Gil Gerard

Gil Gerard

Nascimento : 1943-01-23, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA


Gilbert C. Gerard is an American actor, most notable for his role as Captain William "Buck" Rogers in the 1979–81 television series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. Gerard was employed as an industrial chemist, and within a few years of starting he became regional manager of a large chemical company headed by governor Winthrop Rockefeller. Gerard's employers said they would appoint him as the firm's vice president if he undertook a master's degree, so he resigned rather than explain that he did not have a bachelor's degree. He then went to New York City where he studied drama by day and drove a taxicab at night. Gerard picked up a fare who showed a lively interest in the problems of unknown, unemployed actors. He told Gerard to report in a few days to the set of Love Story, which was being filmed on location in New York. When Gerard arrived on the Love Story set, he was hired as an extra. Later that day, he was singled out for a "bit" role, but his role was not included in the finished film. During the next few years, he did most of his acting in 400 television commercials, including a stint as spokesman for the Ford Motor Company. After small roles in Some of My Best Friends Are..., and Man on a Swing, Gerard gained a prominent role in the daytime soap opera, The Doctors. Gerard formed his own production company in partnership with a writer-producer, co-authored a screenplay called Hooch and filmed it as a starring vehicle for himself. With Hooch completed, he appeared in Ransom for Alice! and Universal's Airport '77. A guest appearance on Little House on the Prairie impressed producer-star Michael Landon, who cast him in the leading role in the 1978 TV movie Killing Stone. Gerard then landed his best-known role, as Captain William "Buck" Rogers in the TV series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century which ran from 1979-81, with the feature-length pilot episode being released theatrically some months prior to the first broadcast of the series. After this, he was featured in a number of other TV shows and movies, including starring roles in the 1982 TV movie Hear No Evil as Dragon, the short-lived series Sidekicks and E.A.R.T.H. Force. In 1992, Gerard presented the reality TV series Code 3, and for the remainder of the 1990s, Gerard made guest appearances on various TV shows, including Fish Police, Brotherly Love, The Big Easy, Days of Our Lives and Pacific Blue. In January 2007, Gerard was the subject of the one-hour documentary Action Hero Makeover on the Discovery Health Channel, which documented his year-long progress after undergoing life-saving mini-gastric bypass surgery in October 2005. According to the program, he had been struggling with his weight for 40 years, losing weight only to gain it back. By the time of the program's production, his weight had risen to over 350 pounds (159 kg). Within ten months he lost a total of 145 lb (66 kg). Gerard and his Buck Rogers co-star Erin Gray reunited in 2007 for the TV film Nuclear Hurricane, and also returned to the Buck Rogers universe by playing the characters' parents in the pilot episode of James Cawley's Buck Rogers Begins Internet video series in 2009. Gerard guest-starred as Admiral Jack Sheehan in "Kitumba", the January 1, 2014, episode of the fan web series Star Trek: Phase II. In 2015, Gerard voiced Megatronus in Transformers: Robots in Disguise.


Gil Gerard


Space Captain and Callista
A young man with Asperger's Syndrome, under the shadow of his overprotective mother, wants to live independently. A tough-as-nails teen girl has a troubled, chaotic home life. Their unlikely friendship is tainted by outsiders' suspicions and accusations.
Bons Rapazes
Bergen Paulsen
Em Los Angeles, nos anos 70, o detetive Jackson Healy é contratado por uma funcionária do Departamento de Justiça dos EUA para investigar o paradeiro da sua filha e protegê-la. De alguma forma, o desaparecimento da jovem parece estar relacionado com a morte de uma antiga estrela de cinema de filmes para adultos e Jackson Healy, habituado a resolver assuntos à força, terá de contar com a colaboração de Holland March, um detetive com uma personalidade e estilo muito distintos.
Blood Fare
Professor Meade
A Civil War ghost story with a modern twist.
Amor Desaparecido
Neil Thomas Jr
Uma jornalista busca a verdade sobre o marido de uma mulher, um piloto que desapareceu em combate durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Cidade Fantasma
Preacher McCready
Durante uma excursão, o ônibus de um grupo de jovens se perde e eles acabam parando em uma antiga cidade abandonada. Mas antes que possam achar o caminho certo, estranhos acontecimentos os assombram e podem impedir que saiam do lugar vivos.
Dire Wolf
Col. Hendry
A vicious genetically modified creature that's half human and half dire wolf escapes from a research facility so it can go on a murderous rampage in a quiet rural community. It's up to the easygoing Sheriff Parker, eager game warden Jim, and a couple of government agents to stop the beast before things get too out of hand.
General Morgenstern
When a group of friends get stranded on a seemingly deserted island, they soon realize that they're not alone.
O Devorador de Ossos
Big Jim Burns
Quando uma construtora começa a escavar no vasto deserto do Arizona para a construção de uma rodovia, a polícia local depara-se com inexplicáveis assassinatos em série. Nestes crimes, as vítimas têm seus ossos removidos do corpo de uma maneira que nem mesmo os médicos conseguem explicar.
Nuclear Hurricane
Linda is trapped when the nuclear power plant in which she works threatens a meltdown, while her girlfriend takes on a major storm which could destroy their island home.
Air Rage
Victor Quinn
When a Marine Colonel orders his men to massacre a village they were sent to rescue some hostages but when they found them dead they decide to get some payback. Upon returning to the States the Colonel would be court-martialed and made a plea agreement wherein all the blame is on him and his men would be discharged and receive any benefits they're entitled. But the General presiding over his trial chooses not to agree to the agreement and throws the book at the Colonel and has his men dishonorably discharged thus eliminating all their benefits.
The Stepdaughter
Jesse Conner
Growing up, Susan Miller survived countless foster homes and years of abuse and neglect with one, burning goal: to someday find the birth mother who abandoned her - and get revenge.
Lavagem Cerebral
Karl Gardner
Um engenheiro de uma empresa de tecnologia começa a perder a maior parte de sua memória e descobre que foi programado para cometer delitos, aparentemente por seus próprios chefes.
Mãe, Posso Ficar Com Ela?
Ainda inconformado com a morte da mãe anos antes, Timmy (Justin Berfield) tem muita dificuldade em aceitar Eva (Alana Stewart), a nova mulher de seu pai, o médico Joel (Kevin Dobson). Depois de aprontar mais uma, é justamente quando Timmy está de castigo que recebe a inesperada visita de Zamora, uma gorila que fugiu de um circo itinerante e dos maus tratos de seu dono. Convencido de que aquilo é um presente enviado dos céus por sua mãe, o menino faz de tudo para que ninguém descubra a nova hóspede. Para mantê-la a salvo, Timmy pede ajuda ao desmiolado sr. Willard (Henry Darrow), um veterano que acredita ainda estar em guerra. Mas a confusão fica maior quando um inescrupuloso caçador resolve ir atrás de mais um troféu para sua parede.
Soldier's Fortune
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A rich young girl is kidnapped by masked terrorists. Her mother's ex-husband, a former mercenary, gathers some of his former comrades and goes off to rescue her.
Commando Earth Force
Dr. John Harding
Final Notice
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Detective Harry Stoner has only a few clues. A year ago someone mutilated the nude photos found in the city library's art books. And shortly after, a young murder victim was found carved up in the same grisly way. Now, more mangled art books have suddenly turned up. And it's Harry's job to make sure another corpse doesn't.
Fury to Freedom
Martial arts champion Raul Ries was weaned on anger and fueled by rage -- a destructive path that led him to the brink of the murder-suicide of his family and himself. But on the darkest night of his life, Someone intervened. The man who refused to show weakness faces Someone so powerful that he is finally broken and taken from...Fury to Freedom.
International Airport
David Montgomery
Manager of a large metropolitan airport tries to deal with the stress of his job, and the various characters that work for him.
Stormin' Home
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An aging motor-cross racer, already having lost his wife and daughter to his footlooseness and now about to have his semi-tractor cab repossessed, vows to make one last go of it on his bike in the race of his career.
For Love or Money
A man and a woman participate in a new game show where partners have to choose between love and money.
City Dragon
A cop who became deaf as the result of a fight tries to break up a drug ring run by bikers.
Not Just Another Affair
Bob Gifford
A lady marine biologist, determined to save herself until marriage, meets a handsome attorney who is not used to being rejected sexually, and it becomes a battle of wills as to who will emerge the winner.
Help Wanted: Male
Johnny Gillis
An unmarried career woman decides she wants a baby and finds a suitable partner, a sportswriter working for the magazine she publishes. After she maneuvers him into proposing marriage to her, she learns that he happens to be sterile.
Monsters, Madmen & Machines: 80 Years of Science Fiction
Retrospective on science fiction and fantasy films from early efforts like George Melies' "A Trip to the Moon" (1902) to George Lucas' "Star Wars" (1977).
Buck Rogers no Século XXV
Capt. William " Buck " Rogers
No ano de 1987, a espaçonave Ranger 3 comandada pelo Capitão William “Buck” Rogers é lançada pela NASA para cumprir uma missão de cinco meses ao redor do sistema solar. A espaçonave é congelada depois de enfrentar forças desconhecidas e permanece em uma órbita estacionária durante mais de 500 anos. Sem envelhecer pelo estado de animação suspensa, o Capitão Rogers é despertado em 2491 pelas forças armadas do mundo da Draconia. A Terra que Buck Rogers encontra está completamente destruída por causa do holocausto nuclear do século XXI…
Killing Stone
Gil Stone
Returning from prison after serving ten years on trumped-up charges, a freelance writer tries to uncover the truth behind a homicide involving the son of a U.S. senator in this pilot for a prospective series.
Hooch is an inexpensive regional exploitation action-comedy (hicksploitation) about a small county in the Appalachians and its many moonshine-brewing inhabitants, who are all struggling to make a living. The older "brewers" are pissed off at the success of handsome young upstart Eddie Joe, who is charmingly stealing their regular customers. Meanwhile, the owner of the country store (also a moonshiner) conspires with a trio of carpetbagging Mafioso who want to take over the moonshine business in that county as an extension of their Northern business ventures.
Eddie Joe
Hooch is an inexpensive regional exploitation action-comedy (hicksploitation) about a small county in the Appalachians and its many moonshine-brewing inhabitants, who are all struggling to make a living. The older "brewers" are pissed off at the success of handsome young upstart Eddie Joe, who is charmingly stealing their regular customers. Meanwhile, the owner of the country store (also a moonshiner) conspires with a trio of carpetbagging Mafioso who want to take over the moonshine business in that county as an extension of their Northern business ventures.
Ransom for Alice!
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In 1890s Seattle, a deputy marshal and his female partner set out to bust up a ring that kidnaps teenage girls and sells them into prostitution.
Aeroporto 77
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Em uma viagem para Palm Beach, onde vai inaugurar um museu composto de peças da sua coleção particular, o magnata Philip Stevens transporta em seu luxuoso Jumbo 747 a sua coleção de arte, tendo seus amigos como convidados. Mas o avião é sequestrado, sofre um acidente e cai no oceano, ficando submerso em águas rasas. Será que a tripulação e os passageiros conseguirão escapar antes que o avião seja invadido totalmente pela água do mar?
Man on a Swing
Donald Forbes
A small-town police chief investigating a murder is offered help by a self-described psychic. However, when the chief discovers that the "psychic" is in possession of information known only to the police, he suspects that the man may be more involved in the case than he lets on.
Some of My Best Friends Are...
Michel Mireaux
It's Christmas Eve 1971 in Manhattan's Greenwich Village and the regulars of the local gay bar "The Blue Jay" are celebrating. Not much has changed since Stonewall and its not all "Peace on Earth. Good Will to Men" but the times are a changin.