Mazin Helal


Uibu Farm
Sound Designer
Mart is dragged by his father to meet his grandfather for the first time since he was a little boy. When the three generations meet, Mart witnesses his father change in front of the larger-than-life personality of his grandfather. Are some relationships better left cold, dead, distant?
An entomophobic filmmaker faces her fears through a series of expeditions and encounters with a Hungarian neurologist obsessed with beetles. Curious about what his passion for insects can teach her, director Mariana CastiƱeiras perfectly pins the thrill of discovery. Why do desire and fear fade once conquered? How do collecting and psychology drive the relationship between documentarian and subject?
Days Without
Sound Designer
After a chaotic episode with his wife, Russian-Estonian worker Nikolai is left alone with their one year old daughter, Sophia. As time goes by, he begins to doubt his abilities as a father and furthermore, if he will ever see his wife again.
Sound Recordist
A young man decides to break in to the hospital, when he is told he cannot go see his sick little sister due to new laws that have been passed in response to a pandemic.
El Camino
Foley Artist
In order to sustain his family, a troubled pilot accepts one last crooked deal to transport a dangerous cargo inside his spaceship.