Picchu is a story that follows the journey of an Andean girl named Mayu and the unconditional support of her mother. The path will not be simple. Mayu will rely on her determination and her mother's teachings to overcome her fears and doubts to fulfill her destiny. Picchu reflects the reality of many children around the world.
Angel foi marcado por uma maldição. A morte de sua mãe num ritual de feitiçaria transformou-o num vigilante que comete atos sangrentos. Este terror é inspirado por lendas venezuelanas de um espírito que assobia antes de atacar.
Against a backdrop of tension and violence throughout Venezuela, Ángel, a businessman of questionable repute, is held captive in his apartment. In this highly charged atmosphere, he is forced by his captors to face the dilemma: To continue as a social predator, or to take responsibility for his actions?