Jean-Claude Bercq
Nascimento : 1929-04-07, Valleroy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Morte : 2008-12-12
A wonderful documentary that sheds additional light on the fascinating project ‘Inferno’ was, as well as how those who were involved with it reacted to it during the shooting process. A riveting adjunct to the main feature, offering a glut of interviews with various people associated with the production, and presenting quite a bit more production data, as well as some unseen footage from Clouzot's shoot.
Martineau (archive footage)
In 1964, Henri-Georges Clouzot's production of L'Enfer came to a halt. Despite huge expectations, major studio backing and an unlimited budget, after three weeks the production collapsed. This documentary presents Inferno's incredible expressionistic original rushes, screen tests, and on-location footage, whilst also reconstructing Clouzot's original vision, and shedding light on the ill-fated endeavor through interviews, dramatizations of unfilmed scenes, and Clouzot's own notes.
Longtime friends Marc and Hubert are successful CEOs in their 50s married to beautiful women. When they begin to doubt their power of seduction, they send their wives on a trip together and start seducing other women, which leads to some sexual escapades. Rejuvenated, they join their wives, but their holiday is quickly disrupted by the intrusion of young sexy campers who bring a wind of erotic freedom and teach the older couples to reevaluate their lives.
When Michel gets the life-sized sex doll he ordered, shipped directly from Japan, he is only intrigued by it at first. Then the silent unresponsiveness of the thing begins to haunt him, and he finds himself reacting to it as if it were an equally unresponsive living woman. As time passes, more and more of his life is spent trying to satisfy or placate its relentless silence, and he goes somewhat mad. He dresses the doll and takes it with him wherever he goes. When his usually very tolerant wife discovers what is going on, her jealousy knows no bounds and she attempts to imitate this threatening love-object. The light-hearted quality of this addle-pated fantasy darkens quickly when various neighborhood men attempt to put the doll to its originally intended use.
Um agente federal, cuja filha morre de overdose de heroína, está determinado a destruir o anel de drogas que a abastecia. Ele recruta várias pessoas cujas vidas foram separadas pelo tráfico de drogas e as treina. Então todos eles saem para a França para rastrear e destruir o anel.
Le commandant Leteil
During the Algerian war of independence, one of the FLN's leaders was arrested by the army, which uses the most violent methods to make the prisoners talk. The use of torture poses a case of conscience to a French officer. A play between the field against the field, between the tortured and his torturer, behind a stifling closed door.
Paul-Jacques Dion
Michael Delaney (Steve McQueen) é um americano que é piloto de corridas. Ele retorna ao circuito de Le Mans, na França, determinado a vencer, a despeito de ter quase morrido um ano atrás. Lá sente-se atraído por Lisa Belgetti (Elga Andersen), a viúva de um piloto que morreu no mesmo acidente, sendo que há uma grande possibilidade de Delaney ter sido causador do trágico acidente.
A crackdown on drugs leads a burned out cop to take the law into his own hands and seek revenge against villainous drug dealers. Word comes down from above that the United States feels French authorities have been lax on their arrests of the dealers. A violent action feature finds the harried inspector battling his colleagues as much as the criminal element targeted for extermination.
An Algerian doctor decides to leave the troubles in Algiers and goes back to his hometown, a small village lost in the mountains. There, however, the situation is explosive as well, as the guerilla is active and the French military has to keep a close watch on the locals...
In a mysterious French castle dark meetings and apparitions happen, seasoned by nauseating erotic menages. The involvement frantically increases up to the amazing epilogue.
Stuntman Johnny gets tired of putting his life constantly at risk and instead joins up with a bunch of international thieves who are looking to steal a priceless statue, but that's where the trouble starts....
Henri Verdier
Marc Saint-Clair, aka 'le Judoka'
Marc is a French secret agent whose only weapons are judo and karate. With the help of his sidekick Jacques, the duo goes to protect a noted scientist from falling into the hands of a gang of underworld thugs. Marc finds love with one of the female gang members who turns out to be a double agent with the British Secret Service.
Major Von Leeb
O arrombador de crofres britânico Eddie Chapman está preso na ilha de Jersey quando os alemães a invadem duante a Segunda Guerra. Ele se oferece para trabalhar para o Eixo em troca de sua liberdade, assim, o regime de Hitler o envia como espião para a Inglaterra. Uma vez lá, no entanto, ele oferece seus serviços aos Aliados, e assim torna-se um agente duplo.
Inspector Godefroy
Gu, apelido dado ao gângster Gustave Miranda, escapou da prisão. Ele foge para Paris e, lá acaba se envolvendo em vários assassinatos. Antes de fugir do país, ele terá de lidar com as consequência de seus atos, já que o inspetor Blot, está na sua cola incansavelmente.
Em 1954, durante os últimos dias do envolvimento militar francês na Indochina, o coronel francês Pierre-Noel Raspeguy está liderando seus paraquedistas na decisiva batalha de Dien Bien Phu. Uma guarnição francesa enfraquecida enfrenta um grande ataque de tropas comunistas do Viet Minh. Quando sua posição é invadida pelo inimigo Raspeguy e seus homens são feitos prisioneiros. Depois do tratado de paz, eles são libertados e regressam à França, onde o Coronel Raspeguy recebe o comando de um novo regimento aéreo com destino à Argélia. Os franceses estão tentando impedir a Argélia de obter a independência total da França. O Exército francês está envolvido em operações de contra insurgência, em ambientes urbanos e rurais, contra a guerrilha argelina liderada pela Frente de Libertação Nacional da Argélia (FLNA). Esta é a última chance do coronel Raspeguy de provar suas habilidades de comando e salvar sua carreira militar.
Jo le Pâle
In Paris, a gold smuggler is at war with other local gangsters who want piece of the action. Then the mob shows up and makes things worse. And an undercover US Treasury Department agent is trying to infiltrate the smuggling business.
The mechanic in Karen's room
Agnes, a lonely teenage girl, and her father befriend an escaped convict, named Joseph, who arrives at their farm in Brittany, France. When Joseph develops an attraction to Agnes, her father threatens to break up the union.
Jacques Cournot, a freelance skipper, is hired by Mr Hendrix in Santo Domingo, first of all to advise him regarding the acquisition of a sailing boat. After a thorough inspection of a prospective vessel, the "Dragoon", Cournot reports his positive appraisal to Mr Hendrix and initiates the negotiations with Mrs Osborne, the owner of the craft. Barely a couple of days later, Cournot finds himself in a bind as the police questions him about the exact kind of cruise he was supposed to organize for his principal. For the "Dragoon" is gone; Mr Hendrix has disappeared; Mrs Osborne is not aware of any deal; and the corpses of mysterious individuals, victims of a violent death, are found on the beaches of Santo Domingo.
Em 1944, um coronel alemão carrega um trem com tesouros de arte francesa para enviar para a Alemanha. A resistência deve pará-lo sem danificar a carga. Quando as forças aliadas se aproximam de Paris em agosto de 1944, o coronel alemão von Waldheim está desesperado para levar todas as maiores pinturas da França para a Alemanha. Ele consegue um trem para transportar as valiosas obras de arte, mesmo com o caos da retirada. A resistência francesa, no entanto, quer impedi-los de roubar seus tesouros nacionais, mas receberam ordens de Londres de que não devem ser destruídas. O chefe da estação, Labiche, tem a tarefa de agendar o trem e fazer tudo acontecer sem problemas, mas ele também faz parte de um grupo cada vez menor de combatentes da resistência encarregados de impedir o roubo. Ele e outros armam um estratagema elaborado para impedir que o trem saia do território francês.