Charles Soule

Charles Soule

Nascimento : , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.


Charles Soule is a New York-based comic book writer, novelist, musician, and attorney. He is best known for writing Daredevil, She-Hulk, Death of Wolverine, and various Star Wars books and comic series from Del Rey Books and Marvel Comics, and his creator-owned series Letter 44, Curse Words, and Undiscovered Country, which he co-wrote with Scott Snyder. His debut novel, The Oracle Year was released by Harper Perennial on April 3, 2018. His follow-up novel, Anyone was released on December 3, 2019, also by Harper Perennial. His third novel, Light of the Jedi was released by Del Rey Books on January 6, 2021, debuting at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.


Charles Soule


Five years into performing as renowned filmmaker George Lucas in the cult comedy show "The George Lucas Talk Show", comedian Connor Ratliff questions the need for its continuation and his own drive for success and fulfillment in show business.
LEGO Star Wars: Contos Aterrorizantes
Creative Consultant
Após os eventos de A Ascensão Skywalker, Poe e BB-8 devem realizar um pouso de emergência no planeta vulcânico Mustafar, onde encontram o ganancioso e conivente Graballa, o Hutt, que comprou o castelo de Darth Vader e está reformando-o para criar o primeiro hotel de luxo da galáxia inspirado nos Sith e com tudo incluso.