Noble Johnson

Noble Johnson

Nascimento : 1881-04-18, Marshall, Missouri, USA

Morte : 1978-01-09


Noble Johnson 18 de abril de 1881 - 9 de janeiro de 1978 foi um ator estadunidense que iniciou sua carreira na era do cinema mudo, alcançando a era sonora, atuando em 145 filmes entre 1915 e 1950. Afro-americano, destacou-se por incentivar o cinema negro numa época de grande preconceito racial nos Estados Unidos, fundando uma companhia cinematográfica, a Lincoln Motion Picture Company, dirigida especificamente para as plateias negras e que seria reconhecida como a primeira companhia a apresentar personagens negros comuns nos chamados “race film”, em vez de personagens caricatos, como era costume até então.


Noble Johnson


Black Shadows on the Silver Screen
Self (archive footage)
Ossie Davis narrates a history of "race films," films made before 1950 which catered to a primarily black audience.
North of the Great Divide
Nagura, Oseka Chief
An Indian agent comes to the rescue when a local tribe's fishing rights are threatened by a greedy cannery owner.
Rock Island Trail
Bent Creek
A greedy businessman tries to block the building of a new railroad in his area.
Legião Invencível
Chief Red Shirt
Nathan Brittles (John Wayne), um capitão veterano da cavalaria americana, não quer aceitar a ideia de se retirar do serviço ativo. Ele se recusa a se aposentar sem antes cumprir todas as suas obrigações com a tribo local e, assim, sai em sua última patrulha para impedir um maciço ataque indígena que pode se transformar em um grande massacre.
The Gallant Legion
Chief Black Eagle
When power-hungry Faulkner and Leroux want to divide Texas into smaller sections, instead of allowing it to enter the Union as a single state, Gary Conway and the Texas Rangers must step in to thwart their chicanery.
Hard Boiled Mahoney
Hasson / Richard
Sach just lost his job as an assistant to a private detective, but he wasn't paid. Slip goes with him down to the detective's office to demand payment, but finds the office empty. A woman enters the office and mistakes Slip for the detective and convinces him to take on a case to find her sister after offering a $50 retainer.
The Plainsman and the Lady
Film about the early days of the Pony Express and the crooked businessman who opposed it.
Eu e o Sr. Satã
Trustee in Hell (uncredited)
The Devil arranges for a deceased gangster to return to Earth as a well-respected judge to make up for his previous life.
A Game of Death
A shipwreck victim washes up on a homicidal big-game hunter's Caribbean island.
Night in New Orleans
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
Ten Gentlemen from West Point
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Mogli: O Menino Lobo
Adaptação da eterna aventura na floresta escreita por Rudyard Kipling. Estrelando Sabu, o jovem indiano que ganhou fama internacional como Mogli, um órfão criado por lobos e amigo de todos os animais selvagens. Quando Mogli volta para sua terra natal, já crescido, ele descobre os estranhos modos dos homens. Lá ele encontra Mahala, uma aldeã encantadora, que fica impressionada com seus amigos animais. Juntos, eles fazem uma viagem através da floresta, até encontrarem ruínas cheias de tesouros de uma civilização perdida.
The Mad Doctor of Market Street
Native Chief Elan
A fugitive doctor (Lionel Atwill) tries to raise the dead for South Sea Islanders.
Shut My Big Mouth
Chief Standing Bull
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Aloma of the South Seas
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
Hurry, Charlie, Hurry
Chief Poison Arrow
In this comedy, the marital conflicts between a meek banker and his nagging wife are chronicled.
A Tentação de Zanzibar
Encalhados na África, Chuck e seu amigo Fearless (Sem Medo) vivem versões cômicas de aventuras na selva, com duas atraentes vigaristas. Chuck e seu amigo Fearless fogem de um carnaval sul-africano quando seu show causa um incêndio. Depois de várias escapadas semelhantes, eles finalmente economizaram o suficiente para voltar aos EUA, quando Chuck gasta tudo em uma mina de diamantes 'perdida'. Mas isso é apenas o começo; Em pouco tempo, uma dupla de mulheres atraentes enganam nossos heróis para financiar um safári cômico, com inúmeras aventuras burlescas na selva. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
A Pecadora
Irate Russian (uncredited)
Banished from various U.S. protectorates in the Pacific, a saloon entertainer uses her femme-fatale charms to woo politicians, navy personnel, gangsters, riff-raff, judges and a ship's doctor in order to achieve her aims.
Legião de Heróis
Native American
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
The Ranger and the Lady
Henchman El Lobo
While Sam Houston in in the nation's capital trying to get Texas into the Union, his aide is trying to impose a self-serving tax on the use of the Santa Fe trail. The lady owner of a wagon train is using the trail, and a Texas Ranger comes to her assistance.
O Castelo Sinistro
The Zombie
After intrepid working girl Mary Carter becomes the new owner of a reputedly haunted mansion located on Black Island near the Cuban coast, a stranger phones warning her to stay away from the castle. Undaunted, Mary sets sail for Cuba with a stowaway in her trunk—wise-cracking Larry Lawrence, a radio announcer who helps Mary get to the bottom of the voodoo magic, zombies and ghosts that supposedly curse the spooky estate.
Inferno Verde
Hostile-Tribe Chief (uncredited)
A group of adventurers head deep into South American jungle in search of an ancient Incan treasure.
Ao Rufar dos Tambores
Native American (uncredited)
Albany, Nova York, 1776. Magdelana Borst e Gilbert Martin casam-se e vão para o Vale do Mohawk, no norte. Devido aos constantes ataques dos índios fogem, juntamente com outros colonos do vale, para um forte próximo, de onde assistem aos índios a destruírem suas fazendas e cabanas. Sarah McKlennar, uma solteirona com uma grande fazenda, vai ajudá-los e contrata Gilbert para trabalhar no campo, dando aos Martin um lugar para ficar. A vida dura da fazenda não é boa para Lana, que foi criada na riqueza e em boas condições. Com o tempo ela começa a gostar da nova vida no Vale do Mohawk, especialmente depois de dar à luz o primeiro filho. Gilbert une-se à milícia que precisa lutar contra as tribos locais, com os soldados britânicos incitando-os para a batalha. Gilbert volta ferido e, enquanto se recupera, há uma grande colheita nos campos. Porém a alegria dura pouco, pois os índios mais uma vez invadem as terras dos colonos.
O Primeiro Rebelde
Captured Delaware Native American
Na América colonial, a revolta contra os ingleses começa a aumentar. Quando descobre que um contrabandista está vendendo armas aos índios, James Smith decide disfarçar seus homens e interceptar os carregamentos, fazendo justiça com as próprias mãos.
Tropic Fury
Hannibal - Slave-Driver
An investigator checks into the rumors of harsh working conditions on an Amazon rubber plantation.
General Regules (uncredited)
The newly-named emperor Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrive in Mexico to face popular sentiment favoring Benito Juárez and democracy.
Aliança de Aço
Native American Shooting Piano (uncredited)
Sinopse: Cecil B. DeMille nos leva de volta ao ano 1860, então reconstrói a primeira ferrovia intercontinental, a Union Pacific. Um dos últimos feitos do Presidente Lincoln foi autorizar a expansão da Union Pacific para o oeste dos EUA. Um espetáculo real e histórico, que as vezes mescla as aventuras fictícias do inspetor ferroviário (McCrea), a bilheteira (Stanwyck), e o melhor amigo de McCrea, Preston. Infelizmente, Preston une-se a Donlevy, que está empenhado a destruir a ferrovia, em nome de um cartel de políticos corruptos. Durante um ataque indígena, McCrea e Preston lutam lado a lado para salvar Stanwyck, então o inspetor tenta convencer Preston, a tornar-se um homem honesto.
Frontier Pony Express
Luke Johnson
In the midst of the Civil War, Lassiter has a plan to get control of California. Working out of St. Joseph, he plans to send forged messages to the troops on the west coast via Pony Express. First he attempts to bribe Pony Express ride Roy Rogers. When Roy refuses he turns to the outlaw Johnson and his gang and this leads to trouble.
Hawk of the Wilderness
An expedition arrives on an uncharted jungle island to rescue the local natives, led by a jungle boy, from a volcano that is about to erupt.
Mysterious Mr. Moto
Native Sergeant
The Japanese detective rounds up a league of assassins for Scotland Yard.
Four Men and a Prayer
Native (uncredited)
The sons of a disgraced British officer try to clear his name.
Rose Hobart
Man (archive footage) (uncredited)
Cornell employs clips from 1931's jungle melodrama East of Borneo – more specifically, clips of its lead actress, Rose Hobart – to disquieting effect. Through Cornell's collage editing, Hobart becomes a singular object of desire and dread, trapped in an exotic paradise.
Mummy's Boys
Tattoo Artist
Wheeler & Woolsey comedy about two moronic ditch diggers, recruited for an archaeology expedition, getting mixed up with jewel thieves and an ancient Egyptian "curse."
Escape from Devil's Island
Two men escape from the French penal colony but not from their jealousy over a woman.
Amahaggar Chief
Leo Vincey, told by his dying uncle of a lost land visited 500 years ago by his ancestor, heads out with family friend Horace Holly to try to discover the land and its secret of immortality, said to be contained within a mystic fire. Picking up Tanya, a guide's daughter, in the frozen Russian arctic, they stumble upon Kor, revealed to be a hidden civilization ruled over by an immortal queen, called She, who believes Vincey is her long-lost lover John Vincey, Leo's ancestor.
Lanceiros da Índia
Ram Singh
In the Northwest Frontier of India, the 41st Bengal Lancers leaded by the harsh Colonel Tom Stone are having trouble with the rebellious leader Mohammed Khan. After two casualties, the experienced but insubordinate Lieutenant Alan McGregor receives as replacement, the arrogant Lieutenant Forsythe and the immature son of Colonel Stone, Lieutenant Donald Stone. With the intention to prove that he will not have any privilege in the troop, the reception of Colonel Stone to his son is absolutely cold, but he becomes the protégé of McGregor. When Lieutenant Stone is kidnapped by Mohammed Khan, McGregor and Forsythe disobey the direct order of their commander, disguise as Indian peddlers and go to Khan's fortress to attempt to rescue their friend
Murder in Trinidad
Author/explorer John W. Vandercook conceived the character of Bertram Lynch as an investigator for the League of Nations. He is Trinidad's Port o' Spain trying to track down the leader of a gang of diamond smugglers. A trail, littered with murders, leads him to a crocodile-infested swamp.
O Filho de King Kong
Native Chief (uncredited)
A história começa aproximadamente um mês após o dramático final de King Kong, no filme original de 1933. As aventuras do filmmaker Carl Denham (interpretado novamente por Robert Armstrong), agora com graves problemas jurídicos pela destruição feita por Kong. Denham sai de New York no navio Venture, do capitão Englehorn. Um marinheiro (Nils Helstrom) vendeu para Denham um mapa com a localização da Ilha da Caveira (Skull Island), onde acreditam existir um tesouro escondido. Também no navio viaja uma bela jovem (Hilda Peterson), que treinou macacos para um show de circo. Eles retornam a Ilha da Caveira, encontram um filhote albino de King Kong (Kiko - nome usado pela produção, mas não citado no filme), que os salva, tornando-se assim amigos. Foi produzido e lançado ainda em 1933, para aproveitar o sucesso estrondoso de King Kong. Porém, não alcançou o mesmo sucesso.
King Kong
Skull Island Native Chief
Em Nova York um famoso diretor de cinema não consegue uma atriz para sua próxima produção, pois ninguém quer ir filmar em um lugar não revelado. Assim ele mesmo começa a vagar pelas ruas até que encontra uma jovem pobre, mas muito bonita, a quem imediatamente dá o emprego. A equipe viaja e vai parar em uma ilha desconhecida, na qual os nativos oferecem "noivas" para Kong, um gigantesco macaco. Após muitos perigos a equipe de filmagens conseguem capturar o macaco, pois pretendem levá-lo para Nova York para ser exibido. Paralelamente o símio se apaixona pela atriz.
A doctor searches for the cure for nagana, the sleeping sickness caused by the tsetse fly.
Zaroff,  O Caçador de Vidas
When legendary hunter Bob Rainsford is shipwrecked on the perilous reefs surrounding a mysterious island, he finds himself the guest of the reclusive and eccentric Count Zaroff. While he is very gracious at first, Zaroff eventually forces Rainsford and two other shipwreck survivors, brother and sister Eve and Martin Towbridge, to participate in a sadistic game of cat and mouse in which they are the prey and he is the hunter.
Mystery Ranch
Megalomaniacal rancher is a law unto himself, until a Ranger is called-upon to bring him to justice.
Os Assassinos da Rua Morgue
Janos The Black One
Em 1845, em Paris, o cientista louco Dr. Mirakle sequestra mulheres jovens e as injeta com sangue de macaco para criar uma companheira para Erik, seu macaco falante de show secundário. Pierre Dupin, um jovem e ingênuo estudante de medicina e detetive, a noiva de Pierre, Camille L'Espanaye, e seus amigos Paul e Mignette, visitam o show secundário de Mirakle, onde expõem Erik. Tanto Mirakle quanto seu servo Janos estão encantados por Camille, que Mirakle planeja como companheira de Erik. Mirakle convida Camille para dar uma olhada em Erik, que agarra seu chapéu. Pierre tenta recuperar o capô, mas Erik tenta estrangulá-lo. Mirakle restringe Erik e se oferece para substituir o capô, mas Camille desconfia e reluta em dar seu endereço ao médico. Quando Pierre e Camille partem, Mirakle ordena que Janos os siga.
A Múmia
The Nubian Servant (uncredited)
Em 1921, uma equipe de arqueologistas no Egito, liderados por Sir Joseph Whemple, descobre a múmia do príncipe Imhotep, que vivera há 3.700 anos e teve como castigo ser enterrado vivo. Também foram encontrados manuscritos com o poder de fazer mortos ressuscitarem, e uma noite, um dos membros da expedição traz o príncipe de volta à vida. Agora, Imhotep vive e se passa por Ardath Bay, um egípcio contemporâneo que persegue uma mulher que acredita ser a reencarnação de sua adorada princesa.
Safe in Hell
To avoid the rigors of the law, Gilda flees New Orleans and hides on a Caribbean island where the worst criminals can ask for asylum. Besieged by the scum of the earth, Gilda will soon find out that she has found refuge in hell.
Son of India
Guard (uncredited)
An Indian jewel merchant goes from penniless to wealthy in this story about gratitude.
East of Borneo
Mrs. Linda Randolph treks through darkened jungles to the land of Maradu to find her missing husband Allan, who'd left her years before when he believed she was in love with another. She finds Allan the drunken court physician to a devious prince-- Whose designs on the pair don't include a happy ending.
Youssef (uncredited)
Four one-for-all and all-for-one privates in the French Foreign Legion are all in jail for disorderly conduct, but they break out and rejoin their regiment and fight off a band of marauding Arabs, and are soon in Casablanca getting decorated by the French Minister of War. Deucalion spots Eleanor, a spy who had done him dirt and after tangling with the local gendarmes, they take her and head back for Morocco where they are charged with desertion, and have to go out and defeat some more marauding natives, and dodge the machine-gun fire directed at them by the highly-displeased Eleanor, and one thing just follows another.
Moby Dick
Herman Melville's mad Capt. Ahab (John Barrymore) spends years hunting the white whale that got his leg.
August Bolte, the richest man in a settlement in German East Africa in the period before World War I, is called "Mamba" by the locals, which is the name of a deadly snake. Despised by the locals and the European settlers alike for his greed and arrogance, Bolte forces the beautiful daughter of a destitute nobleman to marry him in exchange for saving her father from ruin. Upon her arrival in Africa, she falls in love with an officer in the local German garrison. When World War I breaks out, Bolte, unable to avoid being conscripted, foments a rebellion among the local natives.
Pueblo Jim
Wing Foot (Richard Dix), is a Navaho educated in an otherwise all-white school. In the course of the story he experiences prejudice from both the whites (because of his race) and the Navahos (who disown him because of his upbringing). Thus, Wing Foot is looked upon as neither Indian nor white, but simply a "redskin."
The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu
Li Po
A Chinese doctor vows revenge against the allied troops who killed his wife and child during the Boxer Rebellion.
The Four Feathers
An Englishman (Richard Arlen) fights in the Sudan after receiving white feathers of cowardice from his fiancee (Fay Wray) and friends.
Black Waters
A mad captain poses as a cleric to murder people aboard a fogbound ship.
West of Zanzibar
Bit Role (uncredited)
Phroso é um bem-sucedido mágico de espetáculos casado com Anna, mulher que também é objeto de desejo de outro homem, o comerciante de marfim Crane. Quando Anne deixa Phroso para ficar com Crane, começam as tragédias. Numa briga com Crane, Phroso fica paralítico. Alguns meses depois, Anna já não está com o amante e morre deixando uma criança. Com sua vida destruída, Phroso jura vingança contra o homem que tomou sua esposa e lhe deixou paralítico, e parte para África. Dezoito anos depois, ele se tornou o líder de uma tribo africana, parte de seu plano para liquidar Crane. No meio de tanto ódio, a criança, agora uma mulher, se tornou uma prostituta alcoólatra em Zanzibar. Phroso segue com sua vingança, mas a situação foge de seu controle e as tragédias atingem a todos.
Sal of Singapore
Erickson's 1st Mate
SAL OF SINGAPORE was nominated for an Oscar for achievement in Writing during the second year of the Academy Awards. The film, being a part-talkie, nearly disappared from view. However, a preservation print does exist at UCLA, although it is unavailable for public viewing, awaiting restoration.
A Arca de Noé
Slave Broker
The Biblical story of Noah and the Great Flood, with a parallel story of soldiers in the First World War.
The Black Ace
Story of a a Texas Ranger whose foster-father has been falsely accused of a series of crimes.
The Gateway of the Moon
John Griffith Wray silent South America romantic melodrama starring Dolores Del Rio, Walter Pidgeon, Anders Randolf, Lesle Fenton, and Noble Johnson.
Soft Cushions
The Captain of the Guard
Douglas MacLean stars as The Young Thief, who falls in love with The Girl, played by Sue Carol. Alas, the Girl has been sold into the harem of The Wazir (Albert Prisco), forcing the Thief to sneak into the palace to rescue her.
When a Man Loves
Aggresive Apache (uncredited)
A nobleman studying for the priesthood abandons his vocation in 18th Century France when he falls in love with a beautiful, but reluctant, courtesan.
Topsy and Eva
Uncle Tom
Topsy is the main character in this movie. When the black girl who "jes' growed" is auctioned as a slave but nobody will bid on her, Little Eva purchases Topsy for a nickel. That's the one part of this movie that I found plausible: slaveholders often refused to buy children, since their upkeep in food usually exceeded any labour they performed. There's a gooey romantic subplot between Mariette (the niece of Simon Legree) and George Shelby, son of a prominent slaveholder.
Bimbo, ship's cook
Barbara Fiske, a beautiful girl of social standing, is about to be married to Lloyd Van Courtland. On the eve of their marriage, she foolishly pays a visit to a colorful steamship captain aboard his ship.
Rei dos Reis
Esta excelente epopéia bíblica, produzida e dirigida pelo mestre Cecil B. DeMille, é uma mistura hábil de reverência espiritual e imaginação cinematográfica. Considerado por muitos críticos a melhor versão da vida de Cristo já produzida, o filme cobre os 33 anos vividos por Jesus Cristo, desde seu nascimento até a Crucificação, Ressureição e a Ascensão. Incluindo o relacionamento do Salvador com João, os 40 Dias no Deserto, a Escolha dos Apóstolos, o Sermão na Montanha, a Traição de Judas, a Páscoa e a sua Última Ceia. O Rei dos Reisé um épico cheio de planos sequência, figuração realizada por milhares de pessoas, efeitos especiais para a época impressionantes, com uma pesquisa de arte e produção perfeita, tanto para os cenários quanto para o guarda-roupas, fiéis totalmente ao período e um elenco estrelar com grandes atores. Obra-prima incontestável de grande valor histórico e religioso.
The Lady of the Harem
Tax Collector
Rafi arrives in the city in search of Pervaneh who was taken by the Sultan. He is joined by Hassan the confectioner. Rafi is captured by the Sultan, but Hassan leads a surprise attack on the palace and the lovers are united.
The Flaming Frontier
Chief Sitting Bull
Bob Langdon, a young Pony Express rider, is given an appointment to West Point, but is forced to leave the academy as the result of political intrigue stirred up by enemies of his friend, General George A. Custer. Bob returns to the west and is made a scout for Custer's 7th Cavalry. At the Battle of Little Big Horn, Custer sends Bob with a message for aid, and Bob becomes the only survivor of the battle.
The Law of the Snow Country
Crowd Member (uncredited)
Os amigos de infância Judah Ben-Hur e Messala encontram-se novamente quando adultos. Messala é um oficial romano e Ben-Hur é um israelita conquistado. Um mal-entendido durante um desfile romano faz com que Ben-Hur seja escravizado pelo agora ex-amigo e veja sua família humilhada. Este é apenas o começo da épica jornada de Ben-Hur em busca da vingança.
David Sheldon owns a plantation in the Solomon Islands. Many of his field hands die of blackwater fever, and then he becomes sick himself. Joan Lackland, a female soldier of fortune, arrives by schooner in the islands. With the help of her Kanaka crew, she protects David from an attack by the natives who are led by Googomy. Joan nurses David back to health and becomes his business partner, protecting his mortgaged property from two avaricious moneylenders. Seeking vengeance, the moneylenders incite the natives to revolt.
The Dancers
Young Tony, unable to make a living in crowded and fast-paced London, goes to South America in search of his fortune. He soon becomes the owner of a saloon and dance hall. One of the dancers in his place, Maxine, falls in love with him, but Tony is still in love with his childhood sweetheart Una, although Una is now a "party girl" back in London and has forgotten about Tony. However, Tony comes into an unexpected inheritance, along with a title, and returns to London for Una. Although disappointed with Una's current lifestyle, he asks her to marry him despite her "indiscretions". However, the night before they are to be married Una confesses a deep, dark secret to Tony that could change their lives forever.
Marinheiro Por Descuido
Cannibal Chief (uncredited)
The wealthy and impulsive Rollo Treadway decides to propose to his beautiful socialite neighbor, Betsy O'Brien. Although Betsy turns Rollo down, he still opts to go on the cruise that he intended as their honeymoon. When circumstances find both Rollo and Betsy on the wrong ship, they end up having adventures on the high seas.
Little Robinson Crusoe
Marimba (cannibal chief)
Left an orphan by the death of his father, Mickey Hogan sails for Australia to live with relatives, but he is shipwrecked and stranded on an island inhabited by cannibals who worship him as a war god.
The Midnight Express
Deputy Sheriff
Wastrel son of a railroad magnate, Jack's father becomes frustrated with his son's wild ways. To prove himself, Jack goes to work in the railroad yard as a laborer. An escaped convict, Silent Bill Brachley, steals Jack's car, and the chase leads to a meeting between Jack, the engineer of the Midnight Express, and the engineer's pretty daughter, Mary. As he is led back to jail, Brachley swears revenge.
O Ladrão de Bagdá
The Indian Prince
O ladrão Ahmed, fazendo-se passar por príncipe, penetra no castelo para liderar a revolta contra os invasores mongóis. Conto das mil e uma noites que é considerado um dos mais fantasiosos e divertidos do cinema mudo.
A Man's Mate
Paul Bonard an artist, loses his memory when he receives a blow on the head from one of two apaches fighting over Wildcat, a sultry stepper in a cafe. He becomes an apache himself, falls in love with Wildcat and paints her portrait--his masterpiece. Wildcat learns Paul's identity and restores him to his family, though realizing that she will lose him. Surgery restores Paul's memory, but some subconscious force guides him back to the cafe and Wildcat's love.
Os Dez Mandamentos
The Bronze Man - Prologue
Épico do cinema mudo dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte conta a história de Moisés liderando os Judeus na fuga do Egito para a Terra Prometida e as entregas das tábuas dos mandamentos por Deus. A segunda parte conta a eficácia dos mandamentos na vida moderna e a história de dois irmãos rivais no amor de uma jovem.
Captain Fly-by-Night
First one stranger, then another, arrive at the presidio, each with a government pass and each claiming to have been robbed by the notorious Captain Fly-by-Night and his highwaymen. The soldiers and Señorita Anita believe the first to be Fly-by-Night and the second to be Señor Rocha, Anita's fiancée and emissary of the governor. But the first stranger, to whom Anita is drawn, proves to be on a government mission and exposes the second stranger as Captain Fly-by-Night.
The Loaded Door
Blackie Lopez
Bert Lyons returns to the Grainger spread from the "outside world" to find his former employer dead and the ranch in the possession of Calvert, a narcotics smuggler, and Blackie Lopez, a rustler who has his eyes on Molly Grainger, Lyons' sweetheart.
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
An 18-part silent American adventure film serial now considered to be lost. Chapter Titles: 1. The Sea Raiders 2. Shipwrecked 3. The Cannibals' Captives 4. Hidden Gold 5. The Ship of Despair 6. Friday's Faith 7. The Swamp of Terror 8. Marooned 9. The Jaguar Trap 10. A Prisoner of the Sun 11. No Greater Love 12. The Island of Happiness 13. The Sword of Courage 14. The Buccaneers 15. The Jolly Roger 16. The Idol's Bride 17. When the Heart Calls 18. Back to the Primitive
Capt. Ramirez
In the Spanish town of Magdalena live María and her sweetheart, Pancho, son of the governor. When the town is captured by brigands led by Ramírez, the governor is deposed, and Don Domingo Maticas is appointed in his place. Ramón, son of the new governor, becomes infatuated with María. She repulses him, but he is encouraged by her mother.
The Bronze Bell
In the 1850s, a young prince in India promises his dying father he will lead a revolt against the English colonial masters of India. However, since he is half-European himself, he can't bring himself to do it and flees to America, to live in obscurity. He finds, however, that he can't outrun his obligations
The Wallop
John Wesley Pringle, adventurer at large, returns home after making his strike and finds his old girl friend, Stella, engaged to Christopher Foy, who is running for sheriff. Pringle foils an attempt by incumbent sheriff Matt Lisner to kill Foy, but when Foy is accused of a murder, Pringle, in a clever ruse, captures Foy, holds the posse at gunpoint, and then releases him, explaining his motive.
Os Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse
Conquest (uncredited)
Os Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) éum filme mudo de 1921 produzido e realizado por Rex Ingram. Foi adaptado para cinema por June Mathis a partir do livro de Vicente Blasco Ibanez com o mesmo nome. Teve como actores principais Rudolph Valentino, Pomeroy Cannon, Josef Swickard e AliceTerry. No filme Os Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse, Valentino é sensacional como Júlio,um dançarino de tango e conquistador de mulheres.
The Leopard Woman
Chaké - Madame's Slave
An epic of passion, intrigue, and espionage set in the African Jungle.
Sunset Sprague
The Crow
When Sunset Sprague saves Calico Barnes from a bandit, the two men become friends. Barnes is heading out to protect his niece, Rose Loring, whose father was murdered right after his mine struck gold. Sprague goes to help and finds himself up against the villainous Mace Dennison.
The Adorable Savage
Ratu Madri
Norma Dawn silent tropical island Fiji rubber plantation romantic melodrama starring Edith Roberts, Jack Perrin, Richard Cummings, Noble Johnson, and Dr. Arthur Jervis. This is a "lost" film which means that no surviving copies are thought to exist.
Under Crimson Skies
Baltimore Bucko
The captain of a sailing ship has an affair with the wife of one of his passengers, and gets mixed up in a mutiny at sea and a revolution.
Lightning Bryce
Dopey Sam's Henchman
Two prospectors, one the father of Skye "Lightning" Bryce and the other the father of Kate Arnold, find a large gold deposit belonging to an Indian tribe. They head for home but each sends a note to their respective off-springs advising them of their good fortune. One of the fathers conceives a plan of taking a dagger and wrapping a piece of string around the blade, after which he prints on the string with a lead pencil, the exact location of their find. If something happens to them, the string goes to the son and the knife to the daughter. That night an Indian approaches their camp and blows some mysterious wolf powder which causes a man to see wolves in place of human beings. Lightning's father see his partner as a wolf and stabs him to death; later he is brought into town in a dying condition but before dying, hands the knife and the string over to the sheriff with instructions to deliver to Lightning and Kate.
The Midnight Man
Bob Gilmore, a young clubman, is called by telephone to his home, where his parents are giving him a birthday party. He overhears one of the men guests make a slurring remark about his mother's appearance, and proceeds to punish him then and there, throwing the entire gathering into an uproar. Later in the evening he assumes guilt for a check which had been in reality forged by his foster father, in order to save the mother's feelings, but obtains a written confession from the guilty man for future use if necessary. Learning that he had been adopted from a foundling asylum in infancy, Bob decides to go to New York to see if he cannot learn his real name, which he understands begins with "Mor."
The Lure of the Circus
Silent Andy
Lure of the Circus is a 1918 American adventure film serial directed by J. P. McGowan.
Play Straight or Fight
Helen is a strong-minded, upright, two-handed gunwoman and the protector of a younger brother who has fallen under the evil influence of unscrupulous companions. The climax of the story comes when Helen learns that her brother is to take part in a stage hold-up. To save him she dons male attire and holds up the stage at a point several miles in advance of her brother's attempt.
The Branded Man
Trovio Valdez
The Branded Man is a 1918 Western.
The Hero of the Hour
Native American
Billy Brooks, who exhibits an effeminate personality, leaves his Wall Street magnate father and goes on the road as a perfume salesman. In an effort to cure his son of his womanly ways, Brooks, Sr. wires Nebeker, an old rancher friend, to kidnap Billy from the train and "make a man of him."
Mr. Dolan of New York
Thomas Jefferson Jones
After his defeat at the hands of "Spider" Flynn, the welterweight champion of Europe, boxer Jimmie Dolan and his trainer, Thomas Jefferson Jones, leave for a principality near Paris. Having lost all their money on the fight, Jimmie accepts Count Conrad's offer to impersonate Prince Frederick in return for a large sum of money.
The Terror
Mike Tregurtha
Gunman Chuck Connelly is hired to silence the new district attorney who has been pounding the graft organizations. Chuck goes to the D. A.'s home to threaten him, but is taken off guard when his victim's little daughter leans trustfully on his knee and looks up at him with a smile. The D. A. ignores Chuck's warning, and the gang orders the gunman to execute him. Chuck breaks into the house, but sees the little girl again and is unable to complete his task. Instead, he seeks out his girl friend, Annie Mangan, a Salvation Army reformer, and swears to end his life of crime.
Love Aflame
Cannibal King
Jack Calvert bets four friends that he can travel from New York to Constantinople without a cent.
Fighting for Love
Johnny Little Bear
Two cowboys, Jim and Johnny Little Bear, discover a rich mine and decide to spend some of their money traveling. Their travels lead them to the kingdom of Queen Sylvia, who is being warred upon by the neighboring monarch Ferdinand because she will not marry him. Sympathetic to the Queen's plight, the cowboys wire to America for the rest of the gang, who arrive just in time to rout Ferdinand's attack.
A Trooper of Troop K
A black U.S. Army cavalry unit in the early 1900s mounts an expedition against the forces of a renegade Mexican general along the Texas-Mexico border, leading to a full-scale battle.
Kinkaid, Gambler
Romero Valdez
Determined to maintain her status as a star detective, Nellie Gleason goes after Jim Kinkaid, who has fled to Mexico after robbing real estate magnate George Arnold.
Babylonian Soldier (uncredited)
A intolerância vista e analisada em quatro diferentes estágios da História: na Babilônia, onde uma garota vê-se entre o ódio religioso, levando uma cidade à ruína; na Judeia, onde os hipócritas condenam Jesus Cristo; na Paris de 1572, no Massacre da Noite de São Bartolomeu; e, finalmente, na América, onde reformadores acabam com a vida de um jovem casal.
The Realization of a Negro's Ambition
A junior Negro oil engineer rescues a white woman and earns the chance to succeed in the oil business.
The Realization of a Negro's Ambition
A junior Negro oil engineer rescues a white woman and earns the chance to succeed in the oil business.