Alessandro / Giovanni / Pippo (archive footage) (uncredited)
"Marx can wait" was something Camillo Bellocchio said to his twin Marco the last time they met before the former died at a young age in the heated days of 1968. This documentary is dedicated to his memory.
Documentary about the life of Aldo Braibanti, an 'heretic' Italian intellectual, from early anti-fascist activism to his death, passing through the infamous 1968 mock trial which, under the flimsy accusation of “plagio”, actually aimed at his independence and homosexuality.
Antonio e Agostino cresceram juntos em uma pequena cidade na Sicília; eles sonhavam em viver uma vida diferente, em outro lugar. Agora, com trinta anos, ambos vivem no exterior, mas perderam o contato anos atrás. Quando Antonio descobre que a casa em que ele cresceu, que estava vazia há muito tempo, está prestes a ser vendida em leilão, ele decide sair e se reconectar com seu amigo de infância. Mas suas vidas mudaram muito. Antigos conflitos e novas revelações os levam à Europa em uma jornada de caminhão.
Em meio a um romance complicado e a tensões crescentes em Paris, Anna se vê envolvida em uma espiral vertiginosa de sonhos, memórias e possibilidades.
During a break on a rooftop, Teco, a young baker, notices the intriguing fall of a strange bird. He decides to venture to the next roof to have a closer look. This is only the beginning of a most unbelievable journey on the labyrinthine rooftops of Roma.
Grégory (le costaud)
He’s lived for too long off his parents. It’s time for 40-year-old slacker Jacques to get by on his own. One-time gigolo and a borderline bum, he knows what he wants – to become rich and famous. He even has a business plan: tourism combined with cheap plastic surgery. Jacques moves in with his older sister, Monique, who manages an Emmaus village in the south west of France. And before long, the smooth-talking chancer has convinced a group of workers to pool their meagre funds and set out on a trip to a clinic in Bulgaria, where all their dreams of a brighter and more beautiful future will all come true. If only…
Kogo, a Japanese filmmaker, has come to spend a few days in Pantin with an old friend. He is avoiding work. An incorrect address, the Romainville weather tower, a symposium about failure in art, a woman in blue, and another in a fur hat will totally mess up his plans.
Frank Ewington
The ensemble film THE GENITAL WARRIORS takes a look at the common past of the three main characters as their memories meet and overlap. The 70-year-old Frank sits in a geronto-psychiatric ward and types a screenplay about his relationship with Lena and Barbara. These two embittered women come together with a magic wand and a shotgun to travel to the past and commit an act of revenge on him.
When I wake will I be someone else?
Portraits of women, stories from their past and their present as prostitutes working between Italy and France (and Brazil). Women who used to think they were lost, and men just as lost as them.
“Why did you kill her?” Lou asks Philippe again. The life-odyssey of Joana, a modern-day Moll Flanders, continues as she moves through different times and places, like the stations of a personal via crucis, with occasional leaps into the present. From Paris to Rome and on to São Paulo. The body has lost every value, except the economic one.
Ali, tramp
Paris, North Station, anything comes by, even trains. One would like to stay, but they have to hurry up... Like other thousands lives crossing, Ismael, Mathilde, Sacha and Joan are going to meet here...
Merle aceita o convite de seu amante para passar o verão no sul da França. Ela fica surpreendida ao descobrir apenas os filhos dele e a casa de verão. Será que ela esperava mais do que merecia? Um verão ambíguo cheio de desejo silencioso.
Étienne is an old man who refuses to leave his home because he is convinced that the spirits of his wife and daughter still live there. Nevertheless, the apartment's owner will try to throw him away by any means.
Baron de Lasson
No século XVII, a jovem Suzanne (Pauline Étienne) sonha em ter uma vida livre, mas seus pais têm outros planos para ela: colocá-la em um convento. Embora resista aos planos, Suzanne é forçada a seguir a preparação para a vida religiosa, entre madres superiores tirânicas, e outras carinhosas em excesso... Aos poucos, a jovem começa a preparar seu plano de fuga.
A young woman wanders down an endless corridor, while other people knock at a door at night. A man takes a picture of Montmartre, two women hand him some money, while a patron manages from rue de Mhyra a network of Italian call girls. Adiba sings an ancient Moroccan song in a room full of children, while Vidya is performing her daily puja in Pune (India). Giuli sings to herself as she drives at night through Turin and runs to the station at day. Parallel stories where every character is caught “in a situation,” closed.
The old astronomer
During the summer of the year 1610 one of the first telescopes made by Galileo ends up in the hands of Jean Kepler in Prague who at the time was the astronomer of Emperor Rudolp II. Kepler observes the night-sky as nobody has seen it before him. His observation platform becomes the meeting place of Prague's imperial court. In this entourage Kepler separates science from superstition, freedom from intolerance.
Dr. Wissmann
Berlin’s notorious Neukoelln district. The near future. A time in which the health system has collapsed. A man works in the shadows and without license as a doctor. He has no practice, no appointments system. He treats people in the courtyards and streets – everywhere he’s needed, stealing medicine from pharmacies. Nobody knows his name or that by day he’s the caretaker of a shabby tenement building. He pushes boundaries and suffers defeats that cost him the last of his strength. Forced to adopt the role of a shadow, an outlaw, he is confronted with the question as to whether he really is a doctor.
Strolling through France (Roanne, Nice and Carcassonne) with some excursions abroad (Munich, Montreal, New York).
A young director years old, lives with a girl. Active part of the Intellectual society, he represents perfectly the union between fear and determination, that changes deeply his way of understanding the world that surrounds him. His only aim is to leave a footstep of his presence on this world realizing a film.
Zack Wolf
Delphine is twenty years old. She is too young to have experienced the activism of the seventies, but for her it is not something that belongs to the past. She decides to find something that will allow her to act and which, she claims, is owed to her.
Arie Neumann
Simon, um sujeito meticuloso, sóbrio e calculista, é psicólogo e diretor de Recursos Humanos de uma corporação multinacional alemã sediada na França. Após demitir mais de mil trabalhadores, em um processo de "reengenharia" da empresa para melhor "racionalização" das linhas de produção, é solicitado pelo vice-presidente a investigar, em sigilo, o estado mental de um importante diretor-executivo, que apresentaria um comportamento supostamente estranho.
Irene moves to Paris to begin a new life with her husband Jason and their two daughters, but an act of betrayal and her desire for revenge soon sends her to the brink of madness.
Fiction-documentary about the short life of the photographer Francesca Woodman (1958-1981) who used to photograph herself, mostly naked in strange places, until she committed sucide. American photographer Francesca Woodman is best known for black-and-white pictures of herself and of female models, which still draws new fans. Many of her photographs show young women nude, blurred (due to movement and long exposure times), merging with their surroundings, or with their faces obscured. Years after her suicide at the age of 22, her photographic works became the subject of much attention, including many exhibitions and books.
In a future present, a rebellious Veronique finds herself working for an inventor who has dedicated himself to the cause of a positive darkness; he is working to counter the tide of a bright, diffuse, and technologically oriented time as represented in the film by man-made light. Veronique's brother Alix works for an agency that is attempting to thwart the process.
"What I like about the journey, is the surprise you find when your back. It is not me who said it, it is Stendhal. And it's a pity that I am not Stendhal because I was going to be served. A big surprise waited for me at the Cosmos Agency."
Clovis Fishermann
William’s great surprise, his cousin Clovis, whom he did not see again since around thirty years, arrives from New York to visit him. Reunion between both men creates one thousand memories: always so collusive, they become fast inseparable, living again, the space of moment, their young years… Only Elizabeth, wife of William, who has just lost her father, does not share their cheerfulness.
Alexandre, a thirty-year old tailor, has decided to improve his cultural level. That is the reason why he has decided to attend an evening school. The lessons are given in the classroom of an elementary class by a teacher named Etienne. The subject of the course is : "The solitude of Jean-Jacques Rousseau". Will Alexandre become another man after grappling with with Rousseau, Diderot and ... Etienne? - Guy Bellinger
In 1941, Etty Hillesum, a young Jewish woman living in occupied Amsterdam, starts a psychoanalysis with Julius Spiers, a disciple of Jung specializing in feminine hysteria.
Based on the legend of Tiresias, it tells of a transsexual who is kidnapped by a man and left to die in the woods. She is then saved by a family and receives the gift of telling the future.
Despite the stress and anguish associated with living in the city, as a place it remains a inexhaustible source of inspiration for those who take the time to walk around and observe.
Um jovem entrando na adolescência se apaixona por uma mulher com idade o suficiente para ser sua mãe. Eventualmente, ele descobre que ela também está apaixonada por ele.
Cesare used to be a star, a long time ago. The venues have become smaller and the audiences more cruel. Cesare is on his way to his next performance with his keyboarder Joe but their way ends at a fork in the road.
The central role of Louise is portrayed by Elodie Bouchez, who won a 1998 Cannes "Best Actress" award for The Dreamlife of Angels. When Louise has an encounter with homeless Remi (Roschdy Zem), they have a magnetic attraction, but she is already attached to illiterate shoplifter and pickpocket punk Yaya (Gerald Thomassin). Although allied with Yaya in petty crimes, Louise lives with her widowed father (Lou Castel), a devoted writer of fiction. After a Metro bum (Bruce Myers) tells her of his desire to see his young son, she plucks the kid, Gaby (Antoine de Merle), right out of school, making him the newest rookie recruited into their subway gang. Shoplifting in a department store, the young toughs escape the store's security guards by hiding in the ballet rehearsal rooms of the nearby opera. But does Louise really belong with the subway toughs, or is she just pretending? When she's arrested, Louise is forced to reexamine her lifestyle.
A teacher
We follow how four ordinary little girls learn about life, love and all that sort of things.
Amours décolorées is a cinematographic poem to the glory of Mariola San Martin, model, stylist, dancer and Spanish photographer.
Based on a true story this emotionally wrenching character study focuses upon a desperate young wife who feigns an entire pregnancy in hopes of convincing her dissatisfied husband to remain with her. Magali's problem comes from the fact that she is so bland and unassuming as to be nearly invisible. Her passivity and inability to form her own opinions grates on her husband Alain, a go-getter radio journalist, and he plans to take a year long assignment in Canada to get away from her. While preparing to leave, his boss, who has been inadvertently led to believe that Magli is pregnant, shows up and tells Alain. The husband's first response is to demand an abortion, but on second thought he decides he would like to become a father after all. Magli, fearing that he will leave, then devises her elaborate ruse.
Geography Teacher
Inès, Stella, Marion and Emilie are four young women who become friends and never leave each other. They band together during their teenage years. This film discusses their first meeting and what happens afterward.
José Mirano
A diva da ação Maggie Cheung (interpretando ela mesma) chega à França quando um antigo diretor de sucesso a escala para a refilmagem do clássico mudo Os Vampiros. Usando um macacão de borracha e sem falar francês, Cheung se vê lançada à insanidade da indústria cinematográfica.
Bum #1
Um homem que se divide em quatro nomes e quatro personalidades que nos coloca em quatro diferentes histórias de amor, luxúria e crime.
The mid-life crisis of a middle-aged, depressive college professor/author provides the center of this French character study. Abel Vichac has really let himself go. Though a successful writer, and supposedly working on a book about 'regret,' he is barely functioning. He can't sleep at night. During the day he is easily distracted, irresponsible and moody. He also ignores his patient live-in lover Aliette who has stuck by him for 10 years. As he mopes through another day, he gets into several awkward occasions. One of his students, Florence tells him off in a café. A young woman, Catherine hears this and afterward introduces herself as a fan. Later he decides to find her address and visit her apartment. There Abel meets Catherine's roommate Aurore and the former's jealous boyfriend Bruno for a tense scene. He is returning home when Abel encounters his brother's former lover Olga and this creates more awkwardness.
The unhappy love lives of Paul and Marcus, two artists and friends who are neither particularly young or successful anymore.
A former inspector of the SIAE, focusing everything on his cunning and stubbornness, tries to grab (even in fraudulent ways) all the televisions or private radios that come to hand; all to please a mysterious woman named Gilda.
The daughter of a known filmaker finds herself in her father's family home, with the whole family.
A man walks with his child on the grass of a hill. He reaches an old country house, where years before he had spent his childhood during World War II. The deserted and desolate rooms make him travel back in memory to the time when the war was ending. Episodes of family life pass before his eyes: father, mother, grandmother and six children, of which he, Silvano, the youngest, was made mute by the shock of a bomb exploding...
Round Faced Man
O romancista americano David Raybourne acidentalmente fica enredado no plano terrorista da Brigada Vermelha para sequestrar o primeiro ministro italiano Aldo Moro durante uma viagem de pesquisa a Roma. Enquanto os terroristas tentam matar David, ele e sua amiga fotojornalista devem lutar para se manterem vivos.
The head of a gang of criminals in Arizona tries to kidnap a girl, but is hindered in his intentions by a handsome mining engineer and a federal sheriff.
In a futuristic society, an old man tells the legend of a strange medal to two children. In flashback, we learn that after a nuclear catastrophe, two teenagers were living in an artificial paradise, maintained by electronic means, and once decide to leave that shelter and escape using that same medal - a mini video-disc - in search of outer-space freedom.
il pescatore muto
A father and his son who lived seperated for some time meet each other one day and try to talk their problems over and understand their diametrical differences.
Joseph Rorret
Mr. Rorret is the owner of a cinema called "The Peeping Tom" which shows a constant stream of horror films. Rorret dates women from the audience and then kills them, taking sadistic pleasure from their expressions of terror. This film is apparently a well-filmed homage to "Peeping Tom", with nods to "Psycho" and "Strangers on a Train".
Um ex-agente da CIA, John Creasy, está procurando trabalho. Relutantemente, ele aceita um emprego como guarda-costas, trabalhando para uma família rica na Itália. Ele deve proteger Sam, uma menina de 12 anos, contra a ameaça de sequestro da máfia. A princípio, John fica entediado com a tarefa, mas logo ele começa a se preocupar de verdade com Sam, e o seu trabalho fica bem mais empolgante quando a preocupação dos pais da Sam acaba sendo bem fundamentada.
Italian activist
A British girl falls for a French man while on vacation.
A diverse group of guests gather in a small hotel in Paris to contemplate the state of their lives in this pretentious drama. Joseph Goldman (Fernando Rey) is a washed-up Hollywood actor making a living in the dinner-theater circuit. Accompanied by his wife Sarah (Carole Regnier), Goldman meets Frederique (Berangere Bonvoisin), who is hiding from her former lover. French financier Arthur (Fabrice Luchini) hopes to get into the film industry and bends the ear of a British director (Michael Medwin). The talkative film has little action, and none of the characters evoke much interest or resolve their dilemma.
A German woman and a former French prisoner of war live in 1950s Germany. Instead of playing a role in rebuilding her country, the heroine remains preoccupied with her personal affairs.
Couple is a cinematic series of portrait films, which show two persons, who free to do what they wish, in a fixed camera shot of 3:20 minutes.
Doctor / Father
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Marie's friend
A young film director is turning a movie with his friend Christa. In the film-within-the-film there are two couples, one real, one imagined , and the film - told through five dreams - is as much the story of a film on-production, as the birth of a child.
A young Swiss woman on vacation in Italy, has a relationship with an Italian writer and is struggling with decisions on what to do with her life
Le Maitre
Maria has suffered from depression since the death of her child, and goes to live in a lonely house by the sea.
Story concerns two friends, Freya and Irmtraut and their relationships with the same man, Traugott, who finds it impossible to choose between the two women.
Giovanni Pallidissimi / Pippo Pallidissimi
A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.
Reel 13 of Gérard Courant's on-going Cinematon series.
Having murdered her husband and daughter, Carol invents a new identity to start a new life. Unfortunately, her tendency to express their unhappiness or disapproval by murdering her victims could jeopardize her romance with mathematician and philosopher Ignacio from Spain.
Renato, a depressed man with a troubled past, thinks his luck has finally changed when he meets the wonderful Monica. Unfortunately, Monica currently occupies a home she believes is haunted by the malicious spirit of her dead grandfather. This psychological horror / drama was a flop in theaters and, to date, has only been issued a single time on a home viewing format (a VHS release in Italy).
A irmã Gertrudes é a enfermeira freira principal cujo o comportamento cada vez mais psicótico, coloca em perigo a sanidade dos pacientes e funcionários do hospital. A freira que é apegada na morfina e na loucura, preside sobre um regime de lesbianismo e mortes.
Father Clark
Amanda, a beautiful American girl is soon to be married to Andrea Orsomandi, a wealthy nobleman who lives in an extravagant Gothic mansion. However there exists something dark, sinister and supernatural within the walls of the mansion. It seems that Andrea has been driven to madness and is a victim of the evil contained within the house. It soon transpires that he is involved in black magic, perverse rituals and serial killings with the aid of his sadistic henchman and gardener Giovanni. Killing prostitutes in order to exorcise this Evil. Now the demonic forces set out to possess Amanda,take her soul and turn her into another victim of the mansion.
le psychiatre
This film was presented to the Cannes Film Festival in the parallel section in 1978. It is unreleased.
Voted for in the 2012 Sight & Sound poll
With Fred Williamson as director and star of Mr. Mean, is there any question as to the identity of the title character? Williamson plays a former Cosa Nostra henchman who seeks greener pastures. Hiring himself out as a hit man, he immediately lands a job. His mission: wipe out his old boss. Filmed in Italy, Mr. Mean certainly fulfills audience expectations
Three terrorists—a rebel girl from an upper-class family, a teacher who despises capitalism, and an ex-con with a taste for violence—come together to kill the Minister of the Interior and destabilise the government.
A young man who seems lost, Nicolas, has an appointment with her sister Juliette. They are bound by a heavy childhood secret: their mother committed suicide when their father had instructed Nicolas to keep it. Since the father chased him and forbade Juliette to see him.
O moldurista Jonathan Zimmerman sofre de uma doença fatal. Ao cruzar o caminho de Tom Ripley, traficante de obras de arte falsificadas, ele é arrastado para o mundo do crime. Zimmerman recebe a oferta de matar em troca de dinheiro, o que asseguraria o bem-estar de sua família após a sua morte.
José Maria is a seventeen year old boy; his father is a successful restaurant owner in a town some distance from Barcelona, in Spain. The boy is intelligent and sensitive, but his mannerisms and habits, and lack of masculine drive, lead him to get bullied at school. The school principal decides that José is the disruptive influence, and asks for him to be removed from the school. The father berates the boy, and his mother, for his failure to be a red-blooded young man, and sends him away for a while to live with a friend in the country. Father visits the boy, and takes him to a strip club in Barcelona, run by a lady friend of his, intending that this will "cure" him of his sexual reserve. However one of the acts is a pre-operative transsexual, and there is a full frontal exposure at the end. Father has arranged that after the show...
Rome, 70s. Rocco and Antonia, high school students, meet during a political rally. The two young people share age, political ideas, dissatisfaction with their parents. Moreover, by attending, they realize they have fallen in love. It is the discovery of sex and passion. After some time, however, their relationship goes into crisis.
Swedish Terrorist
A Travessia de Cassandra é um 'Disaster Movie', com grande elenco de estrelas, sobre a odisseia aterrorizante de 1000 passageiros presos a bordo de um trem contaminado por uma peste. Um terrorista infectado com um vírus mortal ataca o Expresso Estocolmo-Genebra e expõe todos a bordo para a doença. O coronel Mackenzie (Burt Lancaster) é chamado para lidar com a situação e descobre que o Dr. Chamberlain (Richard Harris) está a bordo do trem. Mackenzie decide direcionar o trem para a Travessia de Cassandra, onde ele vai mergulhar no esquecimento. Mas os passageiros milagrosamente começam a se recuperar e Chamberlain deve correr contra o tempo para desconectar os vagões da locomotiva e salvar todos.
Michael is the younger son of a middle-class family, a strong-willed and free-thinking fellow, who is off in some distant country fighting for a revolutionary cause.
Anthony M. Wilson is an English gentleman. He has a string of restaurants in London plus a beautiful house decorated with all the trendy art he can get.
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
A young filmmaker becomes involved with a gangster in Berlin. Based on the Ulf Miehe novel Ich hab' noch einen Toten in Berlin.
An American gangster of Swedish origins returns to his homeland to set up shop as a morality crusader, much in the manner of the later phenomenon of televangelists. While indulging in behind-the-scene shenanigans including rape and murder, the gangster (played by American Clu Gulagher) preaches to large audiences, using mass hypnotism and show-biz razzmatazz to get his message across. The film also features a brief performance by Per Oscarsson, following his highly publicized "retirement" from screen acting.
Nada, named after a gang of Spanish anarchists, is a small, confused band of French terrorists. They kidnap the American ambassador after one of his regular visits to an exclusive brothel. The gang starts to quarrel amongst themselves as to the diplomat's fate, while the police purge suspects in their attempts to destroy the Nada faction. As the violence escalates on both sides, the States and the terrorists are forced to use one another's methods in an increasingly desperate and relentless conflict.
Rev. Dimmesdale
Na pequena cidade de Salem, no século XVII, Hester Prynne acaba de ter um bebê. A criança é fruto de um relacionamento fora de seu casamento. Castigada pelas autoridades locais, Hester é obrigada a usar, costurada em suas vestes, a letra A em tom escarlate para que todos vejam a sua vergonha.
Carlo, a young photographer, is making love with his girlfriend at the beach when he witnesses a murder being feebly staged to look like a car accident. Carlo takes incriminating shots of the murderers (the victim turns out to be the local public prosecutor) and attempts to sell them to various interested parties, including a gangster and a newspaper owner. One of the murderers' accomplices, a lowlife criminal, is gunned down by a black-gloved assassin, while another is stabbed to death...
Salvatore, a servant
In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and old-fashioned teaching methods of priests. Soon, Angelo exerts strong leadership among his peers and incites turmoil among them, helped by intellectual Franco and shy Camma. They expel the prefect from the school, organize a Grand Guignol show, and disappear the corpse of an old professor.
Tensions between members of a film crew build while they wait for the arrival of the director and star to arrive on location.
The film centers on young revolutionary student Gilberto who is being sought by the police. To avoid arrest, he boards a train and travels home. The house now seems somehow haunted, as doors slam shut and shadows are seen running throughout the corridors. But Gilberto soon discovers that it's his own troubled conscience that is torn in two. He hesitates as one part tells him to accept the attraction that his father's 'world' exerts on him whilst the other orders him to destroy everything to pursue his own ideals.
Ray / Todd
Uma cidade fantasma, ouro escondido onde ninguém sequer desconfia, gente que sempre está no lugar errado e na hora errada, personagens hilários e violentos. Essa mistura toda resulta num dos filmes mais deliciosos da era do spaghetti western. Filmado no auge do estilo, Matá-lo traz além de excelentes atuações, ótimos movimentos de câmera durante os tiroteios e uma trilha sonora inesquecível.
Carmelo La Manna
A young commissioner investigates the murder of a Sicilian criminal with the help of a social worker.
Peter Donovan
Following the death of her wealthy husband, American widow Kathryn West migrates to Italy and takes up a reclusive existence in a luxurious villa. After quickly succumbing to the charms of a local man, she lets him move into the villa and the two are later joined by his sister, which soon leads to complications.
padre Charles
A humble scientist from Padua proves that the Earth revolves and that it is not the center of the universe.
Cesare Borgia
Fabrizio finds refuge from thugs in a convent, and passion in the arms of Lucrezia Borgia.
An enterprising reporter takes along four willing adventurers to interview and photograph a young Sardinian criminal in hiding. Under intermittent gunfire, they make their way to the mountain hideout of the bandit. After a leisurely conversation and photo session, the encampment comes under fire from a group of armed citizens acting as police. Bullets fly and violence overtakes the criminal's two henchman, as the thrill-seeking group and the wanted criminal find themselves under attack.
O corpo do jovem Alvise está paralisado, ou pelo menos ele assim pensa. Ele está apaixonado por sua bela tia Lea. O que começa como terapia e cuidados inocentes logo se desenvolve em estranhas batalhas eróticas e psicológicas entre eles.
O único sobrevivente do massacre de sua família e seu povo, por um predador itinerante e sua ambiciosa mulher, um menino ferido carregará por toda sua vida marcas profundas que jamais irão apagar de sua memória. Anos mais tarde, já homem e com muita sede de vingança, Réquiem sai em busca de Fergusson, o exterminador de sua família. Ele terá a oportunidade de ficar face a face com aquele que deverá lhe prestar contas.
Bill Tate
Revolução mexicana, popular líder revolucionário protege e conduz um mercenário americano, sem desconfiar das intenções do estrangeiro.
Francesco d'Assisi
Cavani made her first full-length feature film in 1966 with Francis of Assisi (Francesco d'Assisi). Made for television and aired in two parts, it was deeply influenced by the style of Rossellini and the atmosphere typical of the films of Pasolini. Made in a period of political unrest, it was to become a kind of manifesto of dissenting Catholicism. Starring Lou Castel, it portrays Francis of Assisi as a slightly depressed protestor and an avid, albeit mad, supporter of armed brotherhood. The ideal defender of the 1968 student movement. The film was a great success, but also triggered many negative reactions. It was called "heretical, blasphemous and offensive for the faith of the Italian people". It was the first of many polemical reactions to Cavani's work.
Uma família disfuncional de quatro irmãos e sua mãe cega vive num vilarejo nos Montes Apeninos, na Itália. Alessandro, que sofre de epilepsia e tem sonhos vívidos, decide libertar seu irmão Augusto de sua família “anormal”, levando a todos à beira de um penhasco.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Durante o conturbado processo de unificação italiana na Sicília, o príncipe Don Fabrizio passa a simpatizar com os ideais socialistas, mas não gosta da ideia de perder seu prestígio e privilégios.