Daniel Clarke


Gatos Ferozes
Milhares de gatos selvagens habitam as ilhas do Havaí. Enquanto eles batalham para sobreviver, infelizmente matam espécies ameaçadas de extinção, gerando polêmica e polarizando debates no arquipélago.
Gatos Ferozes
Milhares de gatos selvagens habitam as ilhas do Havaí. Enquanto eles batalham para sobreviver, infelizmente matam espécies ameaçadas de extinção, gerando polêmica e polarizando debates no arquipélago.
Several hundred thousand feral cats roam the Hawaiian Islands. While these cats struggle to survive in the wild, they unfortunately also kill endangered species on the brink of extinction, sparking a controversial and polarising debate across the state.
Several hundred thousand feral cats roam the Hawaiian Islands. While these cats struggle to survive in the wild, they unfortunately also kill endangered species on the brink of extinction, sparking a controversial and polarising debate across the state.