Arthur Bliss


Abandon Ship
After a massive luxury liner sinks into the ocean, the ship's officer must command a rickety lifeboat, built for only nine, that is stuffed with over twenty desperate and injured passengers. As a hurricane approaches and the many wounded passengers struggle for life, difficult decisions must be made about who will remain on the boat and who must be cast to the sea in order to give others the chance to survive.
Ao Pé do Cadafalso
Original Music Composer
Adaptation of John Gay's 18th century opera, featuring Laurence Olivier as MacHeath and Hugh Griffith as the Beggar.
Christopher Columbus
Original Music Composer
Christopher Columbus overcomes intrigue at the Spanish court and convinces Queen Isabella that his plan to reach the East by sailing west is practical.
Daqui a Cem Anos
Original Music Composer
Baseado na obra de H.G. Wells, narra cem anos de história da humanidade, de 1930 até o século XXI. Esse período é atravessado por guerras que duram décadas, uma peste que aniquila metade da população e a reconstrução da civilização em busca do espaço sideral.