Janusz Pawlowski

Nascimento : 1936-12-10, Lódz, Lódzkie, Poland


Brighton 4th
Depois de dar um jeito para pagar as dívidas de jogo do irmão, Kakhi, um ex-campeão de luta livre, parte de sua humilde casa na República da Geórgia para visitar o filho no Brooklyn. Após se instalar em Brighton Beach, na pensão onde vive Soso, uma espécie de pequena comunidade de imigrantes georgianos, ele descobre que o filho também acumulou uma dívida com o chefe da máfia local.
Tear of the Prince of Darkness
Director of Photography
Tallinn, Estonia, days before outbreak of World War II. Hotel detective and Polish writer team up to find Tear of the Prince of Darkness, a legendary ring which can bring Satan’s rule over the world.
The Curse of Snake Valley
Director of Photography
The trio of adventurous pals, a man who is a scientist, a fine lady and a former military pilot are in the Tibetian jungles looking for some mysterious vase that holds a metal container that is of no mundane origin.
Director of Photography
In nineteenth century Poland, Kacper Wosinski is cursed by his wife Maryna on her deathbed. Her evil spirit then haunts him in the form of a she-wolf.
O Homem de Ferro
Um trabalhador comum que se torna um “homem de ferro” forjado pela experiência, um filho que faz as pazes com seu pai, um casal que se apaixona, um repórter buscando coragem para mudar sua vida e uma nação inteira passando por duras mudanças. Esses são os ingredientes deste filme de Andrzej Wajda, continuação de o “Homem de Mármore” (1977). Na Varsóvia de 1980, o Partido Comunista envia Winkel (Marian Opanian), um repórter alcoólatra e frágil, até o distrito de Gdansk, para descobrir os podres que estariam por trás das greves nos portos. Um dos focos principais dessa investigação seria o jovem Maciej Tomczyk (Jerzy Radziwiłowicz), um articulado trabalhador cujo pai foi morto durante os protestos de Dezembro de 1970. Fingindo interesse e simpatia, Winkel entrevista diversas pessoas que conhecem Tomczyk, incluindo sua esposa, a presidiária Agnieszka (Krystyna Janda). Ao fazer isso, Winkel se depara com uma realidade diferente da que ele imaginava.
Director of Photography
Detective thriller about a killer loose in the crowds. The film follows a sniper on his rounds looking for victims, while a police inspector, with few clues in hand, has to figure out the motive for the killings as well as who the psychopath is and where he might strike next. He uncovers that the mentally deranged sniper can't stand seeing people happy together in public places.
Pilot Pirx's Inquest
Director of Photography
Pirx, an experienced pilot, is hired to go on a top-secret mission to evaluate some 'nonlinears' (an experimental model of android) for use as crewmembers on future space flights. Pirx and this intriguing crew are sent out to launch two satellites into the rings of Saturn, but he is determined to find out and identify a hostile unhuman coworker among them.
Director of Photography
The Anatomy of Love
Director of Photography
Ogłoszenie matrymonialne
Director of Photography
The Epidemic
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Young boxer studies with a kind, knowing manager, grooming him for the Olympics. He fights the lead boxer, has a brief fling, and gets jailed for beating up a group he feels laughed at him during the drunken spree. But he is rehabilitated and gets a crack at the Olympics where he wins.