Following the public hysteria following the broadcast of the Shed 17 documentary, further revelations are uncovered about the events on Sodor Island in the early 80's. However, a much more sinister force threatens the remaining engines of Sodor Island. Following the revelations of an anonymous whistle blower, a shocking series of events will lead to disaster. Follow Keith Hartley as he guides us through another magical story of love, betrayal and ambition.
They were the stories that have charmed an entire generation. From the books to the television series, people around the world have grown up with the Railway Stories. But the truth behind Thomas and his friends is no childrens story. It is a story that begins in wartime Germany, and ends with a discovery that would change Thomas, and his friends, lives forever.
Bertha was a short lived childrens television series on British TV, starting in April 1985. It lasted only a year. But what those who remember the series seldom remember is the true story behind Bertha. Her origins, the allegations of murder, the collapse of the company she worked for, the intolerance of her and the events that threatened to destroy her are covered in this documentary, Bertha : The True Story