Julien Boisselier

Julien Boisselier

Nascimento : 1970-05-26, Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Julien Boisselier (born May 26, 1970) is a French actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Julien Boisselier, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Julien Boisselier


Tout le monde ment 2
Mathieu Lecerf
À mon tour
Jean-Luc Molment Martinez
Tudo dá certo para Félix de Ponte, prefeito de Châteauneuf-sur-Valone, mas um artigo na imprensa destrói sua vida. Suas travessuras, sua amante: tudo é revelado lá! Humilhada, sua esposa, Rose, decide reagir concorrendo contra ele nas eleições municipais.
Convinced that their parents are responsible for their nanny’s departure, Léopold and Caroline start to fight with them. The twins experience the arrival of the new nanny, Rosa, as the last straw leading them to take action against her. On their return from their dinner, Catherine and Jacques discover with horror what their children seem to have done...
Dix ans après
Mise à nu
Vincent Marsac
Sophie gets the wrong target when she shoots the bookseller. A bookseller loved by the whole neighborhood? She accuses him of using their love nights as a weapon to destroy her by exposing her on the Internet as pornographic material. Her trial will bring to light the ordeal of an ordinary young woman victim of cybercrime, and the devastation on her children, her loved ones, even her job... But in the absence of evidence, will we believe her?
Examen de conscience
Quand on crie au loup
Monsieur Martin
Sua Vida Secreta
Lancelot perde sua esposa em um acidente de carro. Ao ver seu mundo desmoronar, ele descobre que ela não era a mulher que pensou.
Prêtes à tout
Arnaud Berthou
Alice and Nadia are two French women who have little in common except maternal love: they are faced with the challenge of saving their sons from drugs, prison, and death.
Debaixo do Mesmo Teto
Delphine e Yvan se divorciaram. Com dificuldades financeiras, Yvan não consegue um novo lugar para viver e relembra Delphine que ele possui 20% da casa. Voltando a viver com a ex-esposa e os filhos, ele vai descobrir as situações e conflitos de uma convivência forçada.
Mr & Mme Adelman
Antoine de Richemont
Sarah e Victor são casados há mais de 45 anos. Sarah, antes uma estudante brilhante, passou a viver à sombra de seu marido. Amor, ambição e segredos alimentam a odisseia deste casal.
O Eleito
Wardrobe Supervisor
Em 1937, o revolucionário espanhol Ramón Mercader treina para ser espião soviético e se passar por um belga rico como parte de um plano para assassinar Leon Trotsky no México.
Robert Taro é o prefeito da cidade por 25 anos, e está prestes a enfrentar o homem que escolheu para ser seu herdeiro, nas próximas eleições. Face a face com um jovem ambicioso que almeja o crescimento, os dois candidatos lutarão bravamente.
Les yeux ouverts
Paul, le frère de François
Le Père de Patrice
Éric and Patrice have been friends since high school. Over the years, they have both taken very different paths: Éric has become a hedonist, has a string of girlfriends and is always on the look out for a new one; Patrice has become a monogamous father with a very ordered life. After a drunken evening, the two childhood friends find themselves cast back into 1986, when they were 17 years old. This return to the past is a dream opportunity to try to change the path their lives will take. What will they do with this second chance?
Next Year
Clotilde and Aude are 18. They have always been best friends, growing up together in the same small village in the South of France. Despite their differences, they have a strong and exclusive friendship. With their contrasts they attract each other, and they seem to be enough for one another. But Clotilde, looking for something else, decides to leave to study in Paris the following year, after the baccalaureate. She takes Aude along with her in this departure far from their roots. Refusing to admit that their paths are separating little by little, Clotilde and Aude persuade themselves that their friendship can survive anything.
Simon Bartelli
At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.
Fastlife: always go further, faster, to shine in the eyes of others: this is the motto of Franklin. Franklin is a megalomaniac obsessed by the desire to shine at any price. He will have to choose between becoming a man or continue to live the Fastlife...
La vie à l'envers
A Lista dos Meus Desejos
Até que ponto o dinheiro traz felicidade? Jocelyne é uma mulher de meia-idade que sempre teve uma vida modesta e pacata. Mora há décadas numa pequena cidade francesa com o marido, tem um armarinho e escreve um blog sobre costura que, sem suspeitar, é cada dia mais lido. Um dia, pressionada por amigas, Jo decide apostar na loteria e ganha, sozinha, 18 milhões de euros, podendo comprar tudo o que deseja. Com isso, surge um medo: perder sua vida de prazeres simples, que ela preza acima de tudo. É o início de uma reviravolta em sua vida.
Des frères et des sœurs
Three siblings gather to celebrate the birthday of their father, on the island of Ré. This is Adele, the elder of the two sisters, who had the idea to organize this surprise. Alice and Antoine adhere immediately. Arnaud, the eldest, is sidelined because of his bad temper. But then they make their way to the family home, an incident occurs. A black cat crossing the road when the father arrived by motorcycle. It is the accident.
Nunca na Primeira Noite
Julie (Alexandra Lamy), uma mulher alegre e com personalidade, nunca teve sorte no amor. Sua vida parece mudar quando ela conhece o livro “A felicidade pode ser aprendida”, que prega o pensamento positivo. Apesar do ceticismo de suas melhores amigas, Julie implementa seu novo mantra em todos os aspectos da da sua vida, conseguindo os resultados mais inesperados.
A woman recovering from an eating disorder re-encounters someone from her past.
Como Um Chef
Stanislas Matter
Jacky Bonnot (Michael Youn) é um cozinheiro amador e o seu sonho é ser bem sucedido num restaurante de grande classe. Face à sua situação financeira, este vai ser, pelo contrário, obrigado a trabalhar em pequenos empregos de cozinheiro que não chegam a satisfazê-lo. Até o dia em que encontra Alexandre Lagarde (Jean Reno), um chef altamente conceituado.
Pura Adrenalina
Vincent parece ser um policial respeitado e dedicado, até que ele e um colega são reconhecidos ao roubar uma enorme quantidade de cocaína de alguns traficantes empregados do chefe da máfia local, Marciaco. Com isso, seu filho é sequestrado com a promessa de execução caso não entregue imediatamente a droga de volta ao seu legítimo proprietário. A situação começa a se complicar e a troca de torna rapidamente em uma loucura. Vincent tem até o final da noite para retornar ao esconderijo e salvar seu filho.
Guardiões da Ordem
Durante uma noite de patrulha dois policiais noturnos ferem um trabalhador jovem que havia ferido sem motivo aparente um dos seus colegas. Injustamente acusados decidem provar sua inocência e investigar a droga responsável pela loucura do agressor.
Au bonheur des hommes
Henrique IV O Grande da França
Henry of Navarre
Um pedaço de período abrangente e enérgico que traça a ascensão do Henrique Protestante de Navarra ao passar do guerreiro do campo de batalha para o amado rei Henri IV da França. O épico do diretor Jo Baier é uma aventura classicamente divertida, ainda que com mais do que um pequeno derramamento de sangue e freqüentes interlúdios sexuais obscenos. Na França do final do século XVI, católicos e protestantes huguenotes estavam em guerra. Aparentemente buscando a paz, a rainha viúva francesa, Catherine de Medici convoca Henry para sua corte para que ele se case com a filha, unindo as duas facções em guerra. No entanto, os católicos massacraram os convidados do casamento protestante no que ficou conhecido como o massacre do Dia de São Bartolomeu e Henrique - agora casado - deve usar toda a sua astúcia para se manter vivo e manobrar para o trono. [Escrito pelo Festival Internacional de Cinema de Palm Springs]
Vampire Party
Le playboy
Best friends and hardcore partiers Sam, Alice and Prune have scored invitations to 'Medici Night', the legendary VIP bash held every year at a remote castle. But when they discover that this wild party is being thrown by an elite race of blood-crazed vampires, they'll have to stake, stab, slice, bludgeon and blast their way out of a soiree where the hosts are thirsty and the bar is now open.
Henri Debrus (voice)
Having been struck by a 150-ton meteorite, Henry has to adapt to living precisely ninety-one centimeters from himself.
Contratadas Para Matar
Pierre Desfontaines
Maio de 1944. Cinco mulheres de uma unidade de comando saltam de pára-quedas na França ocupada com a audaciosa e perigosa missăo de proteger o segredo do desembarque do Dia D e eliminar o Coronel Heindrich, comandante da contra-inteligęncia alemă. Louise é uma atiradora treinada e viúva do líder da Resistência. Jeanne é uma prostituta sem sentimentos que năo hesita em matar. Gaëlle é uma jovem e brilhante expert em explosivos desesperada para ver alguma açăo. Suzy é uma estonteante showgirl que foi amante de Heindrich. Maria é uma condessa italiana encoberta pela a Resistência Francesa. Juntas elas lutarăo para manter o segredo do Dia D encoberto.
Trapped in an old folks home where people keep going missing, an ex-cop must overcome his Alzheimers to find out who is killing people in this jigsaw thriller.
Less and Less
Lisa, a young woman, tries to remember moments of her life with the help of her doctor. Voices resonate, images intermingle... moments of happiness suddenly appear. A few seconds later, she has already forgotten. The disease progresses. Life fades away.
Please Don't Go
Paul may be a successful psychoanalyst but he fails to realize that his own marriage to Carla is failing. One of his patients, Raphaël, confides in him that he is in love with a married woman. In the course of the discussion, Paul understands that the woman in question is his own wife, Carla. Rather than end the consultation, Paul decides to manipulate his patient in an attempt to win back his wife. But Raphaël is not as stupid as he looks...
Des fleurs pour Algernon
After a successful experiment on Algernon, a mouse whose level of intelligence thanks to that procedure dramatically increased, the scientists decided to go further - the next "guinea pig" is Charles, a mentally retarded young man. The experiment is again successful. But what happens after it?
Não se Preocupe, Estou Bem!
A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father.
On va s'aimer
Laurent loves Camille but he can’t bring himself to marry her. Then he meets Elodie and discovers what love really is – not the mild cozy affection he has for Camille but a cataclysmic, thunderous all-consuming earthquake of the soul. The only problem is that Elodie is the girlfriend of Laurent’s best friend, François...
Celle qui reste
Alice has lost her father and one leg in a car accident. She lives with her mother (Jeanne) and grandfather in a farm. Summer holidays start and she can't go to the sea with other children of the village. Then she meets Vincent, a younger boy who stayed in the village as well, and Alain, the mayor's son who's back in town to train his athleticism female club. Alice would like to run with her prosthesis but Jeanne doesn't want her to run nor to approach Alain.
La nuit du meurtre
Éric Martignac
On a cold fall morning, Nathalie Castellane is found murdered near a swamp. The night before she was at the restaurant with Louis and Hélène, her rich parents, and Eric, her brother. There she had told them about her intention to marry Philippe Laclos, the manager of the Castellane group. When leaving the restaurant, Nathalie had looked very worried... After being notified of Nathalie's death, all the protagonists sink into silence. Which will not help police inspector Tourneur to establish the truth...
The Pleasure Is All Mine
A beautiful, self-centered young woman's life turns upside down when she suddenly "loses her clitoris" (i.e. her ability to have an orgasm).
J'me sens pas belle
Fanny, a single woman in her mid-thirties, has had enough of relationships that don't work, so she decides to seduce Paul, a colleague from the office, into a brief one-night sexual encounter. Everything is prepared when Paul arrives, but then, thanks to Fanny's clumsiness, things don't exactly work out as planned...
Clara and Me
Antoine has what every young single man could wish: a promising career, true and loyal friends, and an apartment of his own. However, he's a lonely man, until he meets Clara, a beautiful and exciting woman, and deeply falls in love with her. All his loneliness turns into joy... but then he learns something that makes it all extremely complicated.
Cash Truck
La Belette
Vigilante, a small armored truck company, is in full crisis mode. Victim of three violent hold-ups in a year, which left no survivors, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and its employees are extremely worried. Some even suggest a complicity between the robbers and the firm. It is in this difficult context that a man, Alexandre Demarre, one morning presents himself to start his first day of work at Vigilante.
Une deuxième chance
It's Christmas Eve. Nicolas feels very lonely since Natacha, the woman he loves, has left him. Nothing interests him anymore. He wanders aimlessly in the illuminated streets of the city. Then Zoé, a homeless woman, crosses his path.
Nos enfants chéris
30 ans, l'âge des responsabilités... Martin s'apprête à partir en vacances avec sa femme Ariane et sa fille Cerise, 4 mois... C'est alors qu'il croise Constance, son ex, son amour de jeunesse, elle-même flanquée de deux marmots. C'est décidé : on passera quelques jours ensemble, au soleil, dans la maison familiale. Comme au bon vieux temps.
Meu Pai, Meu Filho
Writer Léo Shepherd lives in rural France together with his daughter Virginia, who manages his affairs. One day Virginia gets a call from the Swedish Academy. Léo has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. His estranged son Paul tries desperately to contact him, but is denied every time by his sister. When Léo starts traveling to the ceremony in Stockholm by motor bike, Paul decides to follow him and try to speak to him. Clearly Léo doesn't want to be followed, starts speeding and gets involved in a accident, but isn't badly hurt. The police confuse another motorist for Shepherd and announce his death. Paul, driven by his childhood experiences, decides to kidnap his father.
Bloody Mallory
Mallory is the head of an elite government-run strike force dedicated to combating the supernatural. Her team includes the drag queen Vena Cava, an explosives expert; a mute, pre-teen telepath capable of possessing others named Talking Tina; and an armed governmental agent named Durand.
Tout va bien c'est Noël!
Gauthier Bréaud
Christmas? The joy of rejoining the family and spending the most anticipated holiday of the whole year. Seeing family members you haven't seen for a long time and spending the holidays together like when the children were little. But the children have grown up and have new things to tell. This news will turn the traditional family reunion into a hurricane. The coming out of the homosexual son is almost an outing, but one that testifies to the love that binds the two gay lovers together.
Les acteurs anonymes
Nine comedians meet at the Acteurs Anonymes, a rehab center for acting, lost in the heart of Aveyron.
Doors of Glory
Jérôme Le Tallec
A young man joins a team of experimented door-to-door salesmen, who teach him how to sell an expensive encyclopedia to modest homes that have no use for it.
Nationale 7
Jacques, le psy
In a nursing home for disabled near Toulon, René is unanimously hated by all. With fifty years and suffering from myopathy, has an irascible, rebellious character. But not resist provocations candor and uprightness of Julie, a special educator rookie. He confesses he wants to make love to a woman before her degenerative disease definitely catch it. Then Julie goes after one of the prostitutes who work in caravans along the N7.
Pascal Broyer
75-year-old Giuseppe De Metrio has spent 30 years in Geneva, as foreign worker for the Broyer company. Upon retirement, he returned to Puglia, Italy, where his family had continued to live. His only grandchild, 7-year-old Carla, is blind. The whole family looks forward hopefully to the day when Carla's sight can be restored by means of a cornea transplantation. After a heart attack, Giuseppe decides to wait no longer and returns to Switzerland to ask his former boss Mr. Broyer for the money necessary for the operation, as an old promise binds the two men. Intended as a 48-hour trip, Giuseppe and Carla's visit in Switzerland becomes a journey that both grandfather and granddaughter never dreamt of...
De gré ou de force
A subsidiary of Générale Financière d'Investissement (GFI), Medic-Hall, a medical equipment company, employs nine salespeople. As part of the restructuring of the group, management decided to separate from them, without paying them severance pay. For this, the company called on Sébastien Jalabier, a degreasing specialist, who undertakes to make them resign by resorting to various means of pressure: tracking down professional misconduct, humiliation, bullying, thankless tasks ...