Puccio Pucci


Amor e Raiva
Five short stories with contemporary settings. In New York, people are indifferent to derelicts sleeping on sidewalks, to a woman's assault in front of an apartment building, and to a couple injured in a car crash. A man, stripped of his identity, dies in bed with actors expressing his agony. A cheerful, innocent young man walking a city street in a time of war pays a price for this innocence. A couple talks about cinema while it watches another couple talk of love and truth on the eve of one character's return to Cuba. Striking students take over a university classroom; an argument follows about revolution or incremental change.
The Paper Flower Sequence
A beautiful smiling guy's walking on the streets of a city, bringing with him a large paper poppy. The boy is the goodness and innocence of youth, which is soon cut short by human wickedness.
La sequenza del fiore di carta
Retomando o tema de Édipo Rei da "Culpa da Inocência," o cândido personagem Riccetto caminha pela Via Nazionale alheio às desigualdades, guerras e conflitos do entorno.