Hiroshi Tachikawa

Hiroshi Tachikawa

Nascimento : 1931-03-07, Tokyo, Japan


Hiroshi Tachikawa


Hazardous Graduation
Sex games by students at a junior high school are exposed by the principal and teachers, but the tables are turned in favor of the students.
Tomorrow's Joe
The Rough One
A tale of wannabe yakuza youths. When not cooking up scams with his buddies, Zenkichi develops a crush on Taro's disgusted sister, Miki. But soon the young hoods run afoul of their underworld idols when they rob the wrong gang, led by brutal boss Konno. When Zenkichi's pals start to bite the dust, he hooks up with a more traditional yakuza, Tetsugoro, to retaliate.
Let's Go! Young Guy
College student Yuuichi Tanuma is fired up for Nationals where his university Kyonan will face off against their rivals, Seihoku. Yuuichi has his sights set on winning football gold, but his father, who wants him to take over his sukiyaki restaurant, isn't too keen on this. Set in Kyoto, Hong Kong, and Macau, we follow Yuuichi as he falls in love and chases after his dreams.
Elegia da Luta
Kiroku boards with a Roman Catholic family and falls for the daughter Michiko. He ignores his feelings, joins a gang, gets in fights and, eventually, becomes involved with the radical Kita Ikki group.
Zero Fighter
Japanese war movie.
História de uma Prostituta
Uma prostitua é humilhada por um alto oficial do exército japonês. Ela resolve se vingar se relacionando com seu assistente, para manchar a honra do superior hierárquico.
The Elegant Life of Mr. Everyman
Eburi's younger brother
A salaryman's drunken ravings in public attract the attention of journalists who coerce him into telling them his life's story.
Etsurô Yoshida - Writer
Five vacationers and two crewmen become stranded on a tropical island near the equator. The island has little edible food for them to use as they try to live in a fungus covered hulk while repairing Kessei's yacht. Eventually they struggle over the food rations which were left behind by the former crew. Soon they discover something unfriendly there...
Outpost of Hell
The fifth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
Detetive Bureau 2-3
Sakura gangster 4
Tajima is a private detective in charge of his own company, Detective Bureau 2-3. When warring criminal gangs go overboard by robbing U.S. military munitions, Tajima steps in to stop what the cops can't.
47 Ronin
The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (becoming ronin) after their daimyo (feudal lord) was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku for committing the crime of murder.
In 1980, a giant planetoid named Gorath is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. Even though it is smaller than Earth, its mass is huge enough to crush the Earth and destroy it. A mission sent to observe Gorath is destroyed after all the orbiting ships are drawn into the planetoid. A later mission is sent to observe and the crew barely leaves before suffering the same fate. However Astronaut Tatsuo Kanai is left in a catatonic state due to his near death experience. The Earth's scientists then come up with a desperate plan to build giant rockets at the South Pole to move Earth out of Gorath's path before it is too late.
No Japão por volta do século XVIII, nove jovens decidem apresentar uma acusação de corrupção em seu clã ao superintendente local. No entanto, o grupo é traído, mas o ronin Sanjûrô Tsubaki (Toshirô Mifune), um samurai desalinhado e cínico, os salva dos homens do superintendente. Então o tio do líder dos clãs rebeldes, o Chamberlain Mutsuta (Yûnosuke Itô), é seqüestrado e sua esposa e filha são detidas e feitas prisioneiras do superintendente que tenta forçar Mutsuta a escrever uma falsa carta de confissão declarando ser corrupto. Sanjûrô ajuda o grupo a resgatar o Chamberlain e sua família.
Acchan no bebi gyangu
Based on the comic by Fuyuhiko Okabe.
Yojimbo, o Guarda-Costas
A história ocorre em 1860 e baseia-se na chegada de um ronin a uma cidade que sofre com a guerra entre duas gangues. Kuwabatake Sanjuro, que significa "Amoreira de 30 Anos" (Toshirō Mifune), aproveitando a sua perspicácia tenta ganhar dinheiro e, ao mesmo tempo, livrar a cidade das gangues rivais, ora associando-se a um grupo, ora associando-se a outro, tirando proveito da situação e manipulando-os, devido ao despreparo estratégico dos dois grupos, que é demonstrado através de diversas cenas satíricas durante o filme.
Filhas, Esposas e Uma Mãe
Shin Asabuki
Este filme apresenta uma grande e extensa família (e associados) ainda mais extensa do que aquela retratada por Ozu em "Fim do Verão". O personagem central é Setsuko Hara - uma mulher equilibrada de meia-idade, cujo marido rico (e prestigioso) morre no início do filme, deixando-a viúva, mais o produto de uma apólice de seguro de um milhão de ienes. Por não ter filhos, os seus sogros não poem objeções com o seu regresso a casa de família.
Jinsei Gekijo
1958 Theater of Life adaptation.
Summer Clouds
A war widow with a young boy manages a farm with her bossy mother-in-law. When a reporter comes to interview her, the two begin an affair. He turns out to be married and won't leave his wife. Her older brother tries to marry off his children and hang on to/ extend his farm through an advantageous marriage in the face of threatened land confiscation and the desire of his children to get comfortable urban jobs instead of the backbreaking work in the paddy fields under parental control.
Little Peach
Heinosuke Hirayama
Anzukko (Little Peach) is the daughter of a successful writer. She turns down each one of her suitors, until she marries a beginning writer named Ryokichi. Their life quickly sinks into despair.
The Third President
The fourth entry in the Company President Series
Woman Unveiled
Story of a family torn apart when Teiji (Mori), the father, develops intimate feelings for a runaway (Kuga) the family has taken into their home.
Assistant President
A Teapicker's Song of Goodbye
(as Yoichi Tchikawa)
An Ishiro Honda film.
The Paradise Island Story
Musical-comedy about nine soldiers deserted on an island in South Pacific.
Trono Manchado de Sangue
Kunimaru Tsuzuki
Japão, século XVI. As guerras civis sacodem o país. Dois valentes samurais, os generais Washizu Taketori (Toshirō Mifune) e Miki (Minoru Chiaki), regressam aos seus domínios depois de uma batalha vitoriosa. No caminho, uma misteriosa senhora profetizao futuro de Washizu: o guerreiro se converterá no Senhor do Castelo do Norte. A partir deste fato Washizu, auxiliado por sua esposa Asaji Isuzu Yamada, se vê imerso numa trágica e sangrenta luta pelo poder. Trono Manchado de Sangue (蜘蛛巣城, Kumonosu-jō?, literalmente "Castelo Teia de Aranha") é um filme japonês de 1957 dirigido por Akira Kurosawa, que transpôs a obra Macbeth de William Shakespeare para o Período Sengoku japonês (séc. XV - XVI).
The President Talks Bank
The president learns that the company's biggest stockholder is also a friend of his singing teacher and spies on his movements.
Nigetekita hanayome
Young Tree
Jirôzaemon Baba
A young girl moves to Tokyo and endures the rivalries between other high school girls of varying cultural and economic backgrounds.
The President's Boss
A new third-class president wins an appointment thanks to his marriage with the former president's daughter.
Anatomia do Medo
Ryoichi Sayama
Kiichi Nakajima, um idoso proprietário de fundição, convencido de que o Japão será afetado por uma guerra nuclear iminente, resolve transferir sua família para a segurança no Brasil. Sua família decide que seja declarado incompetente e o Dr. Harada, um conselheiro do Tribunal Doméstico, tenta arbitrar. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
The First Kiss
Portmanteau film about young lovers.
Love Never Fails
Yoichi Tachikawa
Two youths - the serious son of a Buddhist abbot and his rakish pal - quarrel over a restaurant keeper's daughter. When one of the youths die the other boy and the girl find they cannot forget him.
The Surf
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo.
The Blue Revolution