Mario "Cantinflas" Moreno is a hired hand, Pepe, employed on a ranch. A boozing Hollywood director buys a white stallion that belongs to Pepe's boss. Pepe, determined to get the horse back (as he considers it his family), decides to take off to Hollywood. There he meets film stars including Jimmy Durante, Frank Sinatra, Zsa Zsa Gabór, Bing Crosby, Maurice Chevalier and Jack Lemmon in drag as Daphne from Some Like It Hot. He is also surprised by things that were new in America at the time, such as automatic swinging doors. When he finally reaches the man who bought the horse, he is led to believe there is no hope of getting it back. However, the last scene shows both him and the stallion back at the ranch with several foals.
In order to get back into the good graces with his wife with whom he has had a misunderstanding, a young chemistry professor concocts a wild story that he is an undercover FBI agent. To help him with his story he enlists the aid of a friend who is a TV writer. The wife swallows the story and the film's climax takes place in the sub-basements of the Empire State Building. The professor and his friend, believing themselves prisoners on an enemy submarine, patriotically try to scuttle the vessel and succeed only in rocking the building.
Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra) é charmoso, bonito, engraçado, talentoso, de primeira classe, o maior dos malandros. Quando Joey encontra a ex corista e agora rica viúva Vera Simpson (Rita Hayworth), os dois desregrados parecem feitos um para o outro. Isto é, até surgir Linda English (Kim Novak). Linda é uma "mouse on the line" e vive como se não houvesse amanhã. Mas ela é a típica boa menina de uma boa família - exatamente o ingrediente certo para bagunçar a confortável situação do Joey.
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920's stage star Jeanne Eagels.
Biografia romanceada do pianista Eddy Duchin. No final dos anos 20, o farmaceutico recém-formado e aspirante pianista Eddy Duchin vai de Boston para Nova York com a expectativa de tocar com a orquestra de Leo Reisman no fantástico Cassino do Central Park de Nova York. No entanto, ele tinha entendido mal a convite do maestro. Quando está deixando o local conhece a rica socialite Marjorie Oelrichs que pede a Leo Reisman para dar uma chance ao Eddy. Ele começa a tocar durante os intervalos da orquestra e se torna um pianista famoso. Dois anos depois, Marjorie e Eddy se casam e no Natal, Marjorie tem um bebê, Peter.
A devilish Southern woman, married to a man who despises her, manages to manipulate those around her under the guise of being kind. But, when her sister-in-law is engaged to be married to the woman's former lover and her husband starts up an affair with her cousin, visting from New York, things start to go awry and she sets a plan to destroy it all.
An ex-military accountant is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the mob in Chicago in an attempt to break open the rackets. To complicate his job, two women stand in his way, each with their own agenda.
A former model, serving time in prison, becomes a key witness in a trial against a notorious gangster. She is put under protective watch by the District Attorney in a posh hotel, but the crime kingpin makes attempts to get to her.
This musical reworking of Too Many Husbands (1940), features Grable as a top singer and dancer who's been widowed by WW II. She marries her late husband's songwriting partner, Gower Champion, but the new marriage is thrown for a loop when Lemmon, her first husband, turns up very much alive and eager to see Grable.
Fed up with the raising crime in Miami, the police chief and the leading members of the city council hire a former Miami gangster, gone straight, to help eliminate the biggest crime syndicate in the city.
Sadie Thompson acaba encalhada em uma ilha e enquanto seu barco está em quarentena, ela consegue agitar o sangue de todos os fuzileiros navais da base.
Em um posto militar solitário na Samoa Americana, o calor pegajoso se alterna com a chuva torrencial. Um navio que fica em quarentena deixa aqui Sadie Thompson, uma "dama alegre" que incendeia os fuzileiros navais, e o hipócrita Sr. Davidson, poderoso chefe do Mission Board, que suspeita que Sadie seja uma fugitiva do notório Emerald Club de Honolulu. Enquanto isso, Sadie é cortejada pelo rude, mas de bom coração, o sargento da marinha. Phil O'Hara. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
A prisoner undergoes experimental brain surgery in order to get early parole. He released but has no memories. Things get dangerous when a group of thugs go after him in search of loot he hid before his amnesia.
No reinado do imperador Tibério, o profeta galileu João Batista prega contra o rei Herodes e a rainha Herodíades. Esta última quer João morto, mas Herodes teme prejudicá-lo devido a uma profecia. Então entra em cena a bela princesa Salomé, a enteada há muito ausente de Herodes. Herodias vê o desejo crescente do rei por Salomé como seu meio de dobrar o rei à sua vontade. Mas Salomé e seu amante Cláudio estão (ao contrário das Escrituras) se aproximando da conversão à nova religião. E a famosa dança climática acabou tendo implicações inesperadas ...
Cantora de boate e seu cunhado tentam encontrar o assassino de seu marido. Quando Steve Emery chega a Trinidad a pedido urgente de seu irmão, ele fica surpreso ao descobrir que seu irmão não só foi assassinado, mas que a esposa de seu irmão, Chris, está sucumbindo às tentativas de sedução do homem que possivelmente é o assassino. Seus sentimentos ficam ainda mais exacerbados quando ele descobre que também está se sentindo fortemente atraído por Chris, que é uma apaixonada cantora de cabaré. Ela, por sua vez, joga um contra o outro enquanto trai os segredos dos dois homens para a polícia, para quem trabalha secretamente. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos) O filme marca o retorno de Rita Hayworth ao cinema depois de quatro anos longe da Columbia.
A woman, distraught because of her recent miscarriage, accidentally injures a child in a hit-and-run accident, but she keeps the incident a secret. Overcome with guilt and remorse, she seeks out the child in the hospital and attempts to help him regain his speech, even though, if successful, it might mean he will implicate her for the crime.
A married couple welcomes their first child.
A mysterious American gets mixed up with gunrunners in Syria.
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
A perfectionist woman's devotion to her home drives away friends and family.
O roteirista Dixon Steele (Humphrey Bogart) é conhecido por ter um temperamento bem explosivo, o que dificulta um pouco sua carreira. Steele tem a chance de recomeçar roteirizando um livro de grande sucesso, mas como não quer ler o livro convida para ir na sua casa a funcionária da chapelaria Mildred Atkinson (Martha Stewart), para lhe contar a história com suas próprias palavras. Um pouco depois da meia-noite ele diz para Mildred que está cansado, agradece a colaboração, dá a ela o dinheiro do táxi e se despedem. Mas naquela mesma noite ela é morta e Steele é o principal suspeito. Seus antecedentes de comportamento violento e seu macabro senso de humor acabam por complicá-lo ainda mais. Para sua sorte Laurel Gray (Gloria Grahame), sua amável vizinha, lhe proporciona um álibi. Laurel era exatamente o que Steele precisava e a amizade deles rapidamente se transforma em amor, mas talvez as desconfianças, dúvidas e demônios internos de Dixon atrapalhem essa relação.
A recently divorced couple see things differently after learning they are going to be parents.
Um americano retorna a Tóquio e tenta resgatar sua vida anterior à Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas se vê encurralado entre criminosos e autoridades. Joe Barrett retorna a Tóquio após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde ele tinha um bar, o Tokyo Joe's, e onde abandonou sua esposa Trina. Eles têm uma filha de sete anos. O barão Kimura obriga Joe a pilotar para criminosos de guerra, chantageando revelar que durante a guerra Trina fez transmissões de propaganda traiçoeira.
Jovem e atraente, um desajustado descendente de italianos é preso como o principal suspeito da morte de um policial. Apesar dos esforços de seu advogado, um homem que superou os obstáculos de uma origem humilde, ele logo está no crime outra vez e com poucas chances de ser absolvido.
Quando um detetive zomba de sua sugestão de que um criminoso de 18 anos seja encaminhado para exame psiquiátrico, o Dr. Andrew Collins, o psiquiatra da polícia, conta a história de seu encontro com Al Walker. Walker tinha um histórico de violência e matou o diretor da prisão durante uma fuga. Ele e sua gangue fizeram a família Collins e seus amigos reféns, mas quando o Dr. Collins descobre que Walker tem um sonho recorrente violento, ele se oferece para ajudá-lo a decifrar o sonho e determinar exatamente o que o levou a uma vida de crime e violência.
Elsa 'Rosalie' Bannister é uma mulher que é salva de um grupo de ladrões pelo jovem Michael O'Hara. Como agradecimento, ela o convida para trabalhar no iate de seu milionário marido. Michael aceita o emprego, mas não pelo dinheiro, e sim para ficar mais próximo de Elsa e, assim, tentar fugir com ela - pois agora ele está completamente apaixonado pela moça.
Preocupada com a zombaria de um novo musical da Broadway sobre a mitologia grega, a deusa Terpsichore vem à terra e entra no elenco do show. Ela usa seus encantos no produtor do programa e ele incorpora suas sugestões no programa. Infelizmente, suas mudanças também produzem um grande fracasso. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Susan Lane is a gifted psychiatrist, grounded in self-control. Before returning by train to her practice in Chicago, she spends time back East with war veterans, building their self-esteem, but frowning on the impulsive, as represented by a favorite comic strip called "The Nixie." She bumps into Michael Kent, an officer and the comic strip's author. He likes her instantly and she dislikes him. He's headed to the Pacific, sees her on the train, gets off in Chicago, and with her father's help, pursues her and hatches a plan to marry her. Meanwhile, she has her own plan to get rid of him with the help of a blond patient. Will the Nixie get into her psyche?
Uma garota americana estrelando num music hall britânico se apaixona por um piloto da RAF.
Um fotógrafo da revista Life vai a Londres para fazer uma materia sobre uma trupe de teatro musical local que nunca perdeu uma apresentação durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Flashbacks também revelam o caso de amor nos bastidores entre a estrela Rosalind Bruce e um aviador Lider de Esquadrão da RAF Paul Lundy.
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
Ao vencer concurso de beleza, jovem dançarina deixa o namorado para trás a fim de trabalhar como modelo. Mas descobre que o sucesso não substitui um grande amor. No Brooklyn, a dançarina de cabaré Rusty Parker tem uma vida simples mas feliz dançando no McGuire, cabaré de propriedade de seu namorado Danny. Rusty, Danny e Genius tem um ritual nas noites de sexta-feira: eles encomendam ostras em um bar, tentando encontrar uma pérola. A vida de Rusty muda quando ela participa e ganha um concurso para ser a garota da capa da revista Vanity. Ela é convidada a trabalhar em um grande teatro na Broadway, cujo proprietário propõe se casar com ela. Ela perde a felicidade e começa a beber em seu novo estilo de vida, sem o amor de Danny e seus velhos amigos.
Merle Oberon plays a Norwegian resistance figure in a small town, married to a Nazi commandant. When his superiors begin to suspect her, the Allies land an assassin to kill him -- an assassin who happens to be her former lover.
Sisters Ruth and Eileen Sherwood move from Ohio to New York in the hopes of building their careers. Ruth wants to get a job as a writer, while Eileen hopes to succeed on the stage. The two end up living in a dismal basement apartment in Greenwich Village, where a parade of odd characters are constantly breezing in and out. The women also meet up with magazine editor Bob Baker, who takes a personal interest in helping both with their career plans.
Margaret Drew runs her trucking company single-mindedly, if not ruthlessly. The only thorn in her side is writer Michael Holmes who is writing a book on some of her tough ways. With no time for men, the effect an attractive stranger has on her at her sister's wedding is unnerving. When it turns out this is the hated writer, she starts seriously to lose her bearings. Surely it can't become Maggie and Mike?
A Braodway playwright wants to keep on writing plays for his wife to star in, but all she wants is to retire to Connecticut and, following a few 'worlds-apart" discussion of the issue, they get a divorce. The actress marries a banker in a fit of pique only to quickly discover the divorce was not valid. She communicates this information to her not-yet ex-husband and he, to prevent consummation of the invalid marriage rescues her by sending plumbers, waiters, porters, chambermaids, bellhops, desk clerks, exterminators and, finally, a crowd of roistering conventioneers to the suite to ensure no bedtime story would take place there
A playboy marries a woman doctor then grows jealous of her male patients.
Boxer Joe Pendleton, flying to his next fight, crashes...because a Heavenly Messenger, new on the job, snatched Joe's spirit prematurely from his body. Before the matter can be rectified, Joe's body is cremated; so the celestial Mr. Jordan grants him the use of the body of wealthy Bruce Farnsworth, who's just been murdered by his wife. Joe tries to remake Farnsworth's unworthy life in his own clean-cut image, but then falls in love; and what about that murderous wife?
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
A blackmail mob is waiting for you to go out with one of these girls.
A best-selling author of women's issues and a medical academic find it is to their mutual advantage to falsely claim that they are married.
The Amazing Mr. Williams é um filme de 1939 estrelado por Melvyn Douglas como o tenente de polícia Kenny Williams, que anda ocupado demais resolvendo crimes para passar um tempo com sua noiva Maxine Carroll, interpretada por Joan Blondell.
Blondie and Dagwood are in charge of operations at a mountain motel. The elderly owners of the establishment are in danger of losing their life savings. Among other things, arson threatens.
Em um porto de comércio remoto sul-americano, o gerente de uma empresa de frete aéreo é forçado a arriscar a vida de seus pilotos para ganhar um contrato importante. Geoff Carter (Cary Grant) é o chefe de um serviço de frete aéreo em ruínas precisando desesperadamente de um piloto substituto. Ele é forçado a contratar um aviador desacreditado (Richard Barthelmess) que chega com sua esposa (Rita Hayworth), a ex-amante de Carter. Enquanto isso, a viajante Bonnie Lee (Jean Arthur) tenta se aproximar do emocionalmente fechado Carter. O filme recebeu duas indicações ao Oscar. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Bill Reardon, a private detective, is working on a case involving stolen items from a local jewelry store. The case takes a different turn when Bill's prying wife wants to help catch the crook.
With the aid of his former law students, a professor-turned-prosecutor battles corruption and organized crime.
Um investigador do escritório do promotor público sai para abrir sua própria agência de detetives. No entanto, os negócios vão tão mal que ele finalmente decide desistir e voltar ao seu antigo emprego. Quando sua esposa está fechando o escritório, uma rica senhora da sociedade entra com um caso: ela quer saber se seu marido está tendo um caso com a ex-namorada, que agora está casada. A esposa aceita o que parece ser um caso fácil, imaginando que poderá então persuadir o marido a reiniciar a agência. No entanto, quando o marido da cliente é encontrado morto, ela decide investigar o crime ela mesma. Seu marido também foi designado pelo D.A. para investigar o assassinato, e ele não sabe que sua esposa também está no caso. As coisas se complicam. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Film Processor
The story of a D.A. who becomes a prison warden and winds up overseeing the sentence of a man he prosecuted.
Because Thornwood's portraits of comely model Sally Dennis are in such great demand, he is obliged to spend virtually all his time with Sally, which prompts Toni to seek retribution in divorce court.
Harriet, Walter Craig's wife, is an upper-class woman obsessed with control, material possessions and social status whose behavior makes difficult her relationship with domestic service and family members.
Princess is destined to marry the Emperor, until her sister steps in.
Because of a very unhappy affair she had earlier in her life, a woman shuts herself off from the rest of the world.
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
A man who loves an aspiring opera singer is prepared to sacrifice everything to help her with her career, even though he knows she doesn't love him.
When a small-town girl's boyfriend leaves in disgrace, gossips spread false reports of her pregnancy.
Ordinary man-in-the-street Arthur Ferguson Jones leads a very straightforward life. He's never late for work and nothing interesting ever happens to him. One day everything changes: he oversleeps and is fired as an example, he's then mistaken for evil criminal killer Mannion and is arrested. The resemblance is so striking that the police give him a special pass to avoid a similar mistake. The real Mannion sees the opportunity to steal the pass and move around freely and chaos results.
Larry O'Roark is a boxer who's insanely posssesive and jealous of his fiancee, Jo. the sight of her and her employer, Mr. Lambert, at ringside during his big fight distracts Larry and he is knocked out. He then promises never to be jealous again and marries Jo. When she realizes that they're broke she asks Lambert for a job (she had quit on marrying Larry.) One thing leads to another and Larry, enraged with jealousy, end up killing Lambert. He then wanders off in a daze, and Jo takes the rap for the murder. Larry descends from his amnesiac fog just in time to interrupt the announcement of the jury's verdict in Jo's trial. then it's off to the chair for Larry. Or is it?
To improve her image, a fan dancer "adopts" an old woman to be her mother.
A frail boy fights to win acceptance from the leader of a street gang.
An unemployed man turns to crime when he gets his girlfriend pregnant.
A prince betrothed to a mad queen falls in love with an orphan girl from a convent.
A young woman's elderly husband dies and leaves her $5 million. She travels to Paris and becomes part of the "Continental" set and is pursued by a rich playboy and a lawyer who works for her.
This film was released in both silent and sound versions.
O Capitão Hugh Drummond, herói de guerra, à procura de aventuras em Londres, é contatado pela bela americana Phyllis. Ela lhe pede que liberte seu tio John Travers, preso ilegalmente em um falso asilo.
A French country lass Marie Ducrot, name is "mud" after she is compromised by a German soldier . Turning to religion, Banky becomes one of the "sisters in white" in the field hospitals of World War 1. THE AWAKENING was nominated by the Academy for its Art Direction in the first transitional year of the talkies. A vast number of films from this year are lost and this is no exception. No print or negative materials are known to exist at this time. William Cameron Menzies received his third nomination for this film, having received two the prior year and winning for both.
Set during the 16th-century Spanish occupation of Flanders, the story concentrates on the fiercely patriotic Mark Van Ryke (Colman). Donning the guise of "Leatherface," a swashbuckling masked avenger, Van Ryke performs his derring-do on behalf of the Prince of Orange (Nigel de Brulier). Naturally, Van Ruke considers beautiful Spanish aristocrat Donna Leonora de Vargas (Vilma Banky) to be a bitter enemy, and the feeling is mutual. To no one's surprise, however, Van Ryke and Donna Leonara eventually fall in love (hence the title). The pulse-pounding climax finds Van Ryke riding hell-for-leather through a rainstorm to warn the Flemish troops about the Spaniards' plans to burn the city of Ghent to the ground. Two Lovers was based on Madame Orczy's novel Leatherface, and adapted for the screen by Alice Duer Miller.
An English explorer disturbed by the practices of an isolated tribe attempts to rescue a native girl he has become fascinated with. THE DEVIL DANCER was highly praised at time of release for its exquisite cinematography, especially in the use of light and shadow. The film received an Academy Award nomination in this category. Sadly, it is among the lost. No prints or negatives are known to survive.
While building an irrigation system for a Southwestern desert community, an engineer vies with a local cowboy for the affections of a rancher's daughter.
Achmet Bey, a Turkish chieftain, catches one of his many wives in adultery and murders her lover. Throwing aside the cuckolding wife, he abducts his harem an innocent girl. However, a brave American who loves her comes to her rescue.
An Austrian military officer and rogue attempts to seduce the wife of a surgeon. The two men confront each other in a test of abilities that ends surprisingly.
The story centers around Nanette, an American girl living in a small Canadian village, who is in love with John Patricia, the eldest of five brothers. The war interrupts their romantic idyll, as everyone goes overseas to Belgium and France. Nanette becomes a Red Cross nurse and is terrorized by the evil Prussian Lt. von Eberhard.