Ariane Krampe

Nascimento : 1961-01-01, Hagen, Germany


Mein Vater, der Esel und ich
Ein Sommer in der Bretagne
Veterinarian Britta has recently separated from her boyfriend and is open to a new beginning, preferably in Brittany, where she spends the summer vacation with a befriend couple. After a rain shower, she unexpectedly stumbles upon her idyllic dream house, only to run over the fisherman Yves with her bike in her blissfulness. Unfortunately, Yves also wants to buy the house that is up for sale in an anonymous bidding process. He and his father can no longer make a living from fishing, and he wants to build up a second source of income in the form of holiday apartments. The empty neighboring house would be ideal for this. At first, Yves finds Britta more annoying than nice. But she gains ground with her fearless and positive nature. When Yves finds out who his opponent in the bidding process is, he tries to badmouth his beautiful home area in presence of the German doctor. Everything would be so much easier if it weren't for those darn feelings. House or love, that is the question now.
Verliebt auf Island
Familie Wöhler auf Mallorca
Production Design
Familie mit Hindernissen
Katrin can only dream of a happy family. Because the patchwork constellation with several involuntarily connected families puts their nerves to the test. To kitten the fragile relationship with her 14-year-old daughter Saskia, she has invited all family members to their confirmation. But Saskia has recently moved to her father and his new family, while the son of Katrins new partner Philipp has moved in with them and since then devastated Saskia's room and Katrins life. It is impossible to think of a harmonious everyday life, let alone a peaceful family celebration.
Ein Sommer in Südfrankreich
After the death of uncle Olivier, his estate, a small chateau in Provence and the small town's only undertaker firm in its cellar, befall equally and jointly to his local stepson André Vidal, who runs the business since Olivier semi-retired ill, and German cousin, business consultant Charlotte. She arrives from Frankfort to sell the estate at the skyrocketing prices for such idyllic hospitality industry sites. André is shocked, determined to preserve the town's social fabric by preserving Olivier's heritage, and disappointed she doesn't even recognize him as childhood best playmate. It turns out the backward taxes are a ticking bomb, which she sneakily intends to ignite, only André's charms and the lavender-scented bucolic way of life appeal ever more even to businesslike Charlotte.
Invisible Years
After the death of her mother, Bea Kanter leaves her home in Hesse in order to start her studies in Frankfurt. She leaves her father Norbert and her younger sister Conny behind. Thanks to her fellow student Andrea, the shy student quickly finds a connection. She moves into a WG and is confronted with the left scene, the rebels of the 1970s. This fits in with her inner life, because she has to distract herself mentally from her father - a conservative entrepreneur, for Bea the epitome of the capitalist. So she becomes a radical rebel.
Once again, the "border crossing" is celebrated, as every seven years in the Upper Hessian town of Bergen. It is really turbulent at this folk festival, when the municipal boundaries are confirmed from old tradition and everything is upside down. For this occasion leaves Thomas Weidmann his girlfriend and flees because of his botched university career from the city of Berlin back to his native village. At the party, he meets Kerstin Werner, whose life has just come out of joint - her marriage is broken and her husband Jürgen on the jump to another, younger woman.
24 Milchkühe und kein Mann
The farmer's wife Elli is determined after the unexpected death of her husband, despite high debt and against the advice of their adult children to manage their farm on. At the same time she dreams after 25 years of marriage, which consisted mainly of work, finally the great love. A partner agency, she met the friendly and down to earth from Zimbabwe Raymond know. Both are sparks at first, but above all the men in the village of Africans met with suspicion and prejudice. Against the odds, Elli is willing to fight for their happiness.
1944. Adolf Hitler mostra toda sua confiança no marechal de campo, Erwin Rommel, quando deixa em suas mãos uma missão decisiva. Agora, diante de certas dúvidas, o militar deverá demonstrar a perfeição de seu plano e sua lealdade ao Führer.
Mar da Esperança
Nos anos 80, dois estivadores da Alemanha Oriental, Cornelis e Andreas, sonham um sonho impossível: deixar o país. Para poder fugir pelo mar, eles precisam entregar um de seus colegas para a polícia do Estado. O plano muda quando Cornelis se apaixona por uma jovem vietnamita chamada Phuong Mai.
Munique 72 - O Atentado
Os Jogos Olímpicos de 1972 deveria ter sido um destaque esportivo. Mas, em seguida, o impensável acontece. No início da manhã de setembro de terroristas palestinos 5ª invadiram a Vila Olímpica e invadir os quartos da delegação israelense.
Im falschen Leben
Marie thinks to return to her job one year after the birth of her daughter Nora. Her husband Holger is already looking forward to two-month parental leave in which he wants to be totally there for her daughter. Her daughter? They rush into an emotional hell without warning. The youth welfare office informs them that their child has been swapped in the clinic. Sandra, the other mother with the exchanged and actually biological child of theirs, is a single-parent student. While Sandra outwardly comparatively seems to handle it with ease, Marie is completely overwhelmed. Sandra's life situation leads to a dispute with Holger, because Marie can not accept that "her" daughter should grow up with a poor single parent. When the press also gets wind of the matter, there is no turning back: The children must be exchanged.
Hanni & Nanni
Duas irmãs gêmeas idênticas são mandadas para um colégio interno por conta de suas travessuras em casa. Enquanto a doce Nanni já faz seus primeiros amigos, a esquentada Hanni passa por mais dificuldades para se adaptar à nova rotina. Quando um importante jogo de hockey está para acontecer, as gêmeas precisam se unir e tomar uma decisão que pode salvar toda a escola.
Krieg der Frauen
Die Mauer – Berlin ’61
F4: Vortex
A heat wave, a devastating tennis ball size hail storm, and a dead farmer all leave the local police mystified; but for experienced Meteorologist s, January Berger, these are warning signs to a bigger natural disaster. A relentless storm is about to hit the center of town and with no advanced warning system in place residents are left to fend for themselves! As the massive twisters rip a path of destruction though the city, will anyone make it out alive
Dornröschen erwacht
After three years in a coma, Juliane Maybach suddenly wakes up, but doesn't remember the last months before the accident that caused her critical condition. The estrangement from her husband Stefan and their daughter Antonia weighs heavily upon her mind and makes her mistrusting everyone. Little by little, Juliane tries to reveal the secrets in her past.
Two Days of Hope
Executive Producer
Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker
When wealthy college student Richard Oetker is kidnapped and held for a hefty ransom, state police officer Georg Kufbach becomes obsessed with bringing the kidnapper to justice. This film is based on a true story.
O Túnel
Insatisfeito com o regime comunista da Alemanha Oriental, o campeão de natação Harry Melchior decide fugir. Mas ele não quer abandonar sua irmã Lotte e promete que voltará para resgatá-la. Após conseguir atravessar a fronteira com documentos falsos, Harry procura a ajuda do amigo Matthis e de mais dois jovens ativistas, Fred e Vic, e propõe a construção de um túnel por baixo do muro que separa Berlim Oriental da parte Ocidental para buscar seus familiares do outro lado da fronteira. O projeto é aceito por todos e, para financiá-lo, Harry faz um acordo com a rede de TV norte-americana NBC, que terá exclusividade na cobertura do plano.