Christopher Doherty


The Milky Life
Retired billionaire, Rooney, feels his family loves only his money and not him. He plans to live as an adult baby with his wet nurse, Sagebrecht. When thieves break into his mansion and hit him on the head, he starts to grow younger.
The Milky Life
Retired billionaire, Rooney, feels his family loves only his money and not him. He plans to live as an adult baby with his wet nurse, Sagebrecht. When thieves break into his mansion and hit him on the head, he starts to grow younger.
Bagdad Café
Depois de brigar com seu marido e abandoná-lo na estrada, a turista alemã Jasmin (Marianne Sägebrecht) caminha pelo deserto do Arizona até chegar ao posto-motel Bagdad Café. Recebida com aspereza por Brenda (CCH Pounder), a dona do local que acabou de colocar o marido para fora de casa, Jasmin aos poucos se acostuma com os clientes e hóspedes do motel.
Set in the greek island Milos, this action comedy follows a group of people searching for the actual Venus de Milo