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Herbie, um Fusca com personalidade própria, é desprezado por um mau caráter que é dono de uma agência de automóveis de luxo e piloto de corridas, mas o Fusca é acolhido por um piloto boa praça e, em gratidão, o pequeno carro lhe dá diversas vitórias, acabando com a maré de azar do piloto, que inicialmente não entende que foi o fusquinha quem ganhou as corridas. Porém, ele aos poucos entende que o carrinho é o principal responsável pelas vitórias e decide correr sempre com ele. Mas ambos terão que lutar contra um rico rival, que usa toda a espécie de golpes sujos para derrotá-los.
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Frederick Bolton tem que resolver dois problemas. Primeiro, seu chefe o instruiu a elaborar uma campanha razoável para promover um novo produto, uma pílula para o estômago chamada "Aspercel" - até amanhã. O segundo problema é a filha de Fred, Helen. Ela gosta muito de cavalos, tem aulas de equitação e já teve sucesso decente em algumas competições. Seu maior desejo é possuir um cavalo, um sonho que seu pai não pode permitir. Agora Fred tenta resolver os dois problemas ao mesmo tempo simplesmente combinando-os: Um cavalo chamado "Aspercel", montado por sua filha, deve trazer o nome da pílula para os jornais e fazer Helena feliz também. Mas ainda há mais um obstáculo: é claro que Helen e Aspercel têm que ganhar algumas competições de salto para fazer essa ideia funcionar.
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Ao treinar para um papel, o ator Jack é confundido com o assassino Ace. Ele não percebe isso até que seja tarde demais e é levado até o chefe gangster Leo Smooth, que tem um trabalho para Ace. Temendo por sua vida, Jack continua a interpretar o papel.
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Nesta deliciosa comédia, o premiado e talentoso ator Peter Ustinov interpreta o fantasma do lendário pirata Barba Negra. Condenado a vagar pela eternidade até que pratique uma boa ação, o malvado Barba Negra aparece em uma cidadezinha da Nova Inglaterra. Sua grande oportunidade de livar-se desta maldição surge quando ele decide ajudar uma equipe de atletas da faculdade local... que não tem a menor chance de vencer! Usando seus poderes sobrenaturais, este fantasma brincalhão e irreverente apronta as maiores trapalhadas, nesta comédia que vai fazer você morrer de rir!
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Three friends find a secret tunnel under the ruins of a church that leads them to the basement of a dilapidated house and, incidentally, a group of counterfeiters.
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Sr. Mulrooney, dono de uma poderosa madeireira, busca seus dois netos - Rodney e Elisabeth - para uma viagem. No caminho, passam por uma floresta onde Elisabeth encontra um gnomo chamado Jasper e seu velho avô, que lhe pedem ajuda, pois são os únicos sobreviventes da devastação da madeireira.
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Willie, a young Confederate soldier, joins forces with the bold and boisterous Lt. John Singleton Mosby and his notorious band of Civil War raiders. Befriended by a Yankee and aided by his beautiful cousin Oralee, Willie learns the power of love and war as he attempts dangerous scouting missions across the Virginia countryside. Infiltrating a Union brigade and capturing an enemy General are just two of the challenges Willie courageously faces in the early days of the War Between the States.
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Em 1849, o mordomo do garoto Jack Flagg, Bullwhip Griffin, vai atrás de seu jovem patrão quando este decide partir rumo à Califórnia para procurar um tesouro perdido. Juntos, encontram perigos e pessoas que também deixam sua marca nesta grande aventura, como a bela irmã de Jack, Arabella
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Henry Dussard, um jovem americano, herda uma pitoresca mas negligenciada fazenda de oliveiras no sul da França e está determinado a torná-la operacional novamente, apesar dos conselhos do padre local e de uma bonita aldeã. Desesperado por trabalhadores, o inventivo Dussard recorre à equipe de apanhadores de azeitona mais maluca já recrutada - quatro macacos travessos! Como ex-membros de uma equipe espacial da Força Aérea, esses chimpanzés inteligentes assumem rapidamente suas novas responsabilidades - mas provam ter um efeito turbulento sobre os habitantes locais.
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O Tenente e piloto Robin Crusoé enfrenta grandes problemas no motor de seu avião e acaba caindo numa ilha deserta e paradisíaca. Não tendo como retornar, ele resolve construir uma casa, também encontra um velho submarino abandonado com armas e utensílios em bom estado, encontra o chimpanzé Floyd, que na verdade foi dispensado do programa espacial americano, e que acaba se tornando parceiro e arrumador de encrencas de Robin, e ainda conhece uma atraente nativa, a quem chama Quarta-Feira, que foi exilada na ilha pelo seu pai. Quarta-feira tem certeza que Crusoé quer se casar com ela e, já não bastando as confusões por aí, a coisa começa a ficar feia quando quando seu pai retorna à ilha para resgatá-la e Crusoé se recusa a casar com ela, causando então, uma verdadeira guerra entre eles numa deserta e até então, "pacata" ilha deserta.
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Fran Garrison está completamente elétrica porque sua preciosa Dachshund, Danke, terá filhotes, e ela espera que um deles se torne um campeão. Mas numa ida ao veterinário, seu marido Jim é convencido a deixar Danke a adotar um filhote da raça Great Dane que foi abandonado pela mãe. Mas Brutus tem um problema: ele pensa ser um dachshund e é grande demais para ser um cãozinho de colo. Mas quando Fran passa a ridicularizar Brutus, Jim prepara um plano para provar a todos (e a Fran) que um great dane pode ser muito mais do que um dachshund feioso.
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O gato D.C. aparece em casa com um relógio de pulso no pescoço e um pedido de ajuda nele. Desconfiada, Patti, a dona do felino, fala com o FBI acreditando que o item é de Margaret, sequestrada recentemente. Ela então se junta ao agente Zeke Kelso e seu bichinho de estimação para investigar o caso. .
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The young copyboy helps the town’s first female newspaper reporter, who is writing a series on confidence men. The swindlers are caught up in a sting, but they catch on and the reporter and Gallegher have to subdue them in order to escape and write their article.
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O estudioso universitário Merlin Jones encontra um método de ensino de informações avançadas a um chimpanzé, e com isso cria sua própria máquina voadora, o que causa caos no campus.
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História de Cam Calloway e sua família, que vive numa área densamente florestada em New England. Cam sonha em construir um santuário para os gansos que voam sob a área todos os anos, e ele tenta vários projetos de comprar um lago próximo para esse santuário. Todas as tentativas são frustradas, aparentemente; ele e o filho tentam conseguir peles o suficiente para conseguir o dinheiro, mas os preços caem no mercado de peles. Ele usa o pouco dinheiro que conseguem para pagar uma parcela do lago, assim perdendo a casa quando não conseguem pagar a hipoteca a tempo.
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Na Londres de 1910, o banqueiro Mr. Banks, um homem frio que trata com rigidez Jane e Michael, seus filhos sapecas, não consegue contratar uma babá, pois elas desistem facilmente do emprego. Em uma noite, enquanto redige com sua esposa um anúncio de jornal procurando uma babá, sua filha Jane aparece com uma carta mostrando como seria uma babá perfeita. Esta carta acaba chegando nas mãos de Mary Poppins, que é tudo aquilo que está descrito na carta. Mary Poppins possui poderes mágicos e, com seu amigo faz-tudo Bert, transforma a vida daquela família, com muita música, magia e diversão.
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Merlin Jones (Tommy Kirk), é um rapaz inteligente que estuda a escola secundária. Tem como hobby fazer experimentos científicos. Após um curto-circuito em uma máquina de leitura cerebral, ele adquire o poder de ler mentes, o que o coloca em grandes confusões. Depois ele se mete em novos problemas ao fazer experiências com hipnotismo.
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A new boy, Harley, joins a club but shows an interest in the girl on whom the club leader has a crush. The two club members trick Harley into stealing a prize watermelon to the dismay of the furious farmer, and later dare him to enter a supposedly haunted house in which they uncover a bag of money stolen in a bank robbery.
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Três animais de estimação - dois cachorros e um gato - percorrem mais de 400 quilômetros, através do Canadá, à procura de seus antigos donos.
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Quando o Professor Brainard continua seus experimentos em derivados da substância Flubber, mistura das palavras inglesas "flying" (voadora) e "rubber" (borracha), ele se mete em confusões e somente seus alunos podem ajudar.
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A young boy discovers the existence of a group called the Mooncussers - a gang of pirates that work at night and sends out false homing signals to ships at sea. The ships then crash on the shore, where they are looted by the gang.
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Os dois jovens irmãos secretamente levam uma foca para casa das férias de verão e tentam escondê-lo de mamãe e papai. Os estragos acontecem quando as travessuras de Sammy perturbam a tranquila cidade de Gatesville e seus moradores.
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The 10,000th performance of Disneyland's venerable "Golden Horseshoe Revue," featuring special guest stars.
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Party, enterianment, and Behind the scenes
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Hayley Mills interpreta gêmeas que, desconhecendo que seus pais se divorciaram, se encontram em um acampamento de verão. Como ambas moram com pai/mãe "solteiros", elas trocam de lugar (surpresa!) de modo a satisfazer a curiosidade de conhecer o pai/mãe que nunca conheceu. Claro que depois resolvem providenciar a re-união dos pais.
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Um desmiolado professor inventa uma "borracha voadora", um incrível material que ganha energia cada vez que bate em uma superfície dura. Infelizmente ninguém acredita nele, exceto um corrupto empresário que quer roubar o invento para si mesmo.
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Numa pequena cidade do interior americano vive a jovem Pollyana, uma pequena órfã que ilumina a vida de todos que a conhecem. Sua tia Polly, preocupada com aparências, política e posses, tem problemas em aceitar a alegria da sobrinha. Somente quando a cidade quase perde a sua habitante mais querida é que tia Polly entende a importância do amor e da esperança.
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Um olhar de bastidores sobre as filmagens de "O Senhor da Terra" com Walt Disney e Pat O'Brien. Neste programa, Walt Disney prova o seu valor como ator. Aprende sobre as tradições irlandesas, onde conhece o Rei Brian dos Duendes e Darby O'Gill. Gosta tanto das histórias deles, que os convida para a Califórnia para protagonizarem um filme dele.
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Por meio de um antigo feitiço, um menino se transforma em um cão pastor e fica alternando entre as duas formas periodicamente. Parece acontecer em momentos inoportunos e o feitiço só pode ser quebrado por um ato de bravura...
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O jovem Travis Coates (Tommy Kirk) fica encarregado de cuidar do rancho da família, junto com sua mãe e seu irmão mais novo, quando o pai dele viaja para levar uma boiada, na década de 1860. O pequeno Arliss Coates (Kevin Cocoran) acha um cão amarelo perdido na fazenda e resolve dar abrigo, mesmo com a resistência do irmão mais velho Travis. Logo, o cão passa a ser muito amado por todos, mas o seu tempo junto à família pode não durar muito.
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"The Best Doggoned Dog in the World" is an episode of Disneyland which aired on November 20, 1957. It was directed by Robert Stevenson and Larry Lansburgh. This episode provides a preview of Old Yeller, and also features Arizona Sheepdog.
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Um repórter/escritor, auxiliado por seu futuro sogro, conspira para conduzir o assassinato de uma dançarina burlesca com provas forjadas como parte de um esforço para banir a pena de morte. O repórter investigativo Tom Garrett, licenciado de seu trabalho no jornal, trabalha em seu segundo romance. Como está tendo problemas para escrever o segundo, seu chefe e futuro sogro, o editor de jornais Austin Spencer, sugere que ele escreva um livro de não-ficção sobre a pena capital. Eles acreditam que o promotor público do estado, Roy Thompson, sempre manipula os júris para garantir vereditos, levando pessoas inocentes para o corredor da morte. O plano é plantar provas que condenem uma pessoa inocente num caso de assassinato, Tom será a pessoa inocente. Vão documentar todas as evidências plantadas, tornando-as públicas após a apresentação do veredicto para reverter e, esperamos, levar à discussão dos méritos da abolição da pena de morte.
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A morte do magnata da mídia Amos Kyne (Robert Warwick) provoca uma disputa de poder nas suas empresas. Ao mesmo tempo, Nova Iorque sofre com os ataques de um serial killer de mulheres. Edward Mobley (Dana Andrews) precisa capturar o assassino, evitar que as empresas Kyne caiam em mãos erradas e ainda tentar salvar seu relacionamento do fim.
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Do bilionário produtor Howard Hugues, Sangue de bárbaros tem um elenco com grandes estrelas, John Wayne e Suzan Hayard marcaram com grandes atuações esta mega produção épica sobre Genghis Khan. Seqüestrada por Temujin, a princesa tártara Bortai, o engana, fazendo-o desconfiar do seu irmão de sangue, Jamuga interpretado por Pedro Armendariz. Mas, após tantas desventuras, a princesa acaba se apaixonando pelo chefe mongol. Agnes Moorehead interpreta a mãe de Temujin e Thomas Gomes como Hunlun. Sangue de bárbaros foi filmado numa locação perto de Utah, perto de um local de testes atônicos, e teve um resultado trágico. Muitos atores do filme e pessoal da produção contraíram câncer e o primeiro a ficar doente foi o diretor Dick Powel. Apesar da tragédia no elenco, este é um filme marcante na história dos grandes épicos. Ação do começo ao fim.
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Director Charles Lamont's 1955 comedy, about a girl from the sticks doing drudge work at a hotel and dreaming of a better life, stars Judy Canova, Robert Lowery, Jacqueline de Wit, Richard Deacon, Robert Burton, James Bell, Marjorie Bennett, Leon Tyler, William Fawcett and Mimi Gibson.
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Two scuba divers find a shipwreck which may contain undiscovered treasure, however, their attempt to salvage it is threatened by scavengers.
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On Christmas Eve, suffering from a case of writer's block, screenwriter Mark Christopher and his gofer Virgil get an unexpected visit from Sergeant Maizel. Knowing Christopher is working on a juvenile delinquent script, the sergeant brings by delinquent Susan thinking she will inspire Christopher while providing a place for her to spend the holidays outside of juvenile hall.
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An heiress decides to pass out anonymous gifts in a small town.
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Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
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The story tells of Russ Lambert (Robert Mitchum), a prize-fighter with a lethal right-handed punch, who through no fault of his own, killed a fighter in the ring. Since the fight his life has gone downhill.
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An ambulance driver gets involved with a rich girl that might have a darker side.
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An embittered woman seeks escape in marriage, only to fall for her husband’s best friend.
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A cowboy (Tim Holt) and his Mexican-Irish sidekick (Richard Martin) lead a wagon train to an unfriendly place.
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A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
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David gives his wife, Joyce, an unexpected—and unpleasant—surprise when he suddenly demands a divorce. When she then learns that David has taken up with a younger woman, Joyce decides to make the most of this separation by taking a solo trip to the Caribbean. However, just before diving into a vacation fling, she runs into Emily, an old chum whose own divorce has left her embittered. Joyce then debates giving married life one last chance.
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The wedding of Ellen and David is halted by a stranger who insists that the bride is already married to someone else. Though the flabbergasted Ellen denies the charge, the interloper produces enough evidence that his accusation must be investigated. Ellen and David travel to the small coastal town where her first wedding allegedly occurred. There, they meet a number of individuals whose stories make Ellen question her own sanity.
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Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, who's actually a comparison shopper sent by another store. Steve lets her go, which gets him fired. They spend the afternoon together, which doesn't sit well with Connie's steady suitor, Carl, when he finds out, but delights her young son Timmy, who quickly takes to Steve.
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Nora Shelley is a tax expert for the accounting company which is led by Paul Martin. She thinks she can find a suitable husband by inspecting their clients' tax documents. Martin finds out and tries to dissuade her from this approach, later enlisting the help of his friend Steve Adams, who tries to woo Shelley.
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Bookkeeper Sam Wilson learns from his boss, Malcolm Jarvis, that he is losing his job because the company is closing down. Jarvis then makes a strange proposition, saying he intends to commit suicide but wants Sam to make it look like a murder, in order for his wife and son to inherit Jarvis's life insurance. Sam declines, but when he goes to see Jarvis and finds his dead body, he reluctantly goes along with the scheme.
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A popular singer, Marian Washburn, suddenly and unexplainably loses her voice, causing a shake-up at the club where she works. Her worried but loyal piano player, Luke Jordan, helps to promote a new, younger singer, Susan Caldwell, to temporarily replace Marian. Susan finds some early acclaim but decides to leave the club after a few performances. Soon after Susan quits, she is gunned down, and Marian quickly becomes a suspect.
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Anabel Sims is determined to find the perfect husband. She thinks she's found her man in Madison Brown, a handsome pediatrician. She then prepares an elaborate scheme to trap him into marriage
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An advertising executive dreams of getting out of the city and building a perfect home in the country, only to find the transition fraught with problems.
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Norwegian immigrant Marta Hanson keeps a firm but loving hand on her household of four children, a devoted husband and a highly-educated lodger who reads great literature to the family every evening. Through financial crises, illnesses and the small triumphs of everyday life, Marta maintains her optimism and sense of humor, traits she passes on to her aspiring-author daughter, Katrin.
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O competente e correto engenheiro Johnny Munroe (John Wayne) é contratado para construir uma perigosa estrada de ferro numa montanha dos Andes.
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A juíza Margaret Turner (Myrna Loy) descobre que sua irmã adolescente, Susan (Shirley Temple), se apaixonou por Richard Nugent (Cary Grant), um artista de meia-idade que já foi julgado por ela. Quando Susan é encontrada no apartamento dele, ele é “condenado” a sair com Susan até ela perder atração por ele.
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Localizado no Rio de Janeiro, conta a história de Alicia e Devlin, dois polos completamente opostos que acabam se apaixonando devido ao tempo em que trabalharam juntos. Ela é filha de um espião alemão preso pelo governo dos EUA e, para evitar a morte do pai, é obrigada a ajudar o governo americano a prender inimigos mais importantes. Ele é um agente do governo que vai comandar a operação, monitorando para que tudo saia nas mais perfeitas condições planejadas.
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A World War II veteran hunts down the Nazi collaborators who killed his wife.
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Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
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Laurent van Horn is the leader of a band of Dutch refugees on a ship seeking freedom in the Carolinas, when the ship is wrecked on the coast of Cartagene. governed by Don Juan Alvardo, Spainish ruler. Alvarado has Laurent thrown in prison, but the latter escapes, and five-years later is a pirate leader. He poses as the navigator on a ship in which Contessa Francesca, daughter of a Mexican noble, is traveling on her way to marry Alvarado, whom she has never seen. Laurent's pirates capture the ship and Francesa, in order to save another ship, gives her hand-in-marriage to Laurent, who sails her to the pirate hideout. This irks the jealous Anne Bonney and,also, Captain Benjamin Black, who was already irked, anyway. They overpower Laurent and send Francesa to Alvarado, and then Mario du Billar, trusted right-hand man, makes a deal to deliver Laurent to Alvarado also.
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A homely maid and a scarred ex-GI meet at the cottage where she works and where he was to spend his honeymoon prior to his accident. The two develop a bond and agree to marry, more out of loneliness than love. The romantic spirit of the cottage, however, overtakes them. They soon begin to look beautiful to each other, but no one else.
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Philip é contratado por Moose, um trapaceiro de quinta categoria que acaba de sair da prisão. Ele deve encontrar Velma, a ex-namorada de Moose, desaparecida há seis anos. Durante a investigação, o detetive depara-se com uma complexa rede de crimes. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
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A lonely child, neglected by her parents, encounters and befriends a German Shepherd, but she's unaware the animal is a military dog being trained for service in WW2.
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The teens of a defense-plant town hop on the road to juvenile delinquency while their parents are busy with the war.
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A heroic guerilla group fights back against impossible odds during the 1941 Nazi invasion of Russia.
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Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
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Jo Jones, a young defense plant worker whose husband is in the military during World War II, shares a house with three other women in the same situation.
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Flying Tiger Fred Atwell sneaks away from his famous squadron's personal appearance tour and goes incognito for several days of leave. He quickly falls for photographer Joan Manion, pursuing her in the guise of a carefree drifter.
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This lurid exposé of the Hitler Youth follows the woes of an American girl declared legally German by the Nazi government.
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Soldier Johnny Grey is engaged to marry singer Mapy Cortes, but his plans go awry when he learns that he is the heir to $100,000 from his great-grandfather -- a bequest that comes with a catch: before claiming the money, Johnny must marry a descendant of his great-grandfather's Civil War enemy, General Havelock-Allen. Not wanting to disrupt his planned marriage to Mapy, Johnny must figure out how to concoct a temporary marriage-of-convenience with the descendant -- who turns out to be the beautiful Terry Havelock-Allen.
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A U.S. Navy crew aboard a merchant marine ship battle Nazis.
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Carmelita and Uncle Matt find themselves in a haunted house, but the "ghosts" are actually enemy agents who are trying to frighten away visitors in order to develop a nitroglycerin bomb.
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The Army takes a bandleader (Kay Kyser) away from his bride (Ellen Drew) and sends him on a spy mission with a woman (Jane Wyman).
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A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
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Two Marine sergeants (Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe) flirt with a cafe girl (Binnie Barnes) in San Diego, then find out she's a spy.
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Lulu Monahan, the press agent for John Barrymore, is attempting to get a sponsor for a radio program. To that end, she and the agent for bandleader Kay Kyser, plant a story that the great Shakespearean actor, over his heartfelt objections, will teach Kyser how to play Shakespeare, which isn't the same as playing Paducah, which soon becomes evident.
Assistant Art Director
Rapaz leva vida de playboy tomando dinheiro emprestado dos amigos. Um dia conhece uma tímida garota, com quem acaba se casando. Mas a jovem com o tempo passa a desconfiar que ele é na verdade um assassino e ela correr o risco de ser a próxima vítima.
Assistant Art Director
Having forsaken the detective business for the safer confines of personal insurance, Gay Laurence is compelled to return to his sleuthing ways. Along with sidekick Jonathan "Goldie" Locke, he agrees to look into a series of home party robberies that have victimized socialite Maxine Wood. The duo gets more than they bargained for when a murder is committed at Wood's home, but Lawrence still finds time to romance the damsel.
Assistant Art Director
George Sanders makes his final appearance as crook-turned-detective Simon Templar, a.k.a. "The Saint," in The Saint in Palm Springs. The gimmick in this one is a set of rare stamps, smuggled from England. Wendy Barrie is the true heir to this treasure, and the Saint is engaged to protect her and the stamps. Our hero meets Barrie in a posh Palm Springs resort, where a gang of homicidal thieves have converged to relieve the girl of her inheritance. Three murders and one kidnapping attempt later, the villains are foiled by the Saint, with the aid of his onetime partner in crime Pearly Gates (Paul Guilfoyle). The Saint in Palm Springs is the sixth in RKO's series of films based on the character created by Leslie Charteris.
Assistant Art Director
Longtime school sweethearts discover married life, thanks to a disagreeable live-in mother-in-law and pressing business obligations, is more rocky than idyllic.
Filme biográfico sobre a vida de Abraham Lincoln, um dos mais marcantes presidentes dos Estados Unidos. A narrativa mostra desde a juventude de Lincoln, quanto era um advogado, até sua eleição para a Casa Branca.
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J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
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Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
Assistant Art Director
O psicanalista Tony Flagg aceita analisar a jovem Amanda Cooper, para ver se descobre porque ela rompeu o noivado com Stephen Arden três vezes. Amanda acaba por se apaixonar por ele, forçando-o a hipnotizá-la para incutir em seu subconsciente a ideia de que ela o odeia e ama Stephen. Porém, quando descobre que também foi fisgado por ela, Tony terá de desfazer tudo...
Assistant Art Director
College town life gets turned upside down after a button-down botany professor secretly weds a sizzling night-club singer.
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Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer.
Assistant Art Director
Snooty heiress decides to track down her dead sister's kids, who are living a Bohemian life with their uncle in Greenwich Village. Once she finds them, she discovers that the Bohemian life is fun and free of the constraints her country-club life places on her. But she decides to take the uncle to court anyway to free him from the kids so he can paint.
Assistant Art Director
Jerry Halliday, compositor norte-americano de comédias musicais luta contra as convenções da alta sociedade londrina para conquistar o coração de Lady Alyce Marshmorton. Ao contrário do que Jerry pensa, ela ama outra pessoa, mas com a ajuda de seus amigos George e Gracie, ele acredita que sua vitória está garantida.
Assistant Art Director
Terry Randall, linda socialite, decidiu ver se consegue entrar em cena teatral na Broadway sem suas conexões familiares. Ela vai morar em uma pensão teatral e vê sua vida igual as dos outros moradores, ou seja, a sempre presente decepção que aspirantes teatrais devem tolerar. Sua companheira de quarto faladeira, Jean, é abordado por um produtor poderoso para mais do que apenas um papel. E o pai de Terry decidiu dar a sua carreira um empurrão ao apoiar uma produção para ela estrelar, no qual ela será certamente um fracasso. Mas suas maquinações doem mais do que apenas em Terry.
Art Direction
A husband clashes with his wife over his membership to the Irish citizen army during the Easter rebellion.
Assistant Art Director
Um dançarino e apostador viaja a Nova York para levantar a quantia necessária para poder se casar com sua noiva. Chegando lá, ele acaba se envolvendo com uma bela dançarina novata.
Assistant Art Director
Um dançarino americano ensaia um número de sapateado em seu quarto de hotel em Londres e acaba incomodando a vizinha do quarto de baixo. Logo ambos começam a se apaixonar. Mas um certo mal-entendido pode colocar tudo a perder...
Assistant Art Director
Constance, a poor but aspiring composer, meets the great conductor, Franz, through their old music teacher. They fall in love, despite Constance knowing about Franz's weakness for pretty women.
Assistant Art Director
John visita sua tia em Paris, junto de sua banda. Ela é dona de uma loja de moda gerenciada por sua assistente, Stephanie. Lá, eles encontram a cantora Scharwenka, com quem conseguem um trabalho. Enquanto isso, Madame Roberta vem a falecer e deixa os negócios para John, que entra em sociedade com Stephanie.
Art Direction
Mrs. Lotty Wilkins is an unhappily wife whom's life husband and romance have departed. In order to possibly salvage some of the missing elements in her life she rents an old Italian mansion and sharing it with three women. Here the four women plan to spend the month of April away from the cares of home, husbands and the everyday monotony.
Art Direction
The stoic, proper Rev. Gavin Dishart, newly assigned to a church in the small Scottish village of Thrums, finds himself unexpectedly falling for one of his parishioners, the hot-blooded Gypsy girl Babbie. A village-wide scandal soon erupts over the minister's relationship with this feisty, passionate young woman, who holds a secret about the village's nobleman, Lord Milford Rintoul, and his role in an increasingly fractious labor dispute.
Art Direction
An actress goes up to a dude ranch for relaxation, when she falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of his wife's murder.
Art Direction
O filme conta a história de Guy Holden, um célebre bailarino estadunidense, que está viajando pela Europa com seu amigo, o advogado Egbert. No meio do caminho para a Inglaterra, conhece Mimi Glossop, que viaja com sua tia. Em Londres, os dois se encontram casualmente e Guy se apaixona por Mimi, mas sem saber que se trata de uma mulher casada em processo de divórcio. Mimi e sua tia voltam a se encontrar num hotel e começam os equívocos.
Art Direction
Left only with their yacht after going broke in the Great Depression, a high-society family sets sail for the South Seas. Screwball comedy, with songs.
Art Direction
Set during the first World War in neutral, but pro-German, Holland, Lewis Allison, an interned British officer, is paroled to the castle of Baron Von Leyden and finds living there, but now married to German officer Rupert Von Narwitz, his childhood sweetheart Julie. Long discussions between Julie and Allison, centering on family conflicts that kept them apart, take place before the severely wounded Von Narwitz returns to the castle and more long discussions ensue.
Art Direction
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Art Direction
A young man finds himself attracted to a cold and unfeeling waitress who may ultimately destroy them both.
Art Direction
Two yokels try to crash royal society by posing as the King's physicians.
Art Direction
The seemingly happy relationship between Tony and Jim is threatened when his manipulative, drama-queen ex-wife visits.
Art Direction
Dirt-poor mountain girl Trigger Hicks is a loner. Her faith-healing is mistaken for witchcraft by the community. She falls for an engineer building a dam, who protects her.
Art Direction
Hips, Hips, Hooray! is a 1934 slapstick comedy film starring Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Ruth Etting, Thelma Todd, and Dorothy Lee.
Art Direction
Roger Bond e sua orquestra se apresentam em Miami; Honey Hale é a vocalista e Fred Ayres é um dos instrumentistas. Roger vê a bela Belinha entre o público, encontro que provoca paixão à primeira vista no líder do grupo. Por isso, ele e sua orquestra a perseguem no Rio de Janeiro, onde vivem aventuras musicais.
Art Direction
Against her better judgment, a dedicated and hard-working plastic surgeon (Ann Harding) finds herself falling in love with a playboy (Robert Young). Drama.
Art Direction
Tough Aggie gives a street guy polish and a rich kid gumption.
After the death of a gangster, those familiar with his million dollar stash start mysteriously dying. Police detectives with the help of a clairvoyant try to determine who, living or dead, is responsible.
Art Direction
Tom and five older respected business men run the Sierra mine. When Tom leaves for Europe to fight in WW1, everything is OK. When he returns after the war he finds his former assistant not only in control of the mine but the whole town. His former partners have fled becoming outlaws and are now robbing the mine shipments of money they believe is really theirs.
Daniel Pardway, starting with almost nothing after the great Chicago fire, builds the biggest department store in town. He wants to pass on the business to his three sons and daughter, but has to deal with their lack of interest or aptitude.
Em Nova York um famoso diretor de cinema não consegue uma atriz para sua próxima produção, pois ninguém quer ir filmar em um lugar não revelado. Assim ele mesmo começa a vagar pelas ruas até que encontra uma jovem pobre, mas muito bonita, a quem imediatamente dá o emprego. A equipe viaja e vai parar em uma ilha desconhecida, na qual os nativos oferecem "noivas" para Kong, um gigantesco macaco. Após muitos perigos a equipe de filmagens conseguem capturar o macaco, pois pretendem levá-lo para Nova York para ser exibido. Paralelamente o símio se apaixona pela atriz.
Art Direction
Em Nova York um famoso diretor de cinema não consegue uma atriz para sua próxima produção, pois ninguém quer ir filmar em um lugar não revelado. Assim ele mesmo começa a vagar pelas ruas até que encontra uma jovem pobre, mas muito bonita, a quem imediatamente dá o emprego. A equipe viaja e vai parar em uma ilha desconhecida, na qual os nativos oferecem "noivas" para Kong, um gigantesco macaco. Após muitos perigos a equipe de filmagens conseguem capturar o macaco, pois pretendem levá-lo para Nova York para ser exibido. Paralelamente o símio se apaixona pela atriz.
Production Design
Em Nova York um famoso diretor de cinema não consegue uma atriz para sua próxima produção, pois ninguém quer ir filmar em um lugar não revelado. Assim ele mesmo começa a vagar pelas ruas até que encontra uma jovem pobre, mas muito bonita, a quem imediatamente dá o emprego. A equipe viaja e vai parar em uma ilha desconhecida, na qual os nativos oferecem "noivas" para Kong, um gigantesco macaco. Após muitos perigos a equipe de filmagens conseguem capturar o macaco, pois pretendem levá-lo para Nova York para ser exibido. Paralelamente o símio se apaixona pela atriz.
Art Direction
Generational saga about a failed streetcar conductor, who finds success as an Atlantic City fortune teller, and his son. Drama.
Art Direction
A mother wishes for the return of her dead son, a wish that is granted by the severed paw of a dead monkey.
Set Designer
A barker at a down-at-the-heels carnival becomes a powerhouse New York publicity man as he transforms a sideshow dancer into a Broadway sensation.
Art Direction
A Broadway actress with a problematic past falls hard for the author of her new play.
Art Direction
A cowboy goes undercover to catch the cattle thieves who killed his father.
Art Direction
A newlywed couple journeys west to make their fortune, and begins a banking empire.
Art Direction
Two Dartmouth football players fall in love with the same girl following college graduation.
Art Direction
Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
Art Direction
Hilary Fairfield returns home after fifteen years in an asylum with his sanity restored. But he is disturbed to find that everything has changed: his daughter grown and about to marry; his wife divorced and also about to marry.
Art Direction
A prison-camp convict learns that his younger brother will soon be joining him behind bars.
Art Direction
Treze mulheres que foram colegas de escola recebem horóscopos pessimistas de um místico, sempre prevendo suas mortes. O astrologista está sendo manipulado pelos poderes hipnóticos de Ursula Georgi, que quer vingar-se das ex-colegas que a humilharam na escola, levando-as à morte.
Art Direction
When legendary hunter Bob Rainsford is shipwrecked on the perilous reefs surrounding a mysterious island, he finds himself the guest of the reclusive and eccentric Count Zaroff. While he is very gracious at first, Zaroff eventually forces Rainsford and two other shipwreck survivors, brother and sister Eve and Martin Towbridge, to participate in a sadistic game of cat and mouse in which they are the prey and he is the hunter.
Production Design
College co-eds struggle with the moral, societal and human aspects of romance.
Art Direction
Two yokels are framed and sent to prison, but wind up playing football on the warden's championship team.
Art Direction
When a young South Seas sailor falls overboard, the beautiful daughter of a Polynesian king dives in and saves his life. Thus begins the romance of Johnny and Luana. Though Luana is promised to another man, Johnny whisks her away, and for a brief time the lovers live very happily together. But, when a local volcano threatens their lives, Luana knows that she must sacrifice herself to the volcanic gods in order to save her island.
Art Direction
A noted gunman takes a job on a cattle ranch to stop a band of rustlers.
Art Direction
A boatload of Westerners is trapped in Manchuria as bandits led by Russian renegade Voronsky ravage the area. Seeking refuge in a fortified inn, the group is led by the boat's Captain Carson, who becomes involved with a woman who "belongs" to Voronsky. Carson must contend with the bandits outside and the conflicting personalities of those trapped inside the inn, as well as dealing with spies among the inn's personnel.
Art Direction
A carreira de um garçonete decola quando ela conhece um amável bêbado produtor de Hollywood.
Art Direction
Poster writes a gossip column for the Morning Gazette. He will write about anyone and everyone as long as he gets the credit. He gets most of his information from showgirl pal his gal, Peggy. Eventually Bill's reckless tattling gets him in deep trouble with friends and enemies, putting his career and life in jeopardy.
Art Direction
A struggling writer divorces his wife to pursue his career without interference, but they meet in Europe years later after she has remarried.
Art Direction
Corrupt alcoholic attorney Tom Cardigan is one of the best lawyers around, commanding the courtroom like a stage and often winning his cases. Mobster Valentine Powers, who employs Cardigan and put him through school, asks him to represent a woman, June Perry, accused of prostitution. Cardigan agrees. But he never expected to fall for her, which is problematic since he's angling to become governor and will need the right kind of wife.
Art Direction
A young doctor escapes the slums of New York City to make his fortune as a Park Avenue doctor. When a fatal mistake results in tragedy his resolve to continue working is severely tested. Based on a novel by Fannie Hurst.
Art Direction
After he stumbles across a murder, a young reporter devises an elaborate scene to keep his newspaper stories about the crime front-page news. Eric Linden, Dorothy Jordan, Bruce Cabot, Roscoe Ates, Roscoe Karns and Purnell Pratt star in this 1932 thriller, directed by J. Walter Ruben.
Art Direction
A newlywed discovers her husband is a cheating phony.
Art Direction
A wealthy girl hires a male escort to make one of her male friends jealous. She spreads rumours about her character that makes her popular amongst all bachelors in the city including her friend.
Art Direction
In order to keep his lover, Maria Draga, in luxury, Captain Alex Pastitsch contracts huge debts which threaten his military career. To save Alex's career, his superior officer, Colonel Strádimirovitsch has an idea of how to fix it.
Art Direction
An engineer makes a thieving entertainer work off her debts as a housekeeper at his jungle mining camp.
Art Direction
A rancher is arrested for murdering his young partner's grandfather, but he escapes to try to prove his innocence.
Art Direction
A young man runs into trouble when he buys an auto court, only to find out that its located next to a swamp that drives away all potential customers.
Art Direction
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
Art Direction
A young man seeks vengeance on the outlaws who killed his father.
Art Direction
A young radio repairman becomes involved with gangsters and one of their girlfriends when he repairs their radio.
Art Direction
A young Londoner (Ann Harding) disguises herself to become governess of the son of the barrister (Leslie Howard) she loves.
Art Direction
A society man's loving, devoted wife, upon learning that he has been unfaithful and is planning to leave her for the other woman, strategically pretends to be having an affair of her own. The woman's friends gladly assist in the deception.
Art Direction
Dorothy, and her big city lawyer boyfriend, return to the Lazy 'B' ranch to read her late father's will. For Dorothy to inherit everything, she must stay on the ranch for 5 years. If she does not, everything goes to Buck, who is the manager. She does not like Buck, so she makes a deal with the wrong people for cattle and then the outlaws go to the ranch to get the $10,000 from her. But Buck is on the job.
Art Direction
A gambler, hopelessly in debt, agrees to pay off his debt by allowing his creditor to take out a life insurance policy on him and collecting once the one-year suicide clause has elapsed.
Art Direction
A woman struggles to rekindle the affection of her husband.
Art Direction
A popular jockey is disbarred from racing after he's accused of throwing a race.
Art Direction
A pregnant American nurse living in London during WWI, believing her soldier-fiance has been killed in France, marries a wealthy aristocrat so her child will have a father.
Art Direction
Four battle-weary American soldiers under fire reflect on the women they left behind.
Art Direction
A highly respectable lawyer becomes a sexual animal after working hours. Live-in mother-in-law tries to keep him in line.
Art Direction
Um mineiro se apaixona pela filha do rival de seu pai e deve lutar pelo coração da jovem.
Os irmãos Monte e Ray deixam Oxford para se juntar ao Royal Flying Corps. Ray ama Helen e Helen gosta de se divertir com Monte. Antes de saírem em missão na Alemanha, encontram-na nos braços de outro homem.
Art Direction
Dowdy Sylvia accepts her boss' marriage proposal, even though he only asked her to avoid marriage to another woman. As a wealthy wife, Sylvia changes from ugly duckling to uninhibited swan and even contemplates having an affair with a man she meets during a trip to Paris.
Art Direction
A sex worker yearns to leave the grimy underground community she was born into, and sees her way out through a sympathetic sailor.
Art Direction
A young man is torn between his free-thinking lifestyle and the tradition of his wealthy fiancée's family.
Art Direction
To avoid hostilities, Maryan, the ward of Doc May, a medicine show owner, induces Pop Garner, a circus owner, to join forces with her guardian. Doc May and Daphne, his wife, work as clowns; and Garry, a singing soldier of fortune, sings along with Maryan's act. Ruth, Maryan's partner, quits to get married; and Joe, who is jealous of Garry, replaces her with Trixie, his former assistant. When Garry announces his engagement to Maryan, Trixie persuades him to join a strip poker game in a drunken state and "compromises" him in the presence of his fiancée. Grief-stricken, Maryan falls during her act, and Garry, robbed of circus funds, is arrested. In spite of her injuries, Maryan, learning of Trixie's treachery, performs the act with her and forces a confession by threatening to drop her; Garry is released and is welcomed back to the show.