

Chori Mera Kaam
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Bhola Nath is a young petty criminal/robber/pickpocket whom works with a female acomplice and his former lover, Sharmii. Bhola unknowlingly is the illigetimate son of a police officer, named Kumar, whom has been tracking a shadowy gangster, named Amanarchard Rathore, whom Kumar imprisoned 20 years before and has now been paroled and resumed his life of crime. Bhola was abducted by Amanarchard's henchmen as a little boy, but escaped and was raised by a veteran thief named 'Mr. John,' while his Lt. Kumar and his wife and other son have long belived that their other son was dead. Bhola and Sharmii stumble upon a manuscript for a book titled 'Chori Mera Kaam' during one of their robbery excursions belonging to Mr. John's former partner in crime which they sell to a shady publisher, named Parvin Bhai, which becomes a nationwide best seller. But it attracts unwanted attention from the police, the local mob, and the original writer himself.
Himalay Se Ooncha
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After losing his two younger brothers on a mountain climbing expedition, Vijay swears to his sorrowing mother that he will never undertake any expedition again. When he hears of a plane crash deep in the mountains of the Himalays, he initially refuses to even consider going there to look for the survivors, but the tears of a mother, Geeta, whose two children were abroad that plane, moves him and his mother, and he agrees to look for the children, little knowing that others are on the way to the crash site, with different motives.