Konstantin Anisimov


The Parent
Struggling for a daughter, hooked on heroin, the father had to get acquainted with the underground life of Saint-Petersburg. He doesn’t trust the police. Together with his friend he unravels the drug dealers network in order to stop the drug addiction that conquered the city in the 90s. Will they have enough powers to make it to the end?
Zenit-2008. Victory Song
In 2008 Zenit turned into a European top club. The blue-white-blue not only won the UEFA Cup and the UEFA Super Cup, but also beat Bayern and Manchester United en route to the trophy. Andrey Arshavin, Anatoly Timoshchuk, Pavel Pogrebnyak, Zenit fan Mikhail Shats and others will tell you everything about the formation of that team, head coach Dick Advocaat and the hardest path to victories that have gone down in the history of Russian sports forever.
Meia-Noite em Moscou
O ex-agente secreto britânico Harry Palmer agora dirige uma empresa de investigação privada na Rússia. Ele consegue um emprego para localizar e recuperar uma carga de plutônio roubado e, com a ajuda do colega Nikolai Petrov, parte para São Petersburgo para tentar encontrá-la. Ao longo do caminho, ele deve lidar com a violenta máfia russa e também encontrar a namorada de Nikolai, Tatiana, que foi sequestrada. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Zinky Boys Go Underground
Thriller providing a chilling insight into the damaged psyche of Russian soldiers returning home from Afghanistan. Andrei is the drug-crazed leader of the Zinky Boys, who make a living on the black market in the underground railway, where a serial killer is on the loose.