Denys Hawthorne

Nascimento : 1932-08-09, Portadown, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, UK

Morte : 2009-10-16


Denys Hawthorne’s long and distinguished career has encompassed extensive work in theatre, television and film, both in England and Ireland. Drama has included Shakespeare and Chekhov, as well as many contemporary plays, while he has been seen in popular TV series including Inspector Morse, and Father Ted, and The Russia House, and Emma on the wide screen. Throughout, radio performance has been a constant theme, notably in drama and poetry.


Patrick McBride
Set in 19th Century Ireland, the 'Molly Maguires' take revenge on an old man who has been telling tales to the Landlord.
Mr. Woodhouse
Emma Woodhouse, uma jovem bonita, inteligente e encantadora, está decidida a jamais se casar. Ela já possui toda a fortuna e independência de que precisa e sente-se perfeitamente satisfeita com sua situação, o que não a impede de se divertir planejando casamentos entre as pessoas que a cercam. Ao conhecer Harriet Smith, uma moça de status social mais baixo, Emma decide ajudá-la a encontrar um pretendente que seja um verdadeiro cavalheiro. Porém, a jovem descobre que interferir demais na vida dos outros pode por em risco a própria felicidade…
Samuel Beckett As the Story Was Told
A two-part biography of the Irish writer Samuel Beckett. The first part covers the traumas of his formative years: his ill-fated love affair with his first cousin, the death of his father, and his decorated service with the French Resistance. He had settled in France before the Second World War, met fellow Irishman James Joyce, and begun writing. Patrick Magee's television performance of `Krapp's Last Tape' (1972) is interwoven with key landscapes and personalities from Beckett's life. The second part concludes the story of how Beckett finally began to connect with his audience, principally through `Waiting for Godot'. Includes an interview with the actress Billie Whitelaw, a celebrated interpreter of his work.
A Breed of Heroes
Jack Smiles
In 1971, fresh-faced, eager for heroics, the young officers arrive in Belfast. Pelted with rocks by kids, sniped at by the IRA, they take refuge in sex, black humour and the weird rituals of the officers' mess.
Em Nome do Pai
Appeal Judge
Em 1974, um atentado a bomba do IRA mata cinco pessoas em um pub de Guilford, próximo de Londres. O jovem rebelde irlandês Gerry Conlon e três amigos são acusados pelo crime, presos e condenados. Giuseppe Conlon, pai de Gerry, tenta ajudar o filho e também é condenado, mas pede ajuda à advogada Gareth Peirce, que passa a investigar as irregularidades do caso.
A Casa da Rússia
Katya (Michelle Pfeiffer), amiga e ex-amante de Dante (Klaus Maria Brandauer), um famoso cientista soviético, tenta entregar importantes obras do seu amigo a Bartholomew Blair (Sean Connery), um editor inglês, para estas serem publicadas no Ocidente. Mas o material é interceptado e vários espiões ocidentais mandam Blair ao encontro de Katya para descobrir quem é o autor destas obras e se há veracidade nas informações. Porém, a paixão de Blair por Katya pode criar situações imprevisíveis.
Shoot To Kill
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
The Englishman's Wife
Jim McGettrick
A woman and her daughter are stranded in a rambling old house deep in the countryside of County Tyrone. Their economic circumstances are hopeless, but it is friends and former business associates who pose the greatest threat to their happiness.
Blanc de Chine
Mathieu is called on by the French government to investigate murders in the Asian community of Paris. With Chinese and Vietnamese engaged in a bloody slaughterfest, the key to the mystery lies with the orphan girl who Mathieu helped to escape during the fall of Saigon in 1975. Now a beautiful young woman, Mathieu is reunited ten years later with the refugee, and together they attempt to solve the case. He uncovers a CIA plot that has carried over from the last days of the Vietnam War and that is related to the Paris murders.
Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids
As evidence for the defense at his ongoing trial, the Doctor presents an adventure from his future when he is travelling with a computer programmer named Mel. Answering a mysterious distress call from the space liner Hyperion III, they find that the passengers aboard include unscrupulous scientists, secret agents, saboteurs, thieves and a murderer. And lurking in the shadows are the Vervoids, the product of sinister botanical experiments, who will stop at nothing to destroy all non-plant life.
Daylight Robbery
Neglected by her family, kept apart from her grandchildren, desperately short of money, Bea begins to gamble - at first for small stakes, but ultimately for the highest stake of all: revenge for the past.
The Price
Geoffrey Carr is a wealthy, key player in Britain's emerging computer industry, and newly married to Frances , a much younger woman, with wilful daughter Clare from a previous marriage. He'll do anything to make them happy, including stretching his finances to buy a Georgian estate in County Wicklow, where Frances grew up. Frank Crossan is an Irish Republican hitman on the run from British authorities. Seeking refuge with old girlfriend Kate, he creates a plan to kidnap a wealthy Brit for a ransom to fund a major arms deal. Their two worlds collide when Frances and Clare are brutally snatched away to a bleak hideaway and taken hostage. Geoffrey initially wants to cave in to the kidnapper's demands “ but nothing is simple when a personal crisis plays out against the forces of political intrigue, high finance and with the eyes of the media on them.
A Private Function
Hotel Manager
In the summer of 1947, Britain prepares to commemorate the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. To get around food-rationing laws, Dr. Charles Swaby, accountant Henry Allardyce and solicitor Frank Lockwood are fattening a black-market pig for the big day. Egged on by his wife, meek Gilbert Chilvers steals the swine, but the couple must conceal it from inspector Morris Wormold.
The Cry
RUC District Inspector
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and dragged away. When he investigates, witnesses seem to melt away, and life-long friends reveal a sinister indifference. Or is it fear?
Col. Francis Shelmerdine
The story of Amy Johnson who disappeared while piloting a RAF Wellington Bomber
A Woman Calling
Broderick's Colleague
Professor Broderick, a famous professor of Psychology, returns to his house by Belfast Lough to discover a woman waiting for him.
An Englishman Abroad
Actress Coral Browne travels to Moscow, and meets a mysterious Englishman. Turns out he's the notorious spy, Guy Burgess. Based on a true story, with Ms. Browne playing herself.
Gates of Gold
Play by Maurice Leitch set in Country Antrim. Two evangelists are touring the a rea, stirring up religious fervour in the quiet presbyterian backwaters. The year is 1959.
Easter 2016
Cyril Brown
Set in 2016 prior to the centennial of the Easter Rising at Northern Ireland's only integrated teacher training college. A struggle develops between the principal and the security director who values security more than education.
The Life and Times of David Lloyd George
John Dillon
The Life and Times of David Lloyd George charts the life of the controversial Liberal politician with Philip Madoc in the titular role. The title theme, Chi Mai, was by Ennio Morricone
The Long March
Father Oliver
A woman returns to Belfast after ten years in England and becomes involved in the Maze prison protest.
O Fator Humano
Insp. Butler
A low-ranking Secret Service agent is conned into supplying information to Eastern Bloc countries. Although he is not a suspect due to his unimportant position, when his office partner is hauled in as a suspect he realises he has got himself into very deep water.
Rogue Male
No início de 1939 Sir Robert Hunter (Peter O'Toole) mirou em Adolf Hitler (Michael Sheard) com um rifle de alta potência, mas o tiro errou o alvo. Capturado e torturado pela Gestapo e deixado para morrer, Sir Robert faz o caminho de volta para a Inglaterra, onde descobre que a Gestapo o seguiu. Sabendo que seu governo o entregaria às autoridades alemãs, Sir Robert vai à clandestinidade em sua batalha contra seus perseguidores. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Carson Country
Archie Heron
Play set in Northern Ireland about Carson and the setting up of the Stormont Government of 1918-1920, after strong protests by the Northern Irish Protestants against Home Rule and separation from Great Britain.
The Wife Swappers
Six stories involving wife and husband swapping/swinging, are described in titillating detail while analyzed by a pseudo psychologist.
The first broadcast of the radio play in English on the BBC on 6th October 1964. The play opens with a familiar Beckettian theme, the search to put an end to language: “—story . . . if you could finish it . . . you could rest . . . sleep . . . not before”. “The shape of the narrative itself is indicative of the mind already in the process of degenerating towards an impasse. Voice alternates between talking about the story-telling itself, or the need to find the story to end all stories, and narrating [what it hopes will be that final] story." (Wiki) The term ‘cascando’ (‘cascades’) involves the decrease of volume and the deceleration of tempo.