Marcos Colón


Stepping Softly on the Earth
In the documentary "Pisar Suavemente na Terra", three Indigenous leaders from the Amazon try to keep their ways of being in the world alive. This is the story of Kátia, chief of the Akrãtikatêjê people, of Manuel, chief of the Munduruku people and of José Manuyama, a teacher of Kokama origin. The three narrate the threats to their territories promoted by large-scale mining, monoculture, oil extraction, logging and the construction of hydroelectric plants. Interconnected by the voice and ancestral thoughts of Ailton Krenak, these accounts of resistance present us with other ways of existing and walking in the world.
Stepping Softly on the Earth
In the documentary "Pisar Suavemente na Terra", three Indigenous leaders from the Amazon try to keep their ways of being in the world alive. This is the story of Kátia, chief of the Akrãtikatêjê people, of Manuel, chief of the Munduruku people and of José Manuyama, a teacher of Kokama origin. The three narrate the threats to their territories promoted by large-scale mining, monoculture, oil extraction, logging and the construction of hydroelectric plants. Interconnected by the voice and ancestral thoughts of Ailton Krenak, these accounts of resistance present us with other ways of existing and walking in the world.
Stepping Softly on the Earth
In the documentary "Pisar Suavemente na Terra", three Indigenous leaders from the Amazon try to keep their ways of being in the world alive. This is the story of Kátia, chief of the Akrãtikatêjê people, of Manuel, chief of the Munduruku people and of José Manuyama, a teacher of Kokama origin. The three narrate the threats to their territories promoted by large-scale mining, monoculture, oil extraction, logging and the construction of hydroelectric plants. Interconnected by the voice and ancestral thoughts of Ailton Krenak, these accounts of resistance present us with other ways of existing and walking in the world.
Pisar Suavemente na Terra
No documentário “Pisar Suavemente na Terra”, três lideranças indígenas da Amazônia tentam manter vivas suas formas de estar no mundo. São as histórias de Kátia, cacica do povo Akrãtikatêjê, de Manuel, cacique do povo Munduruku e de José Manuyama, professor de origem Kokama. Os três narram as ameaças aos seus territórios promovidas pela grande mineração, pelo monocultivo, pelo garimpo, pela exploração de petróleo, pela extração de madeira e pela construção de usinas hidrelétricas. Interligadas pela voz e o pensamento ancestral de Ailton Krenak, esses relatos de resistência nos apresentam outras formas de existir e caminhar no mundo.
Beyond Fordlandia
An environmental account of Henry Ford’s Amazon experience decades after its failure. The story addressed by the film begins in 1927, when the Ford Motor Company attempted to establish rubber plantations on the Tapajós River, a primary tributary of the Amazon. This film addresses the recent transition from failed rubber to successful soybean cultivation for export, and its implication for land usage.
Beyond Fordlandia
An environmental account of Henry Ford’s Amazon experience decades after its failure. The story addressed by the film begins in 1927, when the Ford Motor Company attempted to establish rubber plantations on the Tapajós River, a primary tributary of the Amazon. This film addresses the recent transition from failed rubber to successful soybean cultivation for export, and its implication for land usage.