Ben Woolford


This Filthy Earth
The tragic story of two sisters whose lives are disrupted by two men. Amidst a landscape of rural hardship and a community consumed with superstition, events unfurl which threaten their sibling bond.
A Guerra dos Outros
Em 1993 a guerra da Bósnia está em seu momento mais crítico e vários refugiados da Iugoslávia estão chegando na Inglaterra. Quatro típicas famílias londrinas terão suas vidas transformadas pelo conflito e pelos refugiados da guerra.
Anton & Minty
Minty's hobbies include drinking tea, smoking roll-ups and falling into a coma. Anton goes everywhere with a ladder. He's mad.
Smart Alek
In 1972 a family are on their way for a holiday in Essex. The parents argue and the son swears, making obscene gestures. So the father throws him out, drives on and crashes the car. The grandmother flags down a car with three men in it. Too late she recognises one as the man who shot a neighbour...