Roweena Mackay


Desculpe Te Incomodar
Art Department Coordinator
A trama segue um operador de telemarketing negro com problemas de auto-estima que descobre a chave para o sucesso comercial: mesclar a sua voz com a de um ator branco. Subindo na hierarquia da empresa, ele acaba descobrindo o segredo terrível dos chefes, sendo obrigado a tomar uma importante decisão.
Um dia essa dor lhe será útil
Wardrobe Assistant
Precocious yet sensitive teenager James has a deep perception of the world but no idea how to live in it. Finding no help from his divorced parents nor his older memoir-writing sister, he decides to reject the beliefs adults try to push on him, starting with the college career that is looming over his last summer in New York, and embarks instead on a search for wisdom through nontraditional means...