Bernd Heinl


Jesus, Mary and Joey
Director of Photography
Twenty-something and aimless, Joey Vitello still lives at home with his colorful Italian-American family when he is reunited with a childhood schoolmate, Mary O'Callahan. Once mocked as 'Scary Mary' this ugly duckling has blossomed into an irresistible beauty. She's returned to the old neighborhood after an intense bout with cancer. When Joey learns her cure was the result of a miracle, friendship turns to romance as she educates him on the crossroads to the Almighty. Joey challenges his family's faith with his new found revelations and chaos ensues as they all search for a miracle of their own.
Deadly End
Director of Photography
Nothing bad could ever happen on quiet, tree lined Wormwood Drive. At least that's what Bob and Wendi Petersen thought, before they met their new neighbor...
30 Dias Para o Amor
Director of Photography
Um agente tem 30 dias para descobrir um novo talento pop. Para não perder uma promoção, Cole tem que descobrir um talento pop e tem 30 dias para transformar a sonhadora e desengonçada Maggie Moreno em uma diva da música latina. Ela muda-se para a casa dele e juntos trabalham noite e dia para conseguirem realizar seus desejos. Mas o que eles acabam descobrindo, vai muito além do mundo da música. Uma história única, divertida e comovente de como um sonho toca fundo na vida das pessoas.
O Chantagista
Director of Photography
Johnny Scardino is working for blackmailers, photographing wealthy guys in seedy motels. One such assignment turns the wrong way and blackmailers die one by one. Is Johnny the next on the list?
Director of Photography
A cul-de-sac in an oppressive suburb becomes a literal dead end for wife and mother Karen Christianson when she is brutally murdered in her own home. In the wake of the event, Karen's teenage daughter Ellie begins to exhibit bizarre behaviors as she slowly acquires her mother's demeanor and mannerisms. Meanwhile, Karen's husband Ben nurtures a less-than-innocent interest in the family's sultry live-in nanny, Lena.
Julian Po
Director of Photography
Christian Slater is a stranger who comes to a small town. The local citizens think he's up to no good. After bothering him for a while, he blurts out in frustration, that he is there to kill himself.
Tempos de Rebeldia
Director of Photography
It is 1977, Dublin rocks to the music of Thin Lizzy and the world is stunned by the death of Elvis Presley. Frankie, caught between acne and adulthood, has just completed his final exams in school. Convinced he will fail, he survives the summer organising a beach party, having lustful thoughts about two girls he believes are unobtainable and fending off the advances from a visiting American family friend, all whilst coping with his oddball family.
A Última Festa
Nick, a gay, HIV-positive architect, begins to display severe symptoms of AIDS and makes preparations to kill himself before he is unable to function normally. He arranges a party to reconnect and say goodbye to his closest friends and his confused parents. But when his ex-partner, Brandon, a television director who left Nick when he was diagnosed with HIV, shows up, what was supposed to be a celebratory event becomes much more difficult for everyone.
Corações em Trânsito
Director of Photography
A young man obsessed with traffic patterns attempts to reunite with his first love.
Bleeding Hearts
Director of Photography
An ill-fated, tender romance between an adult, male, white tutor (Mark Evan Jacobs) and his 17-year-old, African-American, female student (Karen Kirkland).
O Medo
Director of Photography
Um aluno de psicologia reúne amigos em sua casa de campo para estudar as emoções que compõem o medo. Mas algo sai errado e um velho manequim de madeira, chamado Morty, começa a aterrorizá-los.
Private Lessons: Another Story
Professional photographer Lauren travels to Miami to find the next hottest model for her shoot. She hooks up with her emotional Cuban limo driver Raul, but then her cheating sleazy husband Stephen shows up as well as hot Marissa.
Escrito nas Estrelas
Director of Photography
Jonathan Younger é um dono de um grande armazém que ele aluga para que as pessoas guardem suas coisas. Jonathan ama duas coisas em sua vida: o seu trabalho e as clientes que surgem pelo caminho. No entanto, quando sua mulher morre de maneira súbita, Jonathan descobre que vai precisar encarar a dura realidade que sempre evitou.
Corpos em Movimento
Director of Photography
Rebelling against his dreary life in a small Arizona town, salesman Nick abandons his girlfriend, Beth, and strikes out onto the highway in search of... something else. Encouraged by her best friend, Carol, Beth reluctantly accepts the romantic attentions of Sid, a local housepainter.
Nutt: Nasceu Burro, Não Aprendeu Nada, Esqueceu a Metade
Director of Photography
Gêmeos idênticos separados no nascimento, Philbert se torna um importante senador, enquanto Nathan vive internado num hospício com distúrbio de personalidade múltipla. Quando o destino reúne os dois, a vida do político vira de cabeça para baixo.
A hapless, bad-luck prone loser meets a free-spirited Frenchwoman who inspires him to get his life back on track.
Comando Suburbano
Director of Photography
Hulk Hogan é Shep Ramsey, um valente guerreiro intergalático, temporariamente enrascado na Terra, vivendo com um tranquilo arquiteto (Chritopher Lloyd), sua esposa (Shelley Duvall) e duas crianças. Os esforços de Shep para adaptar-se à vida suburbana são desastradamente cômicos, colocando a vizinhança em tumulto. Mas quando seu demoníaco, invencível e eterno inimigo segue-o pelo Universo até o quintal de sua casa, Shep necessitará de toda a ajuda que os terrestres puderem lhe oferecer, principalmente de toda a atrapalhada e confusa família com quem mora!
Red Wind
Director of Photography
A psychotherapist who specializes in treating people in abusive relationships inadvertently causes a patient to kill her abusive husband.
Director of Photography
10 years ago the perverse Dr. Russell couldn't resist the beauty of a young patient in his mental clinic and raped her one night. When she plunged herself from the roof shortly after, he described it as consequence of her heavy depressions. Now the same urge overcomes him with his new patient Sandy. He doesn't know that she's the daughter of his previous victim and that she's come for revenge.
Murder C.O.D.
Director of Photography
Someone is killing people in Portland, Oregon, and later blackmails the relatives, who profit most from the death, to pay him for this "service". Captain Murtaugh leads the police investigation. When his wife starts feeling stalked, he suspects his current case is related to his last one in Chicago. He never told his wife the whole truth about what happened - now he has to fear for her life.
Nos Braços da Morte
After having a near death experience Joanna finds her life in constant danger. She begins to believe that certain forces are trying to bring her back into the world of the dead. Her boyfriend Glen thinks she's crazy so Joanna turns to her ex-boyfriend, Peter. It just so happens that Peter is a strong believer in the supernatural and even teaches a course on it at a local college. Together they must confront the "walkers" so that Joanna can live to see another day.
Rosalie Vai às Compras
Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's reduced to stealing from one family member to buy presents for others. It's looking pretty bleak until her daughter pushes her into buying a 'guilt gift' of a PC, complete with modem. Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.
Bagdad Café
Director of Photography
Depois de brigar com seu marido e abandoná-lo na estrada, a turista alemã Jasmin (Marianne Sägebrecht) caminha pelo deserto do Arizona até chegar ao posto-motel Bagdad Café. Recebida com aspereza por Brenda (CCH Pounder), a dona do local que acabou de colocar o marido para fora de casa, Jasmin aos poucos se acostuma com os clientes e hóspedes do motel.
Direito de Morrer
Director of Photography
Emily Bauer (Raquel Welch) is a successful psychologist with a happy home life who is suddenly stricken with the dreaded neurological affliction ALS (aka "Lou Gehrig's Disease"). At first, she is determined to fight for her life, but as her conditions deteriorates and she becomes more of a human vegetable, Ms. Welch begs her husband (Michael Gross) to help her die.
André schafft sie alle
Director of Photography
Action comedy with Franco Nero
Inflation im Paradies
The Gold of Love
Director of Photography
Young Patricia wanders through a Viennese night full of lust for love, visions of drugs and violence, gleaming frenzy and dark alleys.
The Fan
The hero-worship that Simone has for a pop singer is built to a crescendo until she passes out when she finally sees him up-close in a crowd of fans. She is later shocked when he lets her know that he does not love her.
Asphalt Night
This low-budget drama details the unlikely friendship between a smart-aleck seventeen-year-old punk and a thirty-year-old rock 'n roll musician in search of songwriting inspiration. Angel (Gerd Heinemann) heads out to the streets of Berlin in his drag-racer to revitalize his flagging creativity. He is desperately trying for a new song that refuses to surface. He meets scrappy Johnny (Thomas Davis) on the streets and saves him from everyone he tends to alienate: cops, motorcycle gangs, and passers-by. Johnny has his guitar with him and is the first to break Angel's deadlock. A tune he plucks out is just the beginning that Angel was looking for. The rest of the song lies out there somewhere and the two head into Berlin's night spots to find it.