The Man Who Cleans knows you can find a lot of secrets in trash. People tend to lie but their trash never does. The Man Who Cleans thought he was invisible, until he met the Girl with the Purple Hair Lock. Girl with the Purple Hair Lock breaks into his tidy life because only an evil angel can save her now. Meanwhile, the Huntress knows somebody is killing blonds out there. Nobody believes her, but she knows. What she doesn't know, though, is that evil is hiding behind the green door. The truth lies at the bottom of a dark, deep abyss.
Cinecitta is today known as the center of the Italian film industry. But there is a dark past. The film city was solemnly inaugurated in 1937 by Mussolini. Here, propaganda films would be produced to strengthen the dictator's position.
Sobrevivente do Holocausto e dona de uma creche caseira, ela abre suas portas para o garoto muçulmano que a roubou na rua.
Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are called into question, including that with his father Umberto, the custodian of a secret that will force Bruno to embark on a journey in search of someone who can help him.
A Vida Solitária de Antonio Ligabue conta a história de Toni, filho de imigrantes italianos, que após a morte de sua mãe, é adotado por um casal na Suíça. Entretanto, suas doenças físicas e mentais levam à sua expulsão do país. Após anos de miséria às margens do rio Pó, ele conhece o escultor Renato Marino Mazzacurati, que o convence a tentar pintar, colocando-o no caminho da libertação.
O herói cujo nome dá título ao trabalho mais recente de Abel Ferrara, interpretado impecavelmente por Willem Dafoe, sente-se em casa em Roma e até se diverte aprendendo italiano. Mas ele também vê mudanças de perspectiva em sua jovem esposa Nikki, com quem tem uma garotinha, Dee Dee, sua menina dos olhos. A existência cotidiana do artista americano, pairando entre a realidade e, muitas vezes, a precária fantasia, é pontuada por encontros gratificantes e frustrantes que Tommaso tem com os “proprietários” de vários destinos e consigo mesmo.
After the death of his estranged father, professional rainbow-watcher Stefano finds out he has a 13-year-old half-brother, and that he must become his legal guardian to receive the inheritance.
Vigàta, Sicily, Italy, 1880. Shortly after the return to the village of Fofò La Matina, pharmacist and son of the late Santo La Matina, jealous guardian of the secrets of certain miraculous plants, the noble Peluso family is ravaged by a series of mysterious deaths…
No auge de seus 15 anos, um grupo de amigos vivenciam a juventude na Nápoles contemporânea. Eles ambicionam alcançar um estilo de vida mais próspero, que os permita comprar roupas de grife e novas scooters. Eles passam o dia portando suas armas e andando de moto, na intenção de afirmar seu poder no Distrito da Saúde. Ingenuamente, eles acreditam que utilizando a violência e a intimidação poderão trazer justiça ao bairro.
Two housewives in America in the 1950s, Mrs Fairytale and her best friend Mrs Emerald, meet every day to share their quiet and bourgeois lives, but the façade of perfection slowly crumbles to reveal terrible secrets.
Icônico autor, Oscar Wilde passou por momentos difíceis. Casado com Constance, o dramaturgo vai parar atrás das grades após se envolver com outro homem. Tempos depois, ele é solto e inicia uma viagem pela Europa, local que será palco de seus três últimos anos de vida.
Montelusa, Sicily, Italy, 1877. Giovanni Bovara, the new chief inspector of the mills, is charged with collecting a severe tax. Sicilian by birth, but Ligurian by adoption, he reasons and speaks as a man of northern Italy and does not understand the dynamics of the law of silence that regulate the Sicilian land, so his intransigence immediately gives him several enemies…
Action Reaction - when a Russian patron collapses at the bar, poison is suspected and Vittoria closes them down until the source is found.
Vanni and Linda live in a penthouse apartment for rent in the center of Rome. Vanni writes novels, Linda 'cooperates' to his novels. Between a vernissage and an exhibition of Basquiat, thay hang out Alfredo and Constanza, a couple on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Alfredo is a surgeon with the habit of waking up early and has a lover, Constanza is a dermatologist with the same habits. With the intent to vent their frustrations in their friends' living room, Alfredo and Constanza take hostage the couple and recriminate loudly about the past and the present. In an impossible attempt to contain them, Vanni and Linda eventually take the field and also thrash each other. Someone will end up getting hurt by the end of the night.
Speaking of serious things by making you laugh has always been the characteristic of Ettore Scola’s cinematic style. With the same intent, his daughters Paola and Silvia, using Pif’s verve as an interviewer, retrace their father’s career.
After finish his work Marchino finds the body of a teenager girl and goes to BarLume to call the police who don't believe him after his infamous past. Massimo goes to check and here starts a new story of BarLume.
Leopardi (o poeta italiano Giacomo Leopardi) é uma criança-prodígio, a crescer sob o olhar implacavelmente vigilante do seu pai, numa biblioteca a que chama casa. A sua mente corre livre mas a vida familiar aprisiona-o: é um leitor ávido mas o mundo está longe. Na Europa, está tudo a mudar, revoluções emergem e Giacomo procura desesperadamente o contacto com o exterior. Aos 24 anos, deixa finalmente Recanati e a alta sociedade abre-lhe as portas, mas o nosso rebelde não se adapta.
1828. In the wake of the repression of revolutionary movements in Southern Italy, three young friends join Giuseppe Mazzini's republican and unificationist cause. Their idealism will clash with the inevitable disillusionment as they grow apart over the decades.
A biopic of jazz pianist Luca Flores.
An irrepressible passion blossoms between 27 year-old aspiring writer Stefania, and Stefano, a 15 year-old high school student. Their unusual relationship obviously baffles friends and relatives of both components of the unusual couple. Can their feelings withstand their own fears and the pressure of society ? ...
The rise and fall of sicilian most important mafia bosses after WWII: Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano, all from Corleone. Their friendship and struggle against italian state.
TV-Movie on the life and accomplishments of Giovanni Falcone, the legendary Sicilian judge who boldly opposed the Mafia
A young father and his two children struggle to find harmony after his wife leaves them for another man.
Cefalonia tells the real story about what happened in September 1943 on the Greek island of Kefalonia (Cefalonia in Italian), when the 12,000 men in the Italian 33rd Acqui Infantry Division, following Italy's surrender to the Allied, refused to put themselves under German command and also refused to surrender their weapons. The local German force, supported by Stuka dive-bombers and additional troops, attacked the Italians and after several days of combat the Italians surrendered, having lost 1,300 men. As punishment, the German High Command ordered that all surviving Italians should be executed. Some 5,000 were executed during a week of killings. A handful were rescued by locals and the Greek guerrilla, while the rest were shipped off as prisoners, whereof 3,000 drowned when their ships hit mines. The film "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" is based on a novel about the Italian occupation of Cefalonia, but the massacre was much toned down in the Hollywood version.
Angela is a French art student living in Germany who loves to draw comics and creates elaborate tales drawn in a soft and romantic style. One night, Angela meets Yamamoto, a club DJ from Japan, who invites her to come to Tokyo with him. Infatuated with Yamamoto, Angela impulsively agrees, and is soon sharing an apartment with a handful of Western expatriates who work at a nightclub where Japanese businessmen drink, sing karaoke, and date the "hostesses" for a fee.
Nearing death, videogame genius Leone Stella holds a contest to find an heir: all the people named like him will compete in a live-streamed reenactment of his most famous endeavors, and the winner will inherit his billionaire fortune.
Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.