Michael Knoll


Como a vida de Felicitas é virada de cabeça para baixo, ela não sabe se seus pesadelos estão tomando conta ou se algo maior está tentando controlá-la - e a única maneira de descobrir a verdade é sua melhor amiga Natascha que está trancada em um asilo.
Der Besuch
Klaus works voluntary as a Santa Claus in a shopping mall. After an exhausting day, he considers to hang up his job. But then, he gets a call from the children's intensive care unit.
In the Deathroom
Fletcher, tells his psychiatrist how he was mistakenly held captive by a mysterious secret service. This secret service is said to have tried to manipulate him in an elaborate power game and break his spirit. Fletcher's psychiatrist is suspicious of the story and tries to help Fletcher stay sane. Because. the truth is even more frightening.