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One day, a woman named Chiyome Hesogakure with a child named Chinzō visits the Nohara family and claims that she is the real mother of Shinnosuke and takes him away to a Ninja Village. In the Ninja Village, the Hesogakure family has been protecting "the earth's navel" by blocking it with a pure gold stopper using the "Mononoke technique" that has been passed down from generation. If it comes off, the earth will wither, the rotation will stop, and the "tomorrow" of the world will be lost! It is up to Shinnosuke to reveal the mystery of his birth and protect the future of the earth and the "tomorrow" of his family.
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One day during summer vacation, a palm-sized alien named Papi appears from a small rocket that Nobita picks up. He is the president of Pirika, a small planet in outer space, and has come to Earth to escape the rebels. Doraemon and his friends are puzzled by Papi’s small size, but as they play together using the secret tool “Small Light”, they gradually become friends. However, a whale-shaped space battleship comes to earth and attacks Doraemon, Nobita and the others in order to capture Papi. Feeling responsible for getting everyone involved, Papi tries to stand up to the rebels. Doraemon and his friends leave for the planet Pirika to protect their dear friend and his home.
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When the five visit a private academy Kazama is attacked. He is left with reduced intelligence and strange bite marks.
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O reino que flutua no céu, que usa rabiscos grátis como fonte de energia, “Reino Rakuga”. No entanto, agora em face da falta de energia, eles estão à beira da ruína. A fim de forçar a criação de rabiscos, o exército do reino começa a atacar Kasukabe na superfície! Enquanto isso, conforme os desenhos começam a se mover, o herói que recebe o tesouro escondido do reino, o “Miracle Crayon” - não é outro senão o “super despreocupado menino de 5 anos”, Nohara Shinnosuke !! Juntos como os “Quase Quatro Heróis”, Shinnosuke e os rabiscos desenhados tentam levar Kasukabe de volta! Entre eles, descobrem a fraqueza dos rabiscos, onde se dissolvem ao contacto com a água! Para piorar as coisas, uma nuvem de chuva que parece começar a derramar a qualquer momento paira acima… O que os aguarda o encontro com os rabiscos e o fim de sua aventura - serão sorrisos ou lágrimas!?
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Nobita accidentally found a fossil dinosaur egg mixed with rocks in the dinosaur fossil exhibition site that he had visited before. He returned it to its original state with the "Time blanket". After hatching, the egg hatches a new species of dinosaur that is not named in the Cosmic Encyclopedia and names them Kyu and Myu Although they want to take care of them secretly, there are dinosaurs in the city still discovered by residents; Nobita and his friends were forced to bring them back to the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago the dinosaurs time. Just the time of Dinosaurs Extinction.
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During a Japanese robotic exploration to find life on the other side of the moon, Nobita is watching from Earth and sees the moon turn yellow. With the help of Doraemon, the pair travel to the moon and create bunnies that will build their own colony. After he returns, Nobita tells his class about their adventure but no one will believe him. That is until a new student and his sister arrive who appear to come from a very far away place...
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Na história, Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Gian e Suneo partem para uma aventura no Mar do Caribe. Nobita é o capitão de um navio e luta contra seus inimigos a bordo. Shizuka fica ...
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Unable to endure the midsummer heat, Doraemon transports Nobita and his friends to a huge iceberg floating in the South Pacific. While creating an amusement parks with the secret tool "Ice-working Iron" the group finds a mysterious golden ring in the ice. Upon closer examination, they determine that the ring was buried in Antarctica 100,000 years ago - before people could have lived there. Doraemon and friends head to Antarctica looking for the owner of the ring and come across the ruins of a huge city buried in the ice. Using Doraemon's Time Belt, the group travels back 100,000 years ago and meets the young girl Kara who is connected to the mysterious ring. But now the group must fight for survival as Doraemon faces the crisis of the entire Earth freezing.
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O Doraemon e o grupo tentam salvar um menino chamado Kukuru, e a sua tribo, do Gigazombie que quer alterar a História para o seu próprio proveito.
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The Noharas must survive a hoard of man-eating killer cacti after Shin-chan's father relocates the family to Mexico for work.
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Aron pede a ajuda de Doraemon e Nobita para salvar seu planeta, o planeta Pokkuru. Chegando lá, a turma percebe que não está em um filme e que estão lutando contra vilões de verdade.
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While Doraemon is asleep, a famous thief comes and steals his cat-bell. Without his cat-bell, Doraemon starts to act more and more like a normal cat. In order to stop this, Nobita, Shizuka, Suneo, and Gian have to go and search for his bell, so they go to a factory where all of Doraemon's gadgets are made.
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The Noharas get abducted by aliens who claim that Shin-chan's baby sister is their princess! Will she stay on this planet or return to Kasukabe?
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Nobita e Doraemon capturam um grande pássaro, extinto há 500 anos. Para proteger o animal, eles vão até a Ilha Beremon, onde encontram uma menina da tribo Rokkoro e um menino que se parece exatamente com Nobita.
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A girl named Lemon arrives with a message for Shinnosuke, and he starts training as an action spy. But can he foil double agents and secret plots?
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Shin-chan is approached by his time-traveling future bride-to-be Tamiko, who asks him to help save his adult self from the ruler of Neo Tokio.
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Uma pequena criatura chamada Coo sobreviveu milagrosamente por 200 anos. Quando o jovem Koicho a encontra, decide levá-la para casa com sua família, com quem viverá grandes aventuras, mas logo terá que enfrentar seu passado trágico.
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Tudo começou quando Shin Chan e os seus amigos se dão conta que os seus professores e companheiros têm tido um estranho comportamento ultimamente. Quando começam a investigar, chegam á conclusão que a cidade de Kasukabe está cheia de clones, Shin Chan terá de dançar o samba para resolver a situação.
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After bringing a fossilized egg back to life with the Time Cloth, Nobita finds himself the owner of a baby dinosaur. Everything is fine until it grows up. Nobita and friends use Doraemon's time machine to return it back to its own time.
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It all begins when a secret agent hiding in the ship where dinner Futaba school students. The Pig Hoof follow and take the boat with her, Shin Chan and his friends on board. From there, Shin Chan, Masao, Nene, Kazama and Boo Chan van with Agent everywhere as their hostages.
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The Noharas get caught between two rival clans when Himawari swallows a pretty bead that turns out to be a mysterious ball with hidden powers.
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Shin-chan visita o parque de atracções Henderland, um lugar que encerra uma escura ameaça: um grupo de criminosos tenta dominar o mundo, mas Shin-chan, com a ajuda da magia e dos seus amigos, poderá fazer-lhes frente.
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A time traveler claims that bad guys are trying to change the past! Shin-chan is on the case, going back in time to defeat the evil Lord Unkokusai.
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The Noharas win a vacation to the Kingdom of Buri Buri -- but the whole thing was just a clever ploy by an evil organization to kidnap Shin-chan!
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Everyone's favorite TV superhero Action Mask shows up in Kasukabe, and he's trying to get something from Shin-chan -- but what could it be?
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A japanese Doraemon film featuring Doraemon's sister Dorami-chan as the star.
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A Doraemon anime film. It premiered in theatres on March 9, 1991 on a bill with Doraemon: Nobita in Dorabian Nights. The movie's original plot was written by Hiroshi Fujimoto and Motoo Abiko.
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When a variety of circumstances leave Nobita, Doraemon and the gang wanting to run away from home, they face the task of finding somewhere to live. However, with every seemingly spare piece of land already owned by someone else, building themselves a house looks impossible – that is, until Nobita has the idea of travelling back seventy thousand years into the past. While the group are making themselves at home in an uninhabited Japan, back at home a glitch in space-time has sent a caveboy crashing into the middle of the city. When they return to the present, Doraemon et al encounter the child – named Kukuru – and take him with them back to their prehistoric paradise. Together, the gang decides to return the young boy to his true time and help him free his captured friends, even if it means facing the dangers of Kukuru’s enemies: the dark tribe.
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Decidido a provar aos amigos que Sun Wukong existiu e que era parecido consigo, Nobita utiliza a máquina do tempo de Doraemon para viajar ao passado e encontrá-lo. Depois de o ver com os seus próprios olhos, Nobita regressa ao presente para contar o que viu. Suspeitando que seja mentira, Gigante ameaça Nobita dizendo que, se for mentira, poderá usar uma das invenções do Doraemon à sua vontade. Com o passar do tempo, e sem Sun Wukong aparecer, Doraemon utiliza uma consola de jogos do futuro para simular que Nobita é o rei macaco. Mas ocorre um acidente e vários demónios saem do jogo, ficando presos no passado mundo real, o que provoca uma mudança no presente. Cabe então a Nobita e aos seus amigos regressar mais uma vez ao passado como heróis da lenda "Viagem ao Oeste" e devolver os demónios ao videojogo.
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Nobita and Doraemon were finding out the truth about a real dinosaur. Nobita saw something under the ocean when they come across a cave that leads to an underground world full of dino-people. Nobita and his friends are amazed by their new discovery but sadly their memories must be wiped and must return to earth.
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The story begins with Nobita and Shizuka sitting on the pipes in the yard they hang out at while Suneo showed off his robot. Nobita grew jealous and asked Doraemon to build him a giant robot. Coincidently, robot parts began to fall from the sky. Then Nobita and Doraemon began to assemble the robot. As soon as they finished, Nobita, Doraemon, and Shizuka realized that the robot (Zanda Clause) was a war machine in an incident. After that Nobita met a girl name Riruru, she told Nobita that the robot was her's. Nobita gave her the robot and the entrance to mirror world. Doraemon and Nobita followed Riruru and recognized that she was a spy from Metropolis and built a base to welcome the army.
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Papi, the tiny president of a faraway planet, escapes to Earth to avoid being captured by the military forces that took over. Despite being welcomed by Doraemon, Nobita and their friends, the little alien notices that his enemies have also reached this world and doesn't want to get his human friends involved in this war. Doraemon, Nobita, Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka start a big adventure as they try to hide and protect Papi.
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Nobita requests of Doraemon the Moshimo-box and wishes for the world to become a place where the use of magic is possible. Witchcraft replaces science and technology and everyone makes use of it on their daily lives, except for Nobita, who, like usual, isn't very good at conjuring spells. Frustrated, he plans on returning things to their past state, but his mother threw the Moshimo-box away.
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Nobita e os seus amigos querem ir acampar uns dias mas não conseguem chegar a um acordo. Ir ao mar ou à montanha? Por sorte, Doraemon tem a solução perfeita: um acampamento submarina enquanto podem fazer escalada nas enormes montanhas que se encontram debaixo de água. Sendo assim, o grupo dirige-se às profundezas do Atlântico a bordo de um hidrobuggie e ali descobrem um novo universo. Peixes abissais, fossas oceânicas, falhas intermináveis, riscos escarpados... O fundo marinho é um mundo pleno de mistérios! Mas o maior de todos ainda está por descobrir... Acontece que no mais profundo dos oceanos moram os habitantes do fundo marinho! São seres humanos normais mas que desenvolveram as suas cidades debaixo de água e que se uniram ao abrigo de duas federações: Mu e Atlantis.
Key Animation
Nobita e os seus amigos querem ir acampar uns dias mas não conseguem chegar a um acordo. Ir ao mar ou à montanha? Por sorte, Doraemon tem a solução perfeita: um acampamento submarina enquanto podem fazer escalada nas enormes montanhas que se encontram debaixo de água. Sendo assim, o grupo dirige-se às profundezas do Atlântico a bordo de um hidrobuggie e alí descobrem um novo universo. Peixes abissais, fossas oceânicas, falhas intermináveis, riscos escarpados... O fundo marinho é um mundo pleno de mistérios! Mas o maior de todos ainda está por descobrir... Acontece que no mais profundo dos oceanos moram os habitantes do fundo marinho! São seres humanos normais mas que desenvolveram as suas cidades debaixo de água e que se uniram ao abrigo de duas federações: Mu e Atlantis.
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Nobita tem um sonho estranho em que uma nave espacial que executa um menino de sua idade está prestes a falhar. Com a ajuda de Doraemon descobre que o navio é real e que o acidente tenha criado uma porta dimensional, que se conecta ao seu quarto. Nobita e Doraemon saber Lopple e seu animal de estimação Chammy, tanto de Koya-Koya, um planeta em pioneiros espaciais.
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Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. Screened as a double feature with Doraemon: The Record of Nobita, Spaceblazer. It's spring break and everyone is going on vacation but Heroshi doesn't have any place to go but when Kaibutsu-kun receives a letter from his father saying that his father is sick he asks Heroshi to come with him to monster world, over there Heroshi turns into stone after a look on the king of that world but Heroshi and his friends do whatever they can to save him.