Visual Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Supervisor
Um professor inspirador faz campanha pela igualdade de oportunidades de educação para os pobres.
Visual Effects
Before the Kalyug begins, Lord Krishna hands over an anklet that holds the answer to all of world’s miseries. Years later a doctor finds himself in the thick of things when the pursuit for the anklet carries on. A doctor with a curious mind, Karthikeya, aka Karthik, believes in pursuing the truth. The quest leads Karthik to discover the power of the ancient Indian belief system and the essence of Krishna.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Three best friends Mary, Raju and Basha come close to making their dreams come true. In an unexpected turn of events, the three of them have evidence to a murder and make enemies with some vicious people. Will Mary be able to escape her enemies while keeping her best friends safe?
Visual Effects Supervisor
Vikram is a newly recruit N.I.A. Officer who is getting accustomed with the nuances of his new job, has to handle his first major case due to ironic circumstances, during the course of which his life takes a drastic turn in all aspects.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Durante a investigação de um assassinato, a policia chega a foto de um suspeito. Mas o caso se complica quando percebem que há duas pessoas com aquele rosto
Visual Effects Supervisor
When his sister and her husband die in a car accident, a rice-mill owner decides to raise his nephew as his own child. They become inseparable over the course of time, but there are evil forces at work that are trying to separate them.
Visual Effects Supervisor
A billionaire Govinda Bhargav and his son are murdered with the aim of a hostile takeover of their company. But what his enemies do not know is that he has an heir that no one knows of.