Dimitry Makar
Set in the last days of World War II, a small band of Russian soldiers led by intelligence officer Brana Vasilyeva, who is tasked with trafficking the remains of Hitler back to Stalin in Russia. En route, the unit is attacked by German ‘Werewolf’ partisans and picked off one-by-one. Brana leads her surviving comrades in a last stand to ensure their ‘cargo’ doesn’t fall into the hands of those who would see it buried in order to hide the truth forever.
Fiona spurs on her neighbor Niall's fantasies by letting him watch her when she has sex with her lover. Their distance-based window affair becomes a dangerous game once Fiona meets Niall's pregnant wife.
Wacker McGrath
Hapless wedding videographers Wacker and Tony find themselves unexpectedly dealing with a dead body, overly-enthusiastic Gardaí, fertility treatments, and a vengeful gangster - oh, and an imminent wedding. Based on a compilation of O’Carroll’s own experiences as a wedding videographer back in the day, the film is a buddy movie slash crime capper with the good guys coming out on top at the end, but not without the sense that the entire thing could go up in flames every other minute. Murphy and Bermingham have great chemistry that has you rooting for them from beginning to end.
Terrorised Turk (uncredited)
Os habitantes da Transilvânia sempre foram inimigos dos turcos, com quem tiveram batalhas épicas. Para evitar que sua população fosse massacrada, o rei local aceitou entregar aos turcos centenas de crianças. Entre elas estava seu próprio filho, Vlad Tepes (Luke Evans), que aprendeu com os turcos a arte de guerrear. Logo Vlad ganhou fama pela ferocidade nas batalhas e também por empalar os derrotados. De volta à Transilvânia, onde é nomeado príncipe, ele governa em paz por 10 anos. Só que o rei Mehmed (Dominic Cooper) mais uma vez exige que 100 crianças sejam entregues aos turcos. Vlad se recusa e, com isso, inicia uma nova guerra. Para vencê-la, ele recorre a um ser das trevas (Charles Dance) que vive pela região. Após beber o sangue dele, Vlad se torna um vampiro e ganha poderes sobrehumanos.