Bit Part (uncredited)
Um avião americano cheio de bombas de hidrogênio está passando por Moscou com problemas técnicos.
Dr. Pearsall
Após cumprir pena Max Cady (Robert Mitchum), um perigoso psicopata, pretende se vingar de Sam Bowden (Gregory Peck), um advogado que testemunhou decisivamente para a sua condenação. Extremamente frio e calculista, ele planeja se vingar do advogado e da sua família.
Newspaper morgue attendant
A famous movie star's fan club secretary has been brutally murdered. She has in her office old newspaper clippings regarding a missing heiress. Did the secretary know something about the mystery of the heiress?
Doctor Acton
O ex-oficial do exército mata acidentalmente o filho de uma mulher, tenta compensar isso escoltando a procissão fúnebre pelo perigoso território indiano.
Bible Salesman (uncredited)
Numa cidade marcada pela forte presença da comunidade religiosa, professor é preso por ensinar a Teoria da Evolução de Darwin. O caso vai para o tribunal, onde acontece uma série de inflamados debates ideológicos, que mexem com a localidade e com seus habitantes. Baseado em caso real ocorrido em 1925, com os debates entre Clarence Darrow e William Jennings Bryan reconstruidos a partir das transcrições do julgamento real.
Pentagon General
In one of his rare performances without Bud Abbott, Lou Costello plays a delivery boy who invents a machine which turns his girlfriend into a giantess.
Titus Queasley
Insurance salesman Milford Farnsworth sells a man a life policy only to discover that the man in question is the outlaw Jesse James. Milford is sent to buy back the policy, but is robbed by Jesse. And when Jesse learns that Milford's boss is on the way out with more cash, he plans to rob him too and have Milford get killed in the robbery while dressed as Jesse, and collect on the policy.
Fire Chief (uncredited)
Clayton Poole (Jerry Lewis) mora em uma pequena cidade chamada Midvale e ainda é apaixonado por Carla Naples (Marilyn Maxwell), uma moça da cidade que se tornou uma grande estrela do cinema. Quando Carla engravida, seu empresário lhe diz que um filho pode arruinar sua carreira. Com medo das consequências e responsabilidades da maternidade, a atriz pede ajuda a Clayton e ele, ingenuamente, acaba aceitando cuidar dos trigêmeos de Carla. Clayton será obrigado fazer alguns sacrifícios se quiser ficar com a guarda das crianças. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Lee Hackett (Van Heflin) é um honrado fazendeiro que criou seus dois filhos à sua imagem, para torna-los homens de bem e sensatos. Mas o mais velho é arrogante, trapaceiro e encrenqueiro, enquanto que o mais jovem é o oposto, tomando atitudes de um homem que condizem com o que seu pai ensinou. Nesse ambiente de conflito, Lee terá que enfrentar situações provocadas por ambos, que afetará até mesmo os habitantes da cidade.
Judge Wood
A Civil War guerilla gang plans an attack on a Kansas arsenal.
Sheriff Marvin Peavy
Byron Turner, a 15-year-old runaway from the Eatondale Orphan Asylum, receives a ride into the rural Missouri town of Delphi with rich land-owner Tobias Brown.
Marshal (uncredited)
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920's stage star Jeanne Eagels.
Ephraim Lapham
Johhny Tremain é acusado injustamente de um delito que o impede de encontrar emprego. Sendo assim, ele acaba se alistando na guerra e se torna um patriota lutando para libertar as colônias da Inglaterra. Ele acaba descobrindo a si mesmo nesse processo.
Van Brunt
Three strangers embark on a life-changing journey on a fateful bus ride. As the road presents challenges, each character faces his or her own shortcomings, not knowing where life will lead next.
Frontier peacekeeper Sheriff Galt faces a crisis of conscience in The Iron Sheriff. In the aftermath of a robbery-murder, Galt follows the trail of evidence directly to his own son, Benjie. Sworn to uphold the law at all costs, Galt is grimly determined to see that Benjie will receive a fair trial without any coercion on his part. But the townsfolk have already decided that the sheriff will try to spring the boy, and a lynch-mob mentality slows festers its way through the community. As the trial proceeds, it becomes obvious that Benjie is going to hang for his alleged crime, but there's still one or two surprises in store.
Old Cab Driver
A man tries to find a son he gave up for adoption years ago.
Admiral William S. Sims
A dramatization of the American general and his court martial for publically complaining about High Command's dismissal and neglect of the aerial fighting forces.
Gus the Bartender (uncredited)
Two brothers discharged from the Confederate Army join a businessman for a cattle drive from Texas to Montana where they run into raiding Jayhawkers, angry Sioux, rough terrain and bad weather.
John Decker
Um viúvo de Kentucky que se mudou para o Texas em 1820, com seu filho mais novo, é frustrado em seus esforços por um policial corrupto, uma antiga briga de família e uma bela empregada. Uma deliciosa história de amor centrada em torno de um pai solteiro tentando criar seu filho, apesar das tentações de bebidas e mulheres. Lancaster brilha como o homem da fronteira estável e real, defendendo as seduções de Walter Matthau e desejos lascivos.
Mr. Roberts (uncredited)
Lucas Marsh, an intern bent upon becoming a first-class doctor, not merely a successful one. He courts and marries the warm-hearted Kristina, not out of love but because she is highly knowledgeable in the skills of the operating room and because she has frugally put aside her savings through the years. She will be, as he shrewdly knows, a supportive wife in every way. She helps make him the success he wants to be and cheerfully moves with him to the small town in which he starts his practice. But as much as he tries to be a good husband to the undemanding Kristina, Marsh easily falls into the arms of a local siren and the patience of the long-sorrowing Kristina wears thin.
Tim Summers
Drama showing the reactions of citizens of a small town to the construction of a nuclear energy plant in their community, and their acceptance of the peaceful aspects of atomic energy.
Josiah Anderson
A group of confederate prisoners escape to Canada and plan to rob the banks and set fire to the small town of Saint Albans in Vermont. To get the lie of the land, their leader spends a few days in the town and finds he is getting drawn into its life and especially into that of an attractive widow and her son.
Ned - Bank Teller (uncredited)
Viena construiu um saloon fora da cidade, e espera construir sua própria cidade quando a estrada de ferro chegar até lá, mas os moradores da cidade querem que ela se vá. Quando quatro homens roubam a diligência e matam um homem, os delegados da cidade, liderados por Emma Pequeno, vão até o saloon para pegar quatro amigos de Viena, o Dancin Kid e seus homens. Viena fica firme contra eles, e é auxiliada pela presença de um velho conhecido dela, Johnny Guitar, que não é o que parece.
Trading Post Proprietor
Em 1875, durante a corrida do ouro nos Estados Unidos, Matt Calder (Robert Mitchum), um ex-presidiário que recentemente saiu da cadeia, reencontra Mark Calder (Tommy Retting), seu jovem filho que nada sabe do seu passado. Com ele planeja se estabelecer como fazendeiro. Algum tempo depois os dois socorrem Kay Weston (Marilyn Monroe), uma cantora de saloon que conheciam, e Harry Westo (Rory Calhoun), seu namorado, quando tentavam atravessar um perigoso rio em uma balsa. Mas Harry está tão ansioso em registrar uma concessão de ouro que ele diz que ganhou em um jogo e fere Matt, que o salvou, pois quer um cavalo e uma arma a qualquer custo. Kay fica então no rancho cuidando de Matt e Mark, enquanto Harry vai embora sozinho, mas prometendo voltar. Entretanto, os índios chegam no local e os três são obrigados a fugir por um rio com perigosas corredeiras. Mas o rancheiro está determinado em chegar ao seu destino, para se vingar.
Art Kleiner
Johnny Strabler (Marlon Brando) é o líder de uma gangue de motociclistas conhecida como Black Rebels Motorcycle Club. Eles vivem perigosamente, enfrentando os perigos e arriscando suas vidas inconsequentemente. O grupo chega à Wrightsville, uma pequena cidade, e após causar arruaças tomando o troféu de um vencedor de corridas, seguem para outra cidade, invadindo uma cafeteria. Johnny conhece Kathie Bleeker (Mary Murphy), filha do chefe da polícia, e que trabalha na cafeteria. Ele decide ir embora, mas seu grupo começa mais uma briga, desta vez com um grupo de rivais liderados por Chino (Lee Marvin). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Todd Mitchell
A posse's pursuit of bank robbers ends with loot missing and a sheriff (Broderick Crawford) wounded.
George e Rose Loomis estão em lua de mel em Niagara Falls, mas ele não sabe que sua infiel mulher planeja o seu assassinato forjando um falso suicídio, com a ajuda do amante a quem pede que mate o seu marido.
Family Doctor
A violinist and his brother guide one's son through his crush on the family maid in 1920s Ottawa.
Hotel Desk Clerk (segment "The Clarion Call") (uncredited)
Em "O Policial e o Hino" um sem-teto fica frustrado pelas inúmeras tentativas de ser preso e encarcerado por 90 dias em uma cela quente ao invés de enfrentar os rigores de um inverno de Nova York. Em "O Toque do Clarim" um detetive da Policia de NY tem uma crise de consciência quando fica dividido entre o dever de prender um amigo de infância por um crime que só ele sabe e a dívida de honra que ainda tem para com o amigo. Em "A Última Folha" uma jovem ingênua pega pneumonia depois de ser seduzida e abandonada por ator venal. Quando perde a vontade de viver, sua irmã e um excêntrico artista de Greenwich Village tentam ajudá-la a sobreviver. Em "O Resgate do Chefe Vermelho" 2 vigaristas trapalhões sequestram o filho de um xerife rural, mas começam a achar que pegaram mais do que podem lidar. Finalmente, em "O Presente dos Magos" um jovem casal pobre luta para pagar Presentes de Natal dignos de seu amor.
The Man with a Cigar
Three old friends reunite during Mardi Gras and try to forget their problems.
Sheriff Brink
A young girl and her father, who is unjustly accused of murder, seek refuge in a Georgia swamp until they are befriended by a trapper who penetrates the swamp in search of his dog.
Raymond Bascom
A woman, distraught because of her recent miscarriage, accidentally injures a child in a hit-and-run accident, but she keeps the incident a secret. Overcome with guilt and remorse, she seeks out the child in the hospital and attempts to help him regain his speech, even though, if successful, it might mean he will implicate her for the crime.
Party Guest (uncredited)
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Mike Fogarty
When newlyweds visit Las Vegas, the wife's shady past comes to the surface.
Uncle John Higgins (uncredited)
Successful and well-liked, Dr. Noah Praetorius becomes the victim of a witchhunt at the hands of Professor Elwell, who disdains Praetorius's unorthodox medical views and also questions his relationship with the mysterious, ever-present Mr. Shunderson.
Thomas Ogden (uncredited)
Detetive embarca em trem que leva centenas de pessoas para o primeiro discurso de Abraham Lincoln como presidente dos Estados Unidos por suspeitar de conspiração para assassiná-lo. Durante a viagem, evidências parecem confirmar a suspeita.
Cap Douglas (uncredited)
A small-time gambler on the run from the law hides in his ex-wife's house.
Race judge
Joe, inventor in an American Small town of 1895 has problems with his new invention, a car, driven with a gasoline motor. Everybody is making fun about his "crazy invention", only his girl friend believes in him. When he's halfway successful, another woman tries to win his heart, and his girl-friend thinks he has quit with her. But on a race for those new horse-less vehicles, he gets in trouble and only his former girl friend is able to help him.
Luther Toplady
An 1890s New Orleans heiress tries to buy a married doctor's love with her tainted family fortune.
Mr. Willoughby
Esta é a história de uma triste realidade entre Lee Strobie (Robert Walker), o filho mal caráter de um fazendeiro, e seu irmão adotivo, o honesto Owen Daybright (Burt Lancaster). Lee enganou sua fiel esposa Jen (Joanne Dru) com uma moça da cidade (Sally Forrest) e teve um filho ilegítimo como resultado. Owen por ajudar a amante do irmão, é perseguido por engano pela família da moça para vingar a honra.
Judge Harper (uncredited)
After the Civil War, Confederate soldier Blayde Hollister travels to Dallas to avenge the savage murder of his family. Discovering his enemy is now an esteemed citizen, Hollister plots to expose the outlaw and his syndicate.
Jake, Poker Player (uncredited)
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
Sheriff Tad Osborne
Perto da fronteira, foras da lei estão sequestrando trens e usando para transportar grandes quantidades de rifles. Roy se envolve quando o trem que foi pegar seu gado não conseguiu parar no embarque. Ajudando o xerife, Roy traz um suspeito. Ele o identifica como um homem procurado, mas o fora da lei escapa levando Roy como refém. Roy é levado até a casa do líder da gangue onde outro sequestro está sendo planejado. Eles também planejam se livrar de Roy.
Dr. Cheney - Coroner (uncredited)
Os irmãos Biddle, baleados enquanto roubavam um posto de gasolina, são levados para a ala da prisão do Hospital Municipal; Ray Biddle, um racista radical, não quer tratamento do residente negro Dr. Luther Brooks. Quando o irmão John morre enquanto Lutero tenta salvá-lo, Ray tem certeza de que é um assassinato e se torna obcecado pela vingança. Mas também há racistas negros, e a situação desliza rapidamente em direção à violência. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Judge Thomas Cole
A charismatic gunfighter who is on the run takes refuge in a frontier cattle town and attempts to help a group of ranchers against a wealthy cattle baron.
Marshal Kit Dodge
A cowboy is hired by a stagecoach boss to stop the railroad reaching his territory and putting him out of business. He uses everything from Indians to dancehall girls to try to thwart the plan. But the railroad workers, led by a female sharpshooter and an ambitious salesman, prove tough customers.
Inspector Sarten
Wealthy writer Stephen Byrne tries to seduce the family maid, but when she resists, he kills her. Long jealous of his brother John, Stephen does his best to pin the blame for the murder on his sibling. Also affected by Stephen's arrogant dementia is his long-suffering wife Marjorie.
Dr. McIntosh
This film is based on the novel, Mrs. Mike, which is based on the real life woman, Kathy O'Fallon Flannigan. A Boston teenager is sent to live with her uncle in frontier Canada because of her fragile health. She eventually falls in love with own of the few-if only-young, white males in the region. They marry and depart for the northern wilderness to set up house and home. The rest of the movie is about her struggles and joys of living and travelling in this rugged country.
Judge Marcasson
Casal de advogados se vê em lados opostos em um caso no qual a ré disparou contra o marido, ao encontrá-lo com a amante. No início marido e mulher mantêm as discussões durante o julgamento, mas em virtude da cobertura dada pela imprensa o casal não expõe suas posições apenas no tribunal e isto gera algumas confusões.
Dolph Pillsbury
O filme conta a história de ascensão e queda de um político rebelde do interior que começa exigindo reformas e justiça social, mas acaba embriagado pelo próprio poder. O roteiro é uma adaptação do romance de Robert Penn Warren, publicado em 1946, e pelo qual o autor recebeu o Prémio Pulitzer de Literatura.
Após fugir de uma prisão, o jovem Bowie quer provar sua inocência e viver em paz com sua amada Kitty. Quando seus colegas de cela o convencem a ajudá-los em uma série de crimes, ele passa a ser considerado pela polícia como o líder da gangue.
Roscoe Johnson (uncredited)
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
Martin Tredwell
A U.S. Marshal goes undercover to stop a cattle smuggling gang, but when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted.
Parsons (uncredited)
A man determined to track down the fabled Arizona gold mine known as The Lost Dutchman has an affair with a married treasure hunter, whose pursuit of the mine has lead her to double-cross her husband.
Will Farnsworth
Wallace Beery, in his final film, plays a bandit in this period drama set in Colonial America.
Mr. Grenstedt
A stubborn farmer is raising his children alone. When his oldest daughter gets a suitor, the father nearly goes on the rampage, but he is forced to change his tune when he is injured, leaving her in charge of the farm.
Mr. Grace (uncredited)
Durante a Guerra Civil Americana, quatro irmãs e a mãe sobrevivem com dificuldades enquanto o pai delas serve com o exército confederado. A história narra como as irmãs cresceram, superaram tragédias, se apaixonaram e descobriram seu lugar no mundo.
A former prisoner of war, Frank Enley is hailed as a hero in his California town. However, Frank has a shameful secret that comes back to haunt him when fellow survivor Joe Parkson emerges, intent on making Frank pay for his past deeds.
Sheriff McSwiggin
Allan Ladd participa dessa fascinante, elétrica e emocionante história de crime e punição. Luke Smith (Ladd) é um detetive que fica sabendo que seu amigo, Murray Sinclair (Robert Preston), está cansado do seu árduo e penoso trabalho nos trilhos. Procurando vingança, Sinclair começa a ajudar o foragido Barney Rebstock (Donald Crisp) a destruir trens. O que ele não sabe é que essa onda de atitudes fora da lei pode prejudica-lo, e muito, pelo resto de sua vida. Agora, Luke Smith, esse regrado e dedicado detetive tem uma tarefa nada fácil pela frente. Encontrar e trazer seu velho amigo para a justiça a qualquer custo, nessa aventura repleta de suspense, ação, belas imagens e muita, muita pólvora.
Judge Jim Wilder
A man kills his terminally ill wife to prevent her further suffering.
Pop Hansford
A construction worker wanted by the authorities is vindicated by virtue of his heroism when an airplane crashes into a skyscraper.
Dr. Nathan J. Patterson
In a small town in Kansas, a county attorney in an unhappy marriage falls in love with another woman.
Sheriff Clancy
Black Eagle is based on The Passing of Black Eagle, a short story by O. Henry. William Bishop stars as Jason Bond, who stays out of trouble by the simple expedient of avoiding other people. Unfortunately, the plot dictates that Bond must come into contact with several characters, all of whom end up fleecing our hero in one way or another. Even so, Jason manages to enjoy a brief romance with pretty Ginny Long (Virginia Patton) before returning to his life of carefree vagabondage. A very minor film, The Black Eagle makes the most of its excellent supporting cast, including Gordon Jones, Trevor Bardette, Will Wright and stuntman extraordinaire Richard Talmadge.
Sam - the Horse Dealer
A man wrongly accused of murder tracks the true culprit across the desert.
Jake Willis
The romance of a rancher's niece and a rival rancher's son parallels that of a stallion and a mare.
Eph Hackett (uncredited)
An advertising executive dreams of getting out of the city and building a perfect home in the country, only to find the transition fraught with problems.
J. J. Johnson
A collection agent arrives in a small town with $1000 for a local farmer. Whilst waiting for the farmer to arrive the money is put in a safe at a hotel for safe keeping. However, it is removed by mistake and solves a number of financial problems before it is returned.
A short documentary.
Mike Alperson
Joe is the head of an itinerant combine crew, working the harvests against rival crew boss Alperson. Joe's buddy Jim joins the crew with startup money. Farmer's niece Fay falls for Joe. He puts her off. To get back she marries Jim whom she prods into high-grading the grain (skimming off some for private sale). The last payment on Joe's machinery is due just as he discover's what his buddy has been doing.
Jim Bridger
The period is the 1840's and Greg Thurston is out to establish his own empire out of a large area of the west. He needs rifles to give to the Indians but Monte Hale breaks up his attack on the supply train. But when they get them by robbing the warehouse, Monte suspects Thuston who had the other key. He follows Thurston only to be caught by him just as Thurston launches his final big attack.
Gus Wood, Thatcher's Real Estate Rep
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
Withers (uncredited)
In this chronicle of a vaudeville family, Myrtle McKinley (class of 1900) goes to San Francisco to attend business school, but ends up in a chorus line. Soon, star Frank Burt notices her talent, hires her for a "two-act", then marries her. Incidents of the marriage and the growing pains of eldest daughter Miriam are followed, interspersed with nostalgic musical numbers.
Uncle Tom (uncredited)
Uncle Tom tells the blood curdling story of how the evil Simon Legree tried to foreclose on Tom's simple log cabin. (Uncle Tom's Cabaña is a 1947 American animated short film directed by Tex Avery. The short is a parody of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and is Avery's second parody of the novel, the first being Uncle Tom's Bungalow in 1937 while at Warner Bros. Cartoons)
Dr. Grayson
Michael Worthington, an elderly owner of an apiary, befriends an embittered artist, Jamie McFarlaine, who is seeking a divorce from his wife. Jamie falls in love with Alice, but the romance is almost doomed by the gossip-spreading of a meddlesome neighbor.
Police Chief Bullward
Magazine owners sell a revealing photo, then play detective when the deal leads to murder.
Mr. Tully - the Janitor (uncredited)
City police surround a building attempting to capture a suspected murder. The suspect knows there is no escape but refuses to give in.
Mr. Thomas
In this aerial melodrama, four brothers working as stunt pilots for a flying circus leave their jobs to become mail pilots. Because their job requires that they constantly travel, they are advised to not settle down with wives and kids. Still, one pilot falls in love and marries. Unfortunately, the woman dislikes his brothers and constantly worries that he will be killed during a flight. Her fears are not unfounded and much tragedy ensues as the story unfolds.
Chairman (uncredited)
Uma caravana dirige-se para o Oeste, guiada pelo ex-tenente Jonathan Trumbo e seu amigo irlandês Michael Fabian. No caminho, junta-se a eles a aventureira Lily Bishop, com quem Jonathan se envolve. Todavia, quando chega a notícia de que foi descoberto ouro na Califórnia, Lily e a maioria dos colonos partem, atrás de fortuna fácil. Mais tarde, Jonathan a reencontra em Pharaoh City, cidade dominada pelo ex-traficante de escravos Pharaoh Coffin, que arranca até a última gota de sangue dos mineiros. Pharaoh também deseja tornar o território uma nação independente, para fortalecer sua posição. Entretanto, seus planos são frustrados por Jonathan, Michael e Lily, agora a rica proprietária do saloon The Golden Lily.
Wolfie Wolf (voice)
After a storm strands them on a deserted island, Woody Woodpecker and his wolf friend end up battling themselves in a quest to find food.
Dan - Stage Manager (uncredited)
Jed Potter looks back on a love triangle conducted over the course of years and between musical numbers. Dancer Jed loves showgirl Mary, who loves compulsive nightclub-opener Johnny, who can't stay committed to anything in life for very long.
Station Agent (uncredited)
A newspaper editor goes on an anti-crime crusade, but gets carried away.
Prof. Morris
Musical - Romance and music accompany this comedy about a film director searching for a mule to star in his new movie. - Martha O'Driscoll, John Carradine, Eddie Dean
Henry Boggs
A fresh-faced young detective gets set up, framed for murder, and alibied by a smart blonde.
Elmer Snodgrass
A homesick American soldier stationed in England during World War II makes an unauthorized trip to see his wife and returns to England with only two people knowing he was home for a few hours. When she learns that she is pregnant, she does not disclose that her husband had paid her a visit as to not get him into trouble. The townspeople are unanimous in their condemnation of her. But, after his discharge, he enlists the aid of a nightclub singer, the only other person who knew he came home.
Otis Piper
The citizens of the small town of Midburg are thrilled when one of their native sons, Dan Flannery, becomes a war hero while serving in the Merchant Marines. But before arriving he is stricken with amnesia and falls in with a gang of crooks...
Pullman Conductor (uncredited)
Kit Madden is traveling to Hollywood, where her best-selling novel is to be filmed. Aboard the train, she encounters Marines Rusty and Dink, who don't know she is the author of the famous book, and who don't think much of the ideas it proposes. She and Rusty are greatly attracted, but she doesn't know how to deal with his disdain for the book's author.
Henry, the Blacksmith
A fugitive receives help from a victim's sister as he tries to clear his name of robbery and murder charges.
"Dad" Newell
O capitão da aviação naval Johnny retorna da guerra juntamente com seus dois camaradas, Buzz e George. Separando-se deles para voltar para a sua esposa Helen, Johnny a encontra alcoólica e com um caso extraconjugal. Mesmo assim tenta continuar com ela, mas resolve abandoná-la quando a ouve dizer que mentiu sobre a morte do filho pequeno de ambos. Tentando sair da cidade sob uma forte chuva, ele encontra Joyce, que não sabe quem ele é. Johnny também não sabe que ela é a ex-esposa de Eddie, um dos donos da boate "Dália Azul" e o homem que tem um caso com Helen.
Johnny e Joyce começam um romance, que é interrompido quando Johnny ouve no rádio sobre a morte de Helen. Imediatamente ele vai atrás do ex-marido de Joyce a quem julga ser o assassino, mas sua busca é dificultada por ter os gângsters cúmplices de Eddie e toda a polícia de Los Angeles atrás dele.
Andy Panda is very fond of apples and he eats a bushel of green apples, falls asleep and has a nightmare in which the devil is trying to entice him into Hades and stuffs him full of apple juice, applesauce and more apples. (In Andy's defense, since Andy was taught not to eat green apples, the devil had spray-painted the green apples red.)
Foreman (uncredited)
Three World War II fliers face financial obstacles threatening to ground their fledgling air-freight business.
Allan 'Knucklehead' Smith - Times Editor (uncredited)
A former reporter comes back home after serving in the army during World War I and finds that it's much more difficult to find work than he expected. Desperate, one day he crashes a wedding attended by many of the city's rich and powerful, meets a beautiful girl named Kay who turns out to be his ticket to meeting those rich and powerful people, and he soon manages to land a job on a newspaper. He gets caught up in the "make money at all costs" game but receives a rude awakening when the stock market crashes in 1929.
The Riverman
This drama is an updated version of Ulmer's 1944 film Bluebeard. It is set in New York and follows the exploits of an eccentric Parisian painter who has come to New York to escape a controversy surrounding his work. The trouble stems when the model he has used in all his work is found floating dead in the Seine.
The Professor (voice)
All-puppet animation tells the story of how oil is formed through ages of geological change, how it is found, extracted and put to use by man.
Globe Loan Office Manager (uncredited)
Um homem na crise da meia idade se aproxima de uma mulher mais nova, e o noivo dela a convence a enganá-lo de forma que ambos consigam um pouco da suposta fortuna dele.
Construction Worker (voice)
Woody Woodpecker goes to the park for a game of golf, and quickly gets at odds with some city-workers who are laying a cement walk. His hooks and slices keep landing into the wet cement. But he smooths everything out by putting a couple of cement-trowels on his feet, and gliding over the surface as if it was ice.
Mr. Latimer (uncredited)
Na virada do século, Duke e Chester, dois artistas de vaudeville, vão ao Alasca para fazer fortuna. No navio para Skagway, eles encontram um mapa para uma mina de ouro secreta, roubada por McGurk e Sperry, um casal de bandidos. Eles se disfarçam de McGurk e Sperry para sair do navio. Enquanto isso, Sal Van Hoyden está no Alasca para tentar recuperar o mapa; tinha sido roubado do pai dela. Ela se apaixona por Ace Larson, que quer roubar a mina de ouro para si. Duke e Chester, McGurk e Sperry, Ace e seus capangas, e Sal, se perseguem por todo o campo, tentando obter o mapa. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Hog Judge (uncredited)
Durante sua visita anual à Feira Estadual de Iowa, a família Frake desfruta de muitas aventuras. O patriarca orgulhoso Abel (Charles Winninger) tem grandes esperanças para seu campeão de suínos Blueboy, e sua esposa Melissa (Fay Bainter) entra no concurso de picadinho e picles... com resultados hilários. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Mr. Nelson (uncredited)
George Sanders stars in this engrossing melodrama about a very domineering sister who holds a tight grip on her brother -- especially when he shows signs of falling in love.
Mr. Herkheimer
A girl enlists a psychic to get rid of her murderous alternate personality.
Ascensão de George Gershwin, de uma editora musical em Manhattan aos píncaros da fama internacional. O excesso de trabalho cobra seu preço e Gershwin falece aos trinta e nove anos, de hemorragia cerebral, em 1937.
During the Austrian-Prussian war, Anna Marie is a dancer who is forced to flee her country after she is accused of being a spy. She ends up in a lawless western town in Arizona, where she uses her charms and dancing skills to transform herself into "Salome" during her dance routines.
Jeff Hines
Tim takes a job as a lowly chipper because he has been afraid to go high ever since a bad fall in which he was injured and another workman was killed.
John Frey
An eccentric wealthy man is murdered, and the police set out to find his killer.
Sen. Cowling (uncredited)
In this screwball comedy a WW2 US pilot bombs a Japanese aircraft carrier, is assumed to be dead, and then is misquoted in the press as fondly remembering his days back home walking his dog Piggy. Instead of his dog Piggy he is thought to be in love with Peggy, a girl he worked with. The usual farce ensues after he returns home alive and tries to play along with the mistake to save embarrassment for all.
Postal Clerk (uncredited)
Joe Beck leaves Central America so that he can return to Texas and collect a large inheritance, but he picks a dangerous ship on which to travel.
Judge Harry Schrank (uncredited)
Comedy concerning two feuding fathers dealing with the shocking news that their sons were switched at birth, meaning that one of their daughters is about to marry her own brother.
Hughes Campaign Orator in Maine (uncredited)
The political career of Woodrow Wilson is chronicled, beginning with his decision to leave his post at Princeton to run for Governor of New Jersey, and his subsequent ascent to the Presidency of the United States. During his terms in office, Wilson must deal with the death of his first wife, the onslaught of German hostilities leading to American involvement in the Great War, and his own country's reticence to join the League of Nations.
Rodeo Judge (uncredited)
Jack Haley plays Jack North, the nether end of a vaudeville horse act who inherits a western ranch. When he heads to the Great Outdoors to take possession, Jack winds up at the wrong place: a swanky dude ranch. He immediately begins running things, at it's quite a while before his error is discovered. By the time he shows up at his own ranch, he's up to his ears in unpaid debts-which naturally requires a fund-raising musical show as a bail-out. Harriet Hilliard handles the romantic portion of the proceedings, occasionally dueting with her real-life husband, bandleader Ozzie Nelson.
O cowboy Dan Somers e o magnata do petróleo Jim Hunk Gardner disputam os direitos de arrendamento de petróleo em terra indígena, bem como o amor de uma professora.
Horace Parrot
This musical comedy stars radio star Al Pearce has a double role playing himself and Elmer Blurt, the leader of a small-town band that struggles toward stardom in the big city. Their journey begins when Elmer decides to eject their female singer because she isn't really right. Unfortunately, her angry father is their sponsor and when he finds out, he withdraws all support.
Colonel Clark (Uncredited)
During the start of the Pacific campaign in World War II, Lieutenant Janet Davidson is the head of a group of U.S. military nurses who are trapped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Davidson tries to keep up the spirits of her staff, which includes Lieutenants Joan O'Doul and Olivia D'Arcy. They all seek to maintain a sense of normal life, including dating, while under constant danger as they tend to wounded soldiers.
Cyrus Coates
Young radio personality Judy Joyner becomes mayor of the moribund town, Sleepy Lagoon, after running on an all women ticket and promptly sets out to turn the town around.
Bob Allen, a struggling songwriter poses as a millionaire cowboy to win Broadway star Babs Lee.
Pawn Shop Owner (uncredited)
Compassionate small-town lawyer Richard Clarke moves to New York City to seek his fortune, but is unsuccessful until he takes a friend's advice and tries to convince the world he's a ruthless heel. Suddenly he's the most popular lawyer in town -- but he could lose his fiancée.
Alderman (uncredited)
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
Ticket Agent #1 (uncredited)
Susan Applegate, tired of New York after one year and twenty-five jobs, decides to return to her home town in Iowa. Discovering she hasn't enough money for the train fare, Susan disguises herself as a twelve-year-old and travels for half the price. Caught out by the conductors, she hides in the compartment of Major Philip Kirby, a military school instructor who takes the "child" under his wing.
A soldier pleads to the folks to home to conserve scarce wartime resources.
John 'Paw' Smithers
Wildcatter Johnny Maverick and his pal go to a town in oil country offering $25,000 to the person who brings in the first well. They find oil on the outskirts but have to sell a share to a promoter who hires Johnny's old enemy.
J.C. Lormans - Company Official (uncredited)
O excitante thriller do tempo de guerra, realizado por Alfred Hitchcock em 1942, estrelando Robert Cummings no papel de operário de uma fábrica de aviões de Los Angeles que testemunha o bombardeamento da fábrica por um agente Nazista. Durante a mortífera explosão, o melhor amigo de Cummings morre e ele próprio é erroneamente acusado de sabotagem. Para limpar o seu nome, Cummings inicia uma inexorável perseguição através do país que o leva de Boulder Dam ao Radio City Music Hall, em Nova Iorque e, finalmente, a um perigoso confronto no topo da Estátua da Liberdade. O primeiro filme de Hitchcock com um elenco totalmente norte-americano, desenrola-se a uma velocidade alucinante até atingir um clímax de arrepiar, criando uma excitante obra de artes do suspense.
Jim Long
A shy horticulturist becomes involved with a local criminal in the old west.
Friend Owl (voice) (uncredited)
A história animada de Bambi, um jovem cervo saudado como o "Príncipe da Floresta" no seu nascimento. Como Bambi cresce, ele faz amizade com os outros animais da floresta, aprende as habilidades necessárias para sobreviver e até encontra o amor. Um dia, porém, os caçadores vem, e Bambi deve aprender a ser tão corajoso como seu pai, e levar os outros cervos para a segurança.
Commandant (uncredited)
This film was made by the U.S. government during World War II to show its young servicemen the results of "fooling around" with "loose women" overseas. Actual victims of such sexually transmitted diseases as syphilis and gonorrhoea are shown, along with the physical deterioration that accompanies those diseases.
High society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles run into a variety of shady characters while investigating a race-track murder.
Second Deputy Sheriff (uncredited)
In this classic Edgar Allan Poe story, a man commits a murder, but afterward the victim's beating heart torments the murderer's mind.
Mr. Bart Prichard (uncredited)
Gwen Saunders teams up with her uncle's employee, Steve Bennett, in an attempt to double her $10,000 investment in the family firm. If she can reach the $20,000 mark, her uncle T.T. Ralston will match the figure. Steve bets that if he can spend an entire day without telling a lie, Ralston and his business partners must double Gwen's money. Bennett then earns the enmity of everyone involved in his attempt to win the bet.
Pawnbroker (uncredited)
Wayward youths get out of trouble thanks to a policeman.
Townsman at Meeting House
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Este drama biográfico do diretor Mervyn LeRoy mereceu uma indicação ao Oscar de melhor filme por retratar com grande sensibilidade a vida da engajada dona de casa Edna Gladney (Greer Garson). Após passar por amargas experiências de vida, ela se casa com o texano Sam Gladney (Walter Pidgeon). O casal tem um filho, que morre precocemente. Ao mesmo tempo, Edna descobre que não poderá ter outra criança e assim decide se dedicar a algo para preencher sua vida. Ao observar que o tratamento dado às crianças órfãs e abandonadas não é exatamente o que poderia chamar de terno, ela abre uma casa de adoção e encaminha as crianças a lares onde possam ter uma vida digna.
Frederick Johnson
The conflicting views of two leading citizens in a small town are reconciled when they come across a promoter who is planning to defraud the town. He is reformed by the daughter of one.
Sylvanus Boogle
A young man in a small town wins $5000 in a radio contest. He goes to New York City to propose to his girlfriend, but gets mixed up with a crooked attorney and two con men...
Judge Thatcher (Uncredited)
A Showgirl Maisie Ravier se encontra mais uma vez sem trabalho. Então ela conhece um playboy rico que a contrata para ser a nova empregada de sua família. Maisie logo se vê tentando consertar os muitos problemas da família. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Mr. Roberts
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short features a big city crime boss's attempt to use his crime "machine" to fraudulently win reelection for the current corrupt mayor. By using several illegal tactics, and aided by voter apathy, the crime boss nearly continues his control of the city.
Mr. Tucker
The Bumstead family is off to see relatives in the country when Blondie runs into Charlie and Millie, an eloping couple needing her help.
Courtroom spectator (uncredited)
Socialite, privileged, Jane Dale and lawyer Bill Shevlin meet in an automobile accident at night, on a dirt road, in a storm, near a hick town which fleeces travelers through corrupt law enforcement.
Lem (uncredited)
Edgar Appletree learns the ins and outs of family feuding courtesy of Charlie McCarthy.