Marianne Sägebrecht

Marianne Sägebrecht

Nascimento : 1945-08-27, Starnberg, Bavaria, Germany


Marianne Sägebrecht (nascida em 27 de agosto de 1945, Starnberg, Baviera) é uma atriz alemã, mais famosa por sua participação nos filmes Sugarbaby, Bagdad Café e The War of the Roses. Esta personagem rubenesca, com rosto em forma de coração e características infantis, começou sua carreira como produtora e intérprete da cena alternativa de teatro / cabaré da Alemanha. A formação eclética de Marianne Sägebrecht incluiu passagens como assistente de laboratório médico e editora assistente de revista antes de ela encontrar sua vocação no show business. Alegando ser inspirada pelo louco Rei Ludwig II da Baviera, ela se tornou conhecida como a "mãe da subcultura de Munique" como produtora e performer de teatro de vanguarda e revistas de cabaré, especialmente com sua trupe Opera Curiosa. Identificada pelo diretor Percy Adlon em uma produção de 1977 de Adele Spitzeder, na qual ela ensaiava o papel de uma prostituta delicada, Sägebrecht foi escalada como Madame Sanchez / Sra. Sancho Panza no especial de TV de Adlon, Herr Kischott (1979), uma versão de Dom Quixote. O diretor colocou-a em seu longa-metragem de 1983, The Swing, em um pequeno papel e então criou o papel principal de Marianne, uma agente funerária gorda e apaixonada por um condutor de metrô, em Sugarbaby (1985) especialmente para ela. Os filmes americanos também acenaram e Sägebrecht foi frequentemente escalada para papéis adaptados às suas habilidades únicas. Paul Mazursky retrabalhou o papel de um massagista teutônico para ela em Moon over Parador (1988), enquanto Danny DeVito adaptou o papel de governanta alemã para um casal divorciado em The War of the Roses (1989). Retornando à Alemanha, ela brilhou como a empregada doméstica tímida na década de 1930 que se casou com seu empregador judeu por conveniência e depois se apaixonou por Martha e eu (1990; lançado nos EUA em 1995). Sägebrecht foi a atração principal da comédia negra como uma esposa infeliz cujo marido extraviado planeja sua morte em Mona Must Die (1994) e teve pequenos papéis coadjuvantes em O Ogre (1996) e Left Luggage (1998).


Marianne Sägebrecht
Marianne Sägebrecht


Die Mucklas - und wie sie zu Pettersson und Findus kamen
Once upon a time, the Mucklas could be found everywhere. But in an increasingly tidy world, the cheerful goblins have a hard time, since they love disorder more than anything. Soon the last tribe will have to leave their home. For generations, the little creatures have made themselves at home unnoticed in Hansson's old, chaotic grocer's store. In the wonderful mess, they find everything they need to live, tinker and make mischief. But Hansson's successor, Karl the exterminator, turns the paradise into a tiled and sterile nightmare. So Svunja, Tjorben and Smartö set off on a dangerous search for the promised land. The great adventure begins
Oma Gerti Schmuck
Pettson and Findus: Findus Moves House
Beda Andersson
The old man Petterson is trying to sleep but his cat Findus is keeping him awake, so they both agree that Findus shall have his own house.
Erik & Erika
Schwester Sigberta
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
Pettersson e Findus: O Melhor Natal de Sempre
Beda Andersson
O Natal está a chegar, mas Pettersson e Findus temem que a neve (e a falta de uma árvore) possa impedi-los de celebrar a época.
O Círculo
Misto de ficção e documentário, o longa fala do Der Kreis, uma renomada comunidade de libertação gay, de Zurich, que floresceu em plenos anos 50. Ernst Ostertag e Röbi Rapp lutaram por seu amor, visto como tabu pela sociedade, com inspiradora coragem.
Pettson and Findus: A Little Nuisance, a Great Friendship
Beda Andersson
Old farmer Pesonen gets a kitten from his neighbour Mrs Kosonen and calls the cat Viiru. When Viiru starts to talk, the two become inseparable friends.
Nichts als die Wahrheit - 30 Jahre Die Toten Hosen
Germany's most popular punk rock band "Die Toten Hosen" ("The dead pants") celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2012. In his film "Nichts als die Wahrheit - 30 Jahre Die Toten Hosen" ("Nothing but the truth - 30 years Die Toten Hosen"), established documentary filmmaker Eric Friedler succeeds at presenting an interior view of a band that evolved from an enfant terrible to a pop culture icon and whose work mirrors German history. Friedler takes the audience on a two-hour long roller coaster ride about success and failures.
Oma Marguerita
Where shall we put grandma? Her permanently anxious and stressed daughter, Marie, knows exactly where: the neighbourhood’s idyllically situated retirement homem where she can find friends of “her own age”. But Granny has other ideas: She wants to see the Pope in Rome, and no one can stop her plan. She wants to finally confess a troubling sin to the highest possible power. She resolves to make the journey alone, and ends up one day on the doorstep of her granddaughter, Martina. What she doesn’t know is that Martina has a secret too, and that a private audience with the Pope is virtually impossible for mere mortals. Together with sly bon vivant, Lorenzo, the three set off on an adventure – but their attempt to receive a Papal blessing almost ends in disaster.
Die Verführerin Adele Spitzeder
Edeltraud Staller
Adele Spitzeder, an actress of medium talent, finds the role of her life as a dazzling financial genius, but in truth the operator of a gigantic pyramid scheme. With a brilliant appearance and empty promises, she serves the hopes and greed of her fellow human beings with virtuosity. With the help of a never-ending stream of money, she buys her way out of situations that would have landed others in prison long ago. Her enemies are just waiting for the pyramid to collapse and bury Adele - and countless small investors with her.
So ein Schlamassel
Tante Sarah Silberschatz
Jil has found great love in the landscape architect Marc. There is only a tiny problem: Marc is not a Jew, and Jil's devout Jewish family would never accept marrying a "goi," a non-Jew. There is only one thing that helps: Marc, son of a German bourgeois family, must pretend that he is also a Jew. After a quick course in terms of traditions and customs, this also seems to work quite well. Jil's family is thrilled with the new friend. But then the dizziness flies up just during a big bar mitzvah celebration - and Jil has to decide.
Frau Holle
Frau Holle
A widow has two daughters. Louise, lazy she spoils and Marie who dutifully and eagerly helps her mother around the house. One day Marie falls into the well and wakes up on a flowery meadow in a land of dreams, where even bread and apple tree can talk.
Immer Wirbel um Marie
Marie Meyer
Munich (Filmfest) Stories - 25 years of Munich Filmfest
A cheerful, amusing and melancholic look back at the Munich film festival from the perspective of the people who make up the film festival.
Das Geheimnis meiner Schwester
Antonia Wiedemann
Bezaubernde Marie
Marie Meyer
Charlotte und ihre Männer
Marga Engel gibt nicht auf
Marga Engel
Thanksgivin’, die nachtblaue Stadt
Thanksgivin’, die nachtblaue Stadt
Marga Engel kocht vor Wut
Marga Engel
Marga Engel schlägt zurück
Marga Engel
Scheidung auf amerikanisch
Il ritorno del piccolo Lord
Fräulein Klara
As every year, German brewery tycoon Karl Schneibel spends the summer holiday on an Italian island with his beloved grandson Christian, near the children's home run by his ma, Dr. Gioia. This year however, Christian's heart isn't in his summer fling but his lover at home, Anna, daughter of Karl's general manager Dr. Werner. Christian has a bad eye in Veronica, the woman who became Karl's much younger lover 'by travel fate', the first thing soon proved untrue. But by then, the Schneibel firm and estate have been taken over according to an elaborate conspiracy, which Christian takes on with some help from his friends.
Without Family
Mère Barberin
Young Remi, a foundling, lives on the farm run by his impoverished foster parents. When their money runs out, unbeknown to his foster-mother, Rémi is sold by his hard-hearted foster father to an old street performer named Vitalis. Vitalis was once a famous opera singer, but became destitute after a tragic love affair.
Am Ende siegt die Liebe
Anna Linke
Santa's Secretary
Marlène Veber
Ganz unten, ganz oben
Elli Schulze
Ich wünsch Dir Liebe
Asterix & Obelix Contra César
A pequena aldeia de Asterix e Obelix é a pedra no sapato do imperador Júlio César: de toda a França, a aldeia gaulesa é o único local que não é controlado pelo Império Romano. O maior problema, segundo os comandantes da legião romana, é a força descomunal dos gauleses, conseguida através de uma poção mágica preparada pelo druida Panoramix. Entretanto, o comandante Detritus tem um plano para derrotar os gauleses: capturar Obelix e o druida Panoramix.
Spanish Fly
A woman journalist, Zoe, knows better than to go into a story with her mind already made up. But that's exactly what she does when she heads off to Spain to write about its men and their macho take (as she sees it) on relationships. As she tries to prove her thesis, she soon realizes that she doesn't know as much about the male sex as she thought. She also finds herself involved in relationships with the wrong men.
Left Luggage
Mrs. Silberschmidt
While escaping from Nazis during the WWII, a Jewish man dug suitcases full of things dear to his heart in the ground two. The war deprived him of his family, and afterwards he endlessly turns over the soil of Antwerp to find the suitcases, which makes him look obsessed. He keeps checking old maps and keeps digging, trying to find, in fact, those he lost. His daughter Chaya is a beautiful modern girl looking for a part-time job. She finds a place as a nanny in the strictly observant Chassidic family with many children, although her secular manners clearly fly in the face of many commandments. One of the reasons she is accepted is that mother of the family is absolutely overburdened by the household, so she stays despite the resistance of the father, normally - an indisputable authority in the family. She develops a special bond with the youngest of the boys, four-year old Simcha, so far incapable of speaking.
Eine Frau nach Maß
And Suddenly Everything Was Different
Marlies Schöne
Tata Jeannette
During a happy evening, the famous professor Levy, one of the masters of cardiac surgery, collapses, struck by a heart attack. His whole life comes back to him, and in particular his childhood, enlightened by a loving and beloved mother.
Lorenz im Land der Lügner
Tante Martha
The Little Lord
11-year-old Christian lives with his Italian mother Gioia in poverty on the island of Ischia. His German father died in a rescue mission before Christian was born. The kind boy had an unremarkable and calm life until, one day, his grandfather Carl Schneibel finds him. Schneibel is a wealthy businessman who had never seen Christian before. Since the old lonely man has no heir, he decides to take Christian in and offer him a good education. Schneibel has never been on good terms with his son and never liked his son’s choice of wife, so he decides that Gioia must not come along. Despite, Gioia does not wish to obstruct her son’s future and allows him to go. Thanks to his good nature and his kind ways, Christian wins the heart of his grandfather and changes his life for the better.
O Guardião da Floresta
Frau Netta
O francês Abel Tiffauges é um homem ingênuo que vive uma vida simples trabalhando como um mecânico. Falsamente acusado de ser um pedófilo, ele é recrutado como soldado no início da Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas logo é capturado e levado ao coração da Alemanha nazista.
Katrin und Wladimir
Hilda Weigand
All Men Are Mortal
Melodrama about a man cursed with immortality, who tries to declare his undying love for a depressed actress.
Tragicomedy about a man who hears he has got one more week to live and who brings his two water turtles to the sea to set them free.
Luise knackt den Jackpot
Luise modestly but happily runs a small travel agency with her husband Matthias. Matthias goes on a travel tour to distant Kazakhstan. Luise becomes a millionaire overnight; she cracks the lottery jackpot. Luise and her daughter buy a villa with a butler from a wealthy Englishman. The butler takes on the almost impossible task of training them to be posh ladies.
Eine Mutter kämpft um ihren Sohn
Marion Bruckmüller
Mona Must Die
Mona von Snead
Disillusioned, Eddie is a long-suffering husband who finds passion and happiness with his neighbor, Rachel, a struggling estate agent. Only one thing stands in their way - Mona, Eddie's tyrannical wife who helped Eddie when he was still a recent immigrant, then trapped him in a loveless marriage. As the relationship deepens, the two lovers devise a plan where Rachel is brought into the house as Mona's live-in attendant for Mona must die.
Mr. Bluesman
Blues hommage by Sönke Wortmann.
The Milky Life
Retired billionaire, Rooney, feels his family loves only his money and not him. He plans to live as an adult baby with his wet nurse, Sagebrecht. When thieves break into his mansion and hit him on the head, he starts to grow younger.
O Colecionador de Almas
Dr. Leidzinger
Hitch é um misterioso solitário que caminha pelo deserto a procura de perdidos e suicidas. Hitch é procurado pela polícia por ser suspeito da morte de uma mulher na qual seu sangue foi usado num estranho ritual. Um Shaman consultado pela polícia e um patologista investigam a morte acreditando que Hitch é um colecionador de almas, um espírito maligno que pode mudar de corpo e assumir a forma que quiser.
Martha and I
Emil (Vaclav Chalupa as a teen, Ondrej Vetchy as an adult) has been naughty, and his family is at a loss about what to do with him. He's been dallying with the family maid. They decide to ship him off to spend time with his uncle Ernst Michel Piccoli), who married his family maid. The boy has a good relationship with his uncle, and a touching picture of Czech family life just at the advent of World War II emerges. Since Emil and Ernst are both Jewish, they are eventually carted away by the Nazis.
Die Toten Hosen - 3 Akkorde für ein Halleluja
A Guerra dos Roses
Ainda jovens, quando se conheceram a paixão foi fulminante e avassaladora. Oliver e Barbara se casaram no momento seguinte. O passar do tempo deixou a relação fria, até que eles iniciaram uma verdadeira guerra pelo divórcio.
Crazy Boys
Frl. Hermann
A decadent Cabaret in Hamburg (Germany) is near closing down. The owner decides to make a last effort to save the place: produce a male striptease show. Many candidates answer to his newspaper ad. No matter how weird were the rehearsals, the owner would have no regrets.
Rosalie Vai às Compras
Rosalie Greenspace
Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's reduced to stealing from one family member to buy presents for others. It's looking pretty bleak until her daughter pushes her into buying a 'guilt gift' of a PC, complete with modem. Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.
Luar Sobre Parador
A morte repentina de Alphonse Simms, o ditador de um país latino-americano, Parador, faz Roberto Strausmann, o chefe de gabinete, e a polícia nacional "convencerem" um sósia, Jack Noah, que é ator e tinha acabado de filmar no país, para se fazer passar pelo mandatário. Desta forma Strausmann pode governar, usando Noah como fantoche. Porém enganar a namorada do governante, Madonna Mendez, não é uma tarefa tão fácil quanto iludir o povo .
One Day
A woman, whose origin and destination are unknown, walks from morning until evening through the streets, going past the crazy things of life (from the modernization of the data processing of dogs to the rationalization of the length of spaghetti), and she needs a macabre sense of humor to stand everything she sees. The daily passage of one absurdity after the other.
Bagdad Café
Jasmin Münchgstettner
Depois de brigar com seu marido e abandoná-lo na estrada, a turista alemã Jasmin (Marianne Sägebrecht) caminha pelo deserto do Arizona até chegar ao posto-motel Bagdad Café. Recebida com aspereza por Brenda (CCH Pounder), a dona do local que acabou de colocar o marido para fora de casa, Jasmin aos poucos se acostuma com os clientes e hóspedes do motel.
Herz mit Löffel
In a large city lives a lonesome, 38-year old woman. Without friends, she has indulged in food and candy too much and has become a bit overweight. In short, she is disappointed of her life. One day she sees a young and handsome subway driver and instantly falls in love with him. In a very short time, she finds out all about him and eventually makes contact with him.
Ein irres Feeling
Alfas Mutter
Im Himmel ist die Hölle los
Teenage girl idolises television game show host, and gets a chance to be his assistant
Freda (as Barbara Hermani)
Albert Zack is a struggling, bumbling, advertising salesman hired to save the Beaver Bra Company from impending doom. He is charged with signing five specific, world-famous, busty woman as endorsers for the bra line. Silly antics and situations occur as he tries, mostly in various costumes, to get close enough to these women to make his pitch for their signature. Working against him are two board members who stand to gain if the company fails. As he circles the globe in search of these signatures, he is faced with a variety of challenges, one of which is a relationship with his own secretary.