Lucien Ballard

Lucien Ballard

Nascimento : 1908-05-06, Miami, Oklahoma, USA

Morte : 1988-10-01


Lucien Ballard, the cinematographer best known for his collaboration with directors Sam Peckinpah and Josef von Sternberg, was born in Miami, Oklahoma. Ballard became a wanderer after dropping out of the Ivy League University of Pennsylvania and the University of Oklahoma, journeying to China in search of opportunity. When he returned to the United States after not finding any, Ballard gained employment in the lumber business, working in a mill sawing trees and surveying land. Lucien Ballard died near his Rancho Mirage, California, home in a car accident on October 1, 1988. He was 80 years old.


Lucien Ballard


Ele Vai Ter um Bebê
Director of Photography
Lionel's life turns around after a one-night stand on top of a pinball table... he becomes the world's first pregnant man!
O Grande Assalto
Director of Photography
No velho oeste, golpista se esconde na casa de uma viúva antes de desaparecer e ser dado como morto. Ela escreve um livro romanceando o encontro e acaba tornando-o um herói nacional. Mas, quando ele reaparece, e ela descobre uma realidade bem diferente.
Mandingo II: A Revolta dos Escravos
Director of Photography
A mid-19th century mulatto slave is torn between his success as a pit-fighter and the injustices of white society.
Cinco Dias de Conspiração
Director of Photography
A dabbler-in-crime and his assistant hire an ex-police reporter to recover some stolen papers.
O Trem do Inferno
Director of Photography
No Velho Oeste, uma locomotiva corre pelas montanhas rochosas em uma missão secreta, se dirigindo a um remoto posto do exército. Mas, um por um, os passageiros começam a ser assassinados. A sua única esperança é John Deakin, um misterioso prisioneiro que tem que lutar por sua vida (e pelas vidas de todos no trem) à medida que descobre um segredo mortal.
Fuga Audaciosa
Director of Photography
Por 250 mil doláres um piloto de avião é contratado para resgatar, no México, um prisioneiro que foi condenado injustamente.
Three the Hard Way
Director of Photography
A record producer, a PR man, and a black belt in karate foil a white supremacist plot to poison the water supply.
Thomasine & Bushrod
Director of Photography
A pair of thieves operate in the American South between 1911 and 1915, stealing from rich, white capitalists, and giving to Mexicans, Native Americans and poor whites.
A Deusa do Sexo e os Diamantes Fatais
Director of Photography
An insurance investigator romances a wealthy young beauty when he suspects she may be involved in fencing stolen jewels.
Os Implacáveis
Director of Photography
Doc McCoy ganhou a liberdade condicional. O problema é que Sheriff Beynon espera um pequeno favor de McCoy por essa generosidade. Roubar outro banco! Beynon realmente não pretende deixar McCoy ir embora com sua leal esposa após o assalto. O cúmplice Rudy Butler também não pretende. Mas parar Doc se revela um pouco difícil.
Director of Photography
Eight years in the making, Boetticher’s portrait of his longtime friend, the famous bullfighter Carlos Arruza, was a labor of love that the renowned director of westerns pursued despite contending with illnesses, bankruptcy, jail time, and lucrative offers from Hollywood. The result is an astonishing work of poetry, immediacy, and violence that fearlessly wrestles with the filmmaker’s own ambivalence about the titular matador’s triumphs prior to his death by automobile accident at the age of 46.
Dez Segundos de Perigo
Director of Photography
McQueen é Junior 'Ace' Bonner, um campeão de rodeio envelhecido que retorna à sua cidade natal para participar do rodeio anual. Ele encontra sua família distanciada. Junto com o campeonato típico de rodeio, o drama familiar entra em erupção. Ele faz o que pode para ajudar, e então continua suas andanças... mas só depois de uma boa cavalgada e algumas brigas.
What's the Matter with Helen?
Director of Photography
Two middle-aged women move to Hollywood, California after their sons are convicted of a notorious murder and open a dance school for children eager to tap their way to stardom.
Elvis É Assim
Director of Photography
É noite de estréia. Elvis Presley vestindo sua radiante jaqueta nova, aguarda com ansiedade sua entrada no palco. Se as músicas não funcionarem, ironiza, a gente pode fazer um desfile de moda. As músicas funcionam demais. Nesta Edição Especial do lendário Show filmado no verão de 1970 em Las Vegas. Rick Schmidlin, montador e restaurador , conseguiu recuperar mais de 30 minutos das músicas originais do filme, que permaneciam guardado nos cofres do estúdio à espera de sua renovação. As cenas adicionais mostram entre outras, performances das músicas Get Back, One Night e Suspicius Mind, em diferentes versões ao show original.
O Senhor das Ilhas
Director of Photography
A wanderer returns home only to find political turmoil, disease and romantic difficulties.
A Morte Não Manda Recado
Director of Photography
Traído e abandonado sem água no deserto, Cable Hogue se salva quando encontra uma nascente de água. E a nascente fica exatamente no ponto certo para uma parada de descanso muito necessário para a linha de diligência local, e Hogue usa isso como sua vantagem. Ele constrói uma casa e ganha dinheiro com os passageiros de diligências. Hildy, uma prostituta da cidade mais próxima, vai morar com ele. Hogue tem tudo andando bem até que o advento do automóvel acaba com a era da diligência.
A Time for Dying
Director of Photography
Cass Bunning, a farm boy with a talent for shooting, meets up with Nellie, a naive woman from the East, who has been lured West by the promise of a waitressing job which turns out to be in a brothel.
Meu Ódio Será Sua Herança
Director of Photography
Perigosos fora-da-lei decidem se aposentar, mas são tentados por um trem carregado de armas com valiosa remessa. Eles já foram os mais perigosos "fora da lei" da fronteira, seguindo seus próprios códigos de honra e lealdade. Realizaram diversos assaltos pelas planícies do oeste, sempre colocando suas cabeças a prêmio. Mas os tempos mudaram. O lucro estava cada vez menor e o risco cada vez maior. Era hora de parar, mas a ganância falou mais alto. Dez mil dólares para roubar o carregamento de armas de um trem para um poderoso bandoleiro mexicano. Nada poderia detê-los, a não ser a morte. William Holden (Inferno na Torre), Ernest Borgnine (Os Doze Condenados) e grande elenco atuam na versão original do diretor Sam Peckinpah.
Bravura Indômita
Director of Photography
Rooster Cogburn é um ex-xerife alcoólatra contratado por uma menina de 14 anos para vingar a morte de seu pai. Para pegar o criminoso, eles terão de entrar em um território indígena e enfrentar os comparsas do assassino que estão caçando, homens que não veem problema em matar uma adolescente.
How Sweet It Is!
Director of Photography
All-American couple who try to bridge the generation gap with their free-spirited son on a trip, frisky business and misunderstandings galore ensue, all funny, vibrant and charming.
Um Convidado Bem Trapalhão
Director of Photography
Fred Clutterbuck, um magnata de Hollywood, vai dar uma festa, mas não uma simples festa! Todo mundo, absolutamente todo mundo importante estará lá: Modelos deslumbrantes, encantadoras estrelas, poderosos produtores, até um filhote de elefante! Mas, por uma falha de convite, Hrundi V. Bakshi (Peter Selers), um ator hindu com uma queda por desastres, também vai estar lá. Ele não perderia essa festa por nada neste mundo e se você gosta de piadas hilárias e ação desastrada, você também não deve perdê-la! Este filme inicia a parceria da marca registrada da atuação cômica de Sellers e do inteligente trabalho de diretor/produtor/co-roteirista (junto com Tom e Frank Waldman) Blake Edwards. Se você está procurando por diversão, está convidado a se juntar a "Um convidado Bem Trapalhão"!
...E o Bravo Ficou Só
Director of Photography
Will Penny, um vaqueiro de meia-idade solitário que trabalha em um rancho no Velho Oeste americano se indispõe seriamente com posseiros, mas acaba se apaixonando pela viúva da casa.
A Hora da Pistola
Director of Photography
As armas não sossegam por muito tempo quando os justiceiros Wyatt Earp e Doc Holliday enfrentam foras-da-lei no velho Oeste. James Garner (Maverick) e Jason Robards * (ganhador do Oscar®, Todos os Homens do Presidente) são os lendários pistoleiros desta eletrizante história baseada em fatos, considerada "o mais próximo que alguém já chegou de contar a verdadeira história do tiroteio de OK Corral" (segundo o L.A. Herald-Examiner). A poeira nem teve tempo de baixar em OK Corral, e os famosos irmãos Clanton estão em busca de vingança. Um a um, eles matam os irmãos de Wyatt Earp - mas não darão o último tiro desta história. Com a autoridade da sua estrela de xerife e Doc Holliday (Robards) como braço direito, Earp (Garner) prepara o ato de vingança que o Oeste nunca mais vai esquecer.
Noon Wine
Director of Photography
A dark tragedy about a farmer's futile act of homicide that takes place on a small dairy farm in southern Texas during the 1890s. Sam Peckinpah directed this original adaptation of the Katherine Anne Porter novel for ABC, and the project became an hour-long presentation for ABC Stage 67, premiering on Nov. 23, 1966.
Nevada Smith
Director of Photography
Nevada Smith é o jovem filho de uma mãe índia e pai branco. Quando seu pai é morto por três homens por causa de ouro, Nevada sai em busca de vingança. O menino é levado por um comerciante de armas que ensina como carregar e disparar rápido e certeiro.
Matarei um por um... na Hora Certa
Director of Photography
Um ex caçador de recompensas e seu jovem companheiro, seguem para rastrear e matar o líder de uma gangue que assassinou sua mulher e filho.
Boeing Boeing
Director of Photography
Bernard Lawrence (Tony Curtis) é um jornalista americano que vive em Paris. Ele elaborou um esquema no qual mantém três aeromoças da Lufthansa, Air France e British United como noivas simultaneamente. Tudo funciona muito bem por um longo perí­odo, mas a chegada de jatos mais modernos altera o horário dos vôos fazendo as três estarem em Paris ao mesmo tempo. Para piorar a situação, Robert Reed (Jerry Lewis), um outro jornalista com quem Bernard tinha se desentendido, chega na cidade. Esta confusão tem de ser controlada por Bertha (Thelma Ritter), a empregada de Bernard, que conhece as armações do patrão.
Os Filhos de Katie Elder
Director of Photography
Os quatro filhos de Katie Elder voltam a sua cidade natal para o funeral da mãe. John (John Wayne), o mais velho, é um notório pistoleiro. Tom é o jogador, Matt, o mais quieto, e Bud, o mais novo. Chegando lá, eles descobrem que seu pai, bêbado, apostou a fazenda da família num jogo e foi morto na mesma noite. Apesar das recomendações do xerife, os irmãos resolvem investigar o caso. Morgan Hastings e seu filho Dave, únicas testemunhas do assassinato, matam o xerife para se protegerem e os Elder são considerados culpados. O xerife substituto, Ben Latta, se une aos Hastings contra os irmãos Elder.
Minha Querida Brigitte
Director of Photography
Professor Leaf, an absent-minded poet with a prejudice against the sciences, is forced to face the fact that his son is a math prodigy with little artistic talent of his own.
Carrossel de Emoções
Director of Photography
Charlie Rogers (Elvis Presley) dirige sua motocicleta e se apresenta em pequenos clubes, pois espera se tornar um cantor famoso. Porém, enquanto sua moto é reparada ele decide trabalhar no parque de diversões de Maggie Morgan (Barbara Stanwyck). Quando canta lá obtém sucesso, sendo que isto pode ser a salvação de Morgan, que tem uma dívida com o banco que pode fechar o parque. Entretanto, logo a moto estará pronta e Charlie vai deixá-los, a menos que a jovem Cathy Lean (Joan Freeman) o convença a ficar.
The New Interns
Director of Photography
Young doctors mix romance with their careers in a big-city hospital.
Wall of Noise
Director of Photography
The lives and loves behind the scenes at the racetrack are detailed in this thoroughbred soap opera. An ambitious young trainer, Joel Tarrant (Ty Hardin), enters into an illicit affair with the stable owner's wealthy wife, hot-to-trot Laura Rubio (Suzanne Pleshette), in the hope that someday he'll have enough dough to buy his own horses and stable.
Almas nas Trevas
Director of Photography
Narra as provações dos doentes mentais e seus cuidadores em uma enfermaria superlotada de um hospital. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Os Pistoleiros da Noite
Director of Photography
O mundo está mudando e para um velho homem da lei como Steve Judd, não há muitas oportunidades de trabalho. Ele aceita trabalhar para um banco para transportar um carregamento de ouro através de um território perigoso. Ele contrata o velho parceiro Gil Westrum e seu jovem pupilo Heck para ajudá-lo. Mas não sabe que Gil e Heck planejam roubar o ouro com ou sem a sua ajuda. Na fuga, os três se envolvem no desejo de uma jovem mulher de escapar tanto de seu pai como de seu noivo e seus irmãos perigosamente psicóticos.
O Erro de Susan Slade
Director of Photography
A pregnant teen allows her mother to pass the baby off as her own.
Marines, Let's Go
Director of Photography
Following combat duty in Korea, a group of United States Marines (Tom Tryon, David Hedison and Tom Reese) are given a furlough in Japan.
O Grande Amor de Nossas Vidas
Director of Photography
Hayley Mills interpreta gêmeas que, desconhecendo que seus pais se divorciaram, se encontram em um acampamento de verão. Como ambas moram com pai/mãe "solteiros", elas trocam de lugar (surpresa!) de modo a satisfazer a curiosidade de conhecer o pai/mãe que nunca conheceu. Claro que depois resolvem providenciar a re-união dos pais.
Desire in the Dust
Director of Photography
Lonnie Wilson returns to small southern hometown after spending six years on the chain-gang for killing Colonel Ben Marquand's son in an automobile accident. He revives his love affair with Melinda Marquand........
Pay or Die!
Director of Photography
A beautifully rendered, fact-based crime film about a crusading Italian policeman battling Black Hand extortionists in New York’s Little Italy is back on the big screen. In addition to Ernest Borgnine’s brilliantly sensitive portrayal as Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino, this engrossing picture is deftly photographed by Lucien Ballard, beautifully scored by David Raksin with a stellar supporting cast including Zohra Lampert and Alan Austin. Literate, suspenseful and emotionally moving, this memorable film remains the definitive depiction about the emergence of the Mafia in America.
Espinhos da Carne
Director of Photography
A young doctor returns to his Massachusetts home town at the request of a terminally ill old friend.
The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond
Director of Photography
Jack Diamond and his sickly brother arrive in prohibition New York as jewelry thieves. After a spell in jail, the coldly ambitious Diamond hits on the idea of stealing from thieves himself and sets about getting close to gangster boss Arnold Rothstein to move in on his booze, girls, gambling, and drugs operations.
Al Capone
Director of Photography
In this unusually accurate biography, small-time hood Al Capone comes to Chicago at the dawn of Prohibition to be the bodyguard of racketeer Johnny Torrio. Capone's rise in Chicago gangdom is followed through murder, extortion, and political fraud. He becomes head of Chicago's biggest "business," but moves inexorably toward his downfall and ignominious end.
Pânico Que Emudece
Director of Photography
An escaped convict gets a hold of some radioactive material after his escape. Authorities desperately try to find the man that unknowingly is threating the lives of everyone in the city.
Cilada Mortífera
Director of Photography
Claude is a ruthless and efficient contract killer. His next target, a woman, is the most difficult.
Anna Lucasta
Director of Photography
Anna Lucasta has been walking the streets in San Diego since being thrown out of home, at 19, by her alcoholic father, Joe. She's estranged from her family, but when her father and brother-in-law see greedy potential in an arranged marriage to affluent Rudolph, Anna is called back home. Old wounds have hardly healed, though. Just as Anna starts to feel for Rudolph, Danny, an old friend, returns to make life difficult.
Fibra de Herói
Director of Photography
No caminho de volta para a sua casa, Tom Buchanan passa pela cidade de Agry, na fronteira entre a Califórnia e o México, e acaba se envolvendo em um conflito entre o mexicano Abe Carbo e a família que domina a região.
A Vênus de Carne
Director of Photography
Advertising executive Marshall Briggs finds his work in conflict with his love-life with fashion model Janice Blake.
Meu Pecado Foi Nascer
Director of Photography
Living in Kentucky prior to the Civil War, Amantha Starr is a privileged young woman. Her widowed father, a wealthy plantation owner, dotes on her and sends her to the best schools. When he dies suddenly Amantha's world is turned upside down. She learns that her father had been living on borrowed money and that her mother was actually a slave and her father's mistress.
The Unholy Wife
Director of Photography
A woman marries a man for his wealth, then concocts a plan to kill him, take his money, and run off with her lover. Things go wrong when they accidentally kill the wrong person.
Esse Homem é Meu
Director of Photography
Opportunistic con man Dan Kehoe ingratiates himself with the cantankerous mother of four outlaws and their beautiful widows in order to find their hidden gold.
O Grande Golpe
Director of Photography
Quando o ex-presidiário Johnny Clay diz que tem um grande plano, todos querem participar. Especialmente quando o plano é roubar 2 milhões de dólares em um esquema "ninguém vai se machucar". Mas, apesar do planejamento cuidadoso, Clay e seus homens se esqueceram de uma coisa: Sherry Peatty, uma garota ambiciosa e traiçoeira que está planejando um grande golpe só seu... mesmo que para isso ela precise acabar com toda a gangue de Clay!
A Borda da Morte
Director of Photography
Cass Silver (Robert Ryan), xerife de uma pequena cidade do Kansas, espera problemas com a chegada uma ferrovia recém-concluí­do. O dono do saloon da cidade de (Robert Middleton) está expandindo os negócios e quer livrar-se do xerife. Para piorar, o seu suplente, Thad Anderson (Jeffrey Hunter), é o filho de um pistoleiro que feriu Cass anos antes. Eventualmente Thad começa a perceber a verdade sobre seu pai e ajuda o marechal restaurar a lei e a ordem na cidade.
A Kiss Before Dying
Director of Photography
A college student tries to get rich quick by wooing two wealthy sisters.
O Assassino Anda Solto
Director of Photography
Um desequilibrado criminoso cuja mulher, acidentalmente foi morta por um detetive da polícia durante sua prisão, pretende vingar-se matando a esposa do policial.
Sete Cidades de Ouro
Director of Photography
Essa é a história da criação da Califórnia e a corrida do ouro. Conquistadores espanhóis , em 1799, procuram por legendárias cidades de ouro na Califórnia.
The Magnificent Matador
Director of Photography
Karen Harrison is a spoiled, rich, American predator who falls head-over-heels for the brooding, tormented, about-to-retire matador, Luis Santos who has inexplicably run away prior to a corrida that was to occasion the "alternativa" of a young, up-and-coming bullfighter.
The Raid
Director of Photography
A group of confederate prisoners escape to Canada and plan to rob the banks and set fire to the small town of Saint Albans in Vermont. To get the lie of the land, their leader spends a few days in the town and finds he is getting drawn into its life and especially into that of an attractive widow and her son.
Prince Valiant
Director of Photography
A young Viking prince strives to become a knight in King Arthur's Court and restore his exiled father to his rightful throne.
New Faces
Director of Photography
New Faces was a musical revue with songs and comedy skits tied together by a quirky plot. It ran on Broadway for nearly a year in 1952 and was then made into a motion picture in 1954. It helped jump start the careers of several young performers including Paul Lynde, Alice Ghostley, Eartha Kitt, Carol Lawrence, performer/writer Mel Brooks (as Melvin Brooks), and lyricist Sheldon Harnick. The film was basically a reproduction of the stage revue with a thin plot added. The plot involved a producer and performer (Ronny Graham) in financial trouble and is trying to stave off an angry creditor long enough to open his show. A wealthy Texan offers to help out, on the condition that his daughter be in the show.
Director of Photography
When selfish and arrogant millionaire Donald Carson fractures his leg during a desert vacation, his wife, Geraldine, leaves with their friend Joseph Duncan to supposedly get help. However, the two of them are really lovers who are leaving Carson to die in the heat. Slowly, Carson realizes he is on his own and vows revenge on the traitorous couple. Having had a privileged life, Carson must now use his wits to stay alive.
Ratos do Deserto
Director of Photography
In North Africa, German Field Marshal Rommel and his troops have successfully fended off British forces, and now intend to take Tobruk, an important port city. A ramshackle group of Australian reinforcements sent to combat the Germans is put under the command of British Captain MacRoberts. The unruly Aussies immediately clash with MacRoberts, a gruff, strict disciplinarian, however this unorthodox team must band together to protect Tobruk from the German forces.
The Glory Brigade
Director of Photography
During the Korean War Lt. Sam Pryor volunteers his platoon to escort Greek troops to perform a reconnaissance mission behind Communist lines. Due to his Greek heritage Pryor is initially proud to accompany the Greek contingent but his feelings change to scorn and mistrust when what he believes is cowardice shown by the Greek soldiers and their leaders results in the near annihiliation of his own platoon. An uneasy alliance is maintained between the US and Greek troops as the enemy's true objective is learned.
Night Without Sleep
Director of Photography
Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
Almas Desesperadas
Director of Photography
Nell, sobrinha do ascensorista do hotel, é contratada para cuidar de uma menina enquanto os pais estão numa convenção. Lyn é cantora no bar do hotel e seu namorado Jed, piloto de avião, chegou e a relação está em crise. Então, pela janela do quarto, Jed vê Nell, conversam e ele vai encontra-la. Mas Nell se passa pela hospede, vestindo as roupas e usando o perfume. Quando a garotinha surge Jed não entende e começa a perceber que Nell não é muito equilibrada. Isso porque Nell, em sua fantasia, acha que Jed é o seu noivo do passado. Um thriller único com uma performance dramática rara de Marilyn Monroe.
Missão Perigosa em Trieste
Director of Photography
Um mensageiro do Departamento de Estado, Mike Kells, vai para a Trieste do pós-guerra, depois de falharem na coleta da encomenda de um colega. A Polícia Militar está feliz por ele se envolver, mas as coisas ficam um pouco difíceis. Afinal, ele é apenas um carteiro.
Return of the Texan
Director of Photography
A young widower named Sam Crockett returns from Kansas City to his small hometown in rural Texas, bringing with him his feisty grandfather and two young sons, Steve and Yoyo. He tries to make a go of the old family homestead but faces financial problems and pressures from his well-to-do neighbor, Rod Marshall. He also begins an on-again-off-again romance with Rod's sister-in-law, even though she's engaged to wed the town's doctor. Events come to head when Sam's grandfather suffers a stroke.
Baionetas Caladas
Director of Photography
A história de um pelotão durante a Guerra da Coreia. Um por um os superiores do Cabo Denno vão sendo mortos chegando ao ponto em que ele deve tentar assumir a responsabilidade de comando.
Joguei Minha Mulher
Director of Photography
A woman divorces her husband of 20 years because he gambles too much.
Terrível Suspeita
Director of Photography
Concentration camp survivor Victoria Kowelska finds herself involved in mystery, greed, and murder when she assumes the identity of a dead friend in order to gain passage to America.
Berlin Express
Director of Photography
Robert Ryan leads a group of Allied agents fighting an underground Nazi group in post-war Europe.
Night Song
Director of Photography
A socialite pretends to be poor and blind in her plan to help a blinded pianist.
Director of Photography
After marrying an archaeologist, a Victorian-era woman with a sordid past realizes that she is not ready to settle down with one man.
This Love of Ours
Director of Photography
At a convention, medical researcher Michel Touzac goes with colleagues to see stage caricaturist Targel, whose assistant Florence recognizes him...and attempts suicide. Saved by Touzac's new technique, Florence is revealed in a flashback as Michel's abandoned wife Karin, whom their daughter Susette thinks is dead. Can Susette cope if they now re-unite?
The Lodger
Director of Photography
In Victorian era London, the inhabitants of a family home with rented rooms upstairs fear the new lodger is Jack the Ripper.
Holy Matrimony
Director of Photography
An artist returning from years abroad takes the identity of his dead valet and gets married, but then there are complications.
Bomber's Moon
Director of Photography
An American pilot swears to get revenge on the German ace who shot his brother in this war movie set in war-torn Europe. Montgomery is the pilot. After he sees his brother die while trying to parachute to safety, Montgomery's plane is shot down over Germany. He is placed in a POW camp. There he meets a Russian medic and a Czech. Together the trio escapes.
Tonight We Raid Calais
Director of Photography
A British commando is on a one-man raid to destroy a bomb factory in Nazi-occupied France. He must enlist the aid of French farmers to complete his mission.
O Proscrito
Additional Photography
O agora xerife Pat Garrett dá as boas-vindas ao seu amigo Doc Holliday em Lincoln, Novo México. Doc chega à cidade à procura de um pistoleiro que teria roubado seu cavalo em Socorro. Para sua surpresa, o pistoleiro é o jovem e famoso Billy the Kid.Ao encontrá-lo, tenta pegar seu cavalo, mas Billy reage. Pat chega ao local e, ao saber que o estranho é Billy the Kid, tenta prendê-lo. Doc intervém em favor de Billy e os dois recebem ordem para deixarem a cidade.À noite, ao tentar dormir num celeiro, Billy é atacado pela bela Rio MacDonald, numa tentativa de vingar a morte de seu irmão, ocorrida em Socorro, mas é por ele dominada. O xerife tenta novamente dar ordem de prisão a Billy e termina alvejando-o de raspão.
O Segredo do Monstro
Director of Photography
A werewolf prowls around at night but only kills certain members of one family. It seems like just a coincidence, but the investigating Inspector soon finds out that this tradition has gone on for generations and tries to find a link between the werewolf and the family, leading to a frightening conclusion.
Serenata Azul
Director of Photography
Connie Ward está no sétimo céu quando a banda de Gene Morrison chega à cidade. Ela é arrebatada pelo trompetista Bill Abbot. Depois de se casar com ele, ela se junta à turnê da banda e aprende sobre a vida como uma esposa de orquestra, resistindo aos ataques maliciosos das outras esposas da banda.
Wild Geese Calling
Director of Photography
In the 1890s lumberjack John leaves Seattle for Alaska to look for gold. After he marries dancehall girl Sally, he finds she used to be in love with his best friend Blackie.
The Villain Still Pursued Her
Director of Photography
Victorian melodrama gets a big send-up in this spoof production of the old play "The Drunkard; or, The Fallen Saved." The play within the movie is the old one where evil villain Cribbs schemes to get his lusty clutches on the heroine by driving her naive husband to alcoholic ruin. Luckily, a temperance lecturer is on hand to set things straight, as is the great Buster Keaton as the drunkard's friend.
Director of Photography
A gangster takes a doctor and his family hostage.
Outside These Walls
Director of Photography
Walen plays Dan Sparling, a convicted embezzler who becomes editor of his prison newspaper. After serving out his sentence, he sets up an independent newspaper devoted to attacking corruption in public life, encountering various difficulties due to his being an ex-con and opposition from the incumbent administration.
Let Us Live
Director of Photography
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Violent Is the Word for Curly
The stooges are left in charge of a gas station and manage to blow up the car of their first customers, three famous European professors. The stooges steal some of the academics' clothes and wind up at "Mildew", a women's college where the three professors are expected. Mistaken as the real thing, the boys take their place on the faculty. When the real professors show up, the stooges try to convince a rich woman, the schools benefactor, that an athletics programs is more important. Their athletics demonstration comes to an explosive end when the real professors slip them a nitroglycerin basketball.
Director of Photography
The story of a D.A. who becomes a prison warden and winds up overseeing the sentence of a man he prosecuted.
Man Bites Lovebug
Director of Photography
To test his wife, Charley's friend puts him up to making a play for her, but she's on to it and pretends she's fallen for him, infuriating the friend.Charley must stay overnight, and unexpected complications put him in the wife's bedroom.
A Sombra Assassina
Director of Photography
Mary Gillespie is restoring the Col. Gillespie Circus to its former splendor after her father's death. With the help of her publicist boyfriend Jim, the sell-out crowds are returning to the big top. Egotistical equestrian star Senor Martinet, however, holds $60,000 of notes signed by the Colonel and due in 24 hours. When a mysterious shadowy figure is seen on the circus lot, and Martinet is murdered in the center ring during his performance, there are suspects aplenty, including Vindecco, Martinet's badly abused hunchback assistant.
Craig's Wife
Director of Photography
Harriet, Walter Craig's wife, is an upper-class woman obsessed with control, material possessions and social status whose behavior makes difficult her relationship with domestic service and family members.
The Final Hour
Director of Photography
A down-and-out lawyer gets back on his feet with help from a singer who later retains him to defend her on a murder charge.
The King Steps Out
Director of Photography
Princess is destined to marry the Emperor, until her sister steps in.
Crime e Castigo
Director of Photography
A man is haunted by a murder he's committed.
Mulher Satânica
Director of Photography
In the carnival in Spain in the beginning of the Twentieth Century, the exiled republican Antonio Galvan comes from Paris masquerade to enjoy the party and visit his friend Capt. Don Pasqual 'Pasqualito' Costelar. However, he flirts with the mysterious Concha Perez and they schedule to meet each other later. When Antonio meets Pasqualito, his old friend discloses his frustrated relationship with the promiscuous Concha and her greedy mother and how his life was ruined by his obsession for the beautiful demimondaine. Pasqualito makes Antonio promise that he would not see Concha. However, when Antonio meets Concha, she seduces him and the long friendship between Antonio and Pasqualito is disrupted
A Vênus Loura
Assistant Camera
Uma cantora de cabaré faz acordo com um milionário para pagar a operação do marido gravemente doente. O químico americano Ned Faraday (Herbert Marshall) se casa com Helen (Marlene Dietrich), uma cantora de cabaré alemã, e começam uma família. Então Ned se envenena com Radium e precisa de um tratamento caro na Alemanha para ter alguma chance de ser curado. A esposa Helen volta ao trabalho no clube noturno para tentar ganhar dinheiro e pagar o tratamento e acaba se tornando popular como a Vênus Loura. Em um esforço para conseguir dinheiro suficiente mais rápido, ela se prostitui com o milionário Nick Townsend (Cary Grant). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Esposa Improvisada
Assistant Camera
When Stephen, the husband of Gerald’s mistress, Claire, discovers a pair of tickets for their planned trip to Venice, Gerald must invent a wife to cover their tracks. He is then forced to hire a woman to play “his wife” when Stephen insists he and Claire accompany them to Venice.
The Beloved Bachelor
Camera Technician
Michael Morda, a young sculptor living in San Francisco, is madly in love with Elinor Hunter, and they plan to be married. When Elinor becomes jealous of Julie Stressman, an old friend of Michael's and one of his models, Michael reluctantly asks Julie not to visit him at his studio. They agree to meet only at the construction site where he is working on a sculpture for which Julie is modeling. When Elinor also shows up at the site, Julie leaves so as to avoid a confrontation, but she is killed by some falling materials. Julie's dying request is that Michael adopt her daughter Mitzi, whose father died years earlier. In order to prevent Mitzi from being taken to an orphanage, Michael lies and says he is her father. Elinor hears this, and without asking questions, leaves him and marries another man the same night.
Director of Photography
The Foreign Legion marches in to Mogador with booze and women in mind just as singer Amy Jolly arrives from Paris to work at Lo Tinto's cabaret. That night, insouciant legionnaire Tom Brown catches her inimitably seductive, tuxedo-clad act. Both bruised by their past lives, the two edge cautiously into a no-strings relationship while being pursued by others. But Tom must leave on a perilous mission: is it too late for them?
Assistant Camera
The Foreign Legion marches in to Mogador with booze and women in mind just as singer Amy Jolly arrives from Paris to work at Lo Tinto's cabaret. That night, insouciant legionnaire Tom Brown catches her inimitably seductive, tuxedo-clad act. Both bruised by their past lives, the two edge cautiously into a no-strings relationship while being pursued by others. But Tom must leave on a perilous mission: is it too late for them?