Pierre Semmler

Pierre Semmler

Nascimento : 1943-04-19, Gladbeck, Germany

Morte : 2011-09-09


Pierre Semmler
Pierre Semmler


Cargo - O Espaço é Gelado
Pierre Lacroix
O cargueiro do espaço Kassandra, está na rota para a distante Estação 42. Somente Laura, uma jovem médica, desperta a bordo. Seus companheiros de equipe estão todos dormindo, congelado. Quando a exploração do espaço por uma nave de carga fria dá errada, toda a tripulação deve ser congelada. Faltam mais quatro meses para que Laura chegue ao fim de sua missão. Durante a sua ronda de inspeção diária através da nave vazia e quieta, Laura tem um pressentimento de que não esta sozinha a bordo. Ao ouvir estranhos ruídos decide finalmente acordar o capitão Lacroix. Algo ou alguém parece estar escondido nos compartimentos de carga. Um jogo de gato e rato começa, em que nada é o que parece ser...
Spital in Angst
Kurt Nicolas Romer
The Hunt for the Hidden Relic
STEFFEN VOGT, aged around 25, is helping out at a German archeological excavation in Israel when he finds a 2,000-year-old skeleton holding the instructions for a video camera dating from the year 2003. The bones also show traces of the present day. His theory of a time-traveler who made a video of Jesus is laughed at by everyone, however, including SHARON, an attractive Israeli woman he adores. Although no one appears to believe him, his find certainly seems to have generated interest: Steffen is attacked shortly afterwards in his hotel room by strange men; then he discovers that the German embassy and the secret service are after him; and when his friend DAN is murdered, he goes into hiding.
La Tour Montparnasse Infernale
Eric and Ramzy are working as window washers at the Montparnasse skyscraper in Paris. Thinking that he has a date set up with beautiful executive Marie-Joelle (who in reality hates his guts), Ramzy stays at work late while Eric hangs around with him. As a result, the pair witness a gang of terrorists seize the tower and take its late-night occupants (including Marie- Joelle) hostage. Knowing that only they can save the day, Eric and Ramzy swing into action.
Vera Brühne
Luftpiraten - 113 Passagiere in Todesangst
General Thilo Gessl
Hard Off
This French romantic comedy-drama concerns Claude Langmann, a middle-aged auctioneer, who is in a loving marriage with his second wife of 15 years. Though he is deeply in love with his wife and has remained faithful to her, he finds himself unable to perform in bed. His wife says she is satisfied with Claude's love and tenderness, but he visits a sex specialist anyway. There he learns of Viagra, which is not yet approved in France, though it is available in Switzerland over the counter. Soon Claude is on his way to Geneva, and eager to prove his manhood, tries to bed Agnes, his very attractive and very available assistant. His daughter, who also comes along for the trip, interferes with her own problems.
Le jeu du renard
Tania, a young actress, puts everything at stake for her starring role in Dotez's play. But Dotez, blocked and hostile to Tania, only frees himself as the rehearsals progress, while his actress is exhausted in her daily life, divided between Yan, her lover, and Lila, his little daughter.
No Time for Justice
A man is accused of a crime he didn't commit. He will be sexually abused in prison.
Imensidão Azul
Há um lugar em nosso planeta que é mais incomum do que qualquer outro - o menos conhecido e o mais misterioso. É um lugar semelhante ao espaço sideral, no qual as noções convencionais de tempo e espaço se diluem. É um lugar mágico e perigoso no qual o corpo humano, bem como seu espírito, precisa se adaptar. É o único lugar onde um homem chamado Jacques Mayol realmente se sente em casa. É o mar - a "Imensidão Azul". Jacques e Enzo são amigos desde a infância e compartilham uma paixão pelo esporte perigoso do mergulho livre. O mergulhador profissional Jacques optou por seguir os passos de seu pai, que morreu no mar quando Jacques era um menino. Para perplexidade dos cientistas, Jacques possui a habilidade notável de ajustar sua freqüência cardíaca e padrão de respiração, de modo que seus sinais vitais se assemelhem mais aos dos golfinhos do que dos homens. Existem 3 versões: 168 m = do diretor 132 m = original 118 m = curta
The Secret Wife
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
The Unsewing Machine
Steff Muller
The insane Doctor Enger is obsessed with his plan to build a hospital to cure blind children, and goes on a killing and kidnapping spree with the police in pursuit.
Le caviar rouge
'Le Caïman'
Russian spy boss in Geneva spends a night interrogating two spies to see who is a traitor.
Going and Coming Back
L'officier allemand
Salomé Lerner just finished writing an autobiography. She goes to a TV show called "Apostrophes", hosted by French TV showman Bernard Pivot. Pivot then imagines a film that could be created from her gripping story. A film entirely made of music because after seeing the young pianist Erik Berchot, Salomé believes seeing her long lost brother, who was a musician as well. A brother she had lost along with her parents in 1943. However, the Lerners did in fact escape the gestapo and might have based themselves in Paris...
A Vida do Próximo
German Colonel on higway
In the German-occupied Paris, Helene is torn between the love for her boyfriend Jean, working for the resistance and the German administrator Bergmann, who will do anything to gain her affection.
Os Abutres
Capt. Ulrich Dieterle
Em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, na Tunísia, legionários franceses devem transportar barras de ouro para um local seguro. Mas quando eles chegaram, a cidade já havia caído nas mãos dos alemães. Um tiroteio irrompe; quatro homens escapam. Augagneur, um dos sobreviventes, apropria-se dos lingotes e foge...
Stray Bullets
Le directeur de la banque
Plus beau que moi tu meurs
Un séducteur à l'accent italien tente d'échapper à la police qui le poursuit pour un crime qu'il n'a pas commis.
O Ás dos Ases
In this action comedy the French boxer Jo Cavalier is charmed on the train to Berlin for the Olympics in Hitler's Germany by the little boy Simon Rosenblum who asks his autograph; when it turns out his adorable young fan is a Jewish orphan in danger of persecution, he risks his one shot at Olympic glory to save Simon and his family, helped only by a German officer-gentleman who became his friend in World War I, by an adventurous escape to Switzerland, Nazi troops on their heals and braving impossible odds in roller coaster-style.
The Hostage Tower
Young German
A flamboyant master criminal and several specialists stage an audacious scheme to capture the Eiffel Tower and hold as hostage one of its visitors, the U.S. President's mother, while the head of a UN security force tries to stop them.
The Island of Thirty Coffins
The story takes place in 1917. Véronique is a young woman of 35 years, nurse at the military hospital of Besançon. She suddenly learns of the murder of her husband, the mysterious Count Vorski, whom she has not seen for fourteen years. Her research will also lead her to the track of her father and son whom she believed to have died in a shipwreck, already a long time ago. From clue to clue, here we are in Brittany, on this island with a name so ill-fitting... Brutal deaths, enigmatic words written... by whom? A frightening prophecy, the superstitious terror of the island's inhabitants, and suddenly, Veronica d'Hergemont can no longer leave this island. She's stuck alone. Almost alone...
Uma História Simples
Uma história simples sobre pessoas simples. Uma mulher divorciada (Marie) com 38 de idade, que agora tem um amante (Serge), mas decide deixá-lo, abortar seu bebê, e então retornar com seu ex-marido (Georges). Sua vida cotidiana e de seus amigos, que têm os mesmos problemas típicos.