Alessandra Li Mandri


The Macaluso Sisters
Unit Manager
Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella are five sisters who live in an apartment in Palermo. They make a living by renting doves for ceremonies. On a normal day at the beach, tragedy strucks.
Momentos de Felicidade Insignificante
Unit Production Manager
Graças a um erro burocrático no paraíso, Paolo ganha 92 minutos a mais de vida após morrer em um terrível acidente. A partir desse momento, o homem é obrigado a refletir sobre a própria existência.
Where the Shadows Fall
Assistant Production Manager
Nurse Anna and her assistant Hans work in an old folks’ home that was once the orphanage where they were imprisoned as children, and they still seem trapped in time and space.