Oxford - but very quickly find themselves ill-equipped for the trials of riverbank life.
A married couple, after a life time of work and bringing up a family, retire and awaken to the fast changing world around them, the habitual nature of their relationship, and what they have left.
Chance has missed the match, but the girls at his sister's wedding might make up for it
Alan Bennett's debut play for television follows the members of a Halifax cycling club, on an outing from Halifax to the ruins of Fountains Abbey. Set in the summer of 1911 and projects an idyllic vision of Edwardian England .
A would be private eye gets mixed up in a smuggling case.
An anti-short short. On three occassions a man overhears a car accident while relaxing in his room. He reacts with less and less concern to each crash.
The Burning is Stephen Frears’ first film, a chilling exploration of racial tensions in Apartheid-era South Africa. On a sweltering summer’ day, a wealthy white matriarch insists on taking her household on a planned trip to the country, in spite of their urgent warnings that an uprising is underway.
Assistant Director
Morgan, an aggressive and self-admitted dreamer, a fantasist who uses his flights of fancy as refuge from external reality, where his unconventional behavior lands him in a divorce from his wife, Leonie, trouble with the police and, ultimately, incarceration in a lunatic asylum.
Executive Producer
Part coming-of-age story, part true-life portrait of the beloved Billy Wilder, the film is set during the summer of 1977, when an innocent young woman begins working for the famed director and his screenwriter Iz Diamond on a Greek island during the filming of Fedora.