Supervising Producer
Featuring new music inspired by holiday classic The Nutcracker, this animated special follows Elmo’s fantastical adventure through magical lands to retrieve a nutcracker toy, along with his puppy Tango – who can speak for the first time!
Little Miss Muffett, Wee Willie Winkie, and Old Mother Hubbard are just a few of the familiar characters in this kidvid.
Sing-along songs from the Busytown characters, featuring new songs "Stop, Look and Listen" and "At the Library."
Another great day at Richard Scarry's Busytown where the kids will learn favorite songs about letters, numbers, shapes and sizes while all your other favorite characters join in.
Let the kids go to Busytown for the day and learn all about the many different jobs people do, so they can see what they might want to be when they grow up.