Massimo Daniele Amaro


Mafia Is No Longer What It Used to Be
Palermo, Sicily, Italy, 2017. Twenty-five years after the murders of anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone, on May 23, 1992, and Paolo Borsellino, on July 19, 1992; and on the occasion of the tributes held in memory of both heroes, skeptical photographer Letizia Battaglia, chronicler of their titanic combat, criticizes the opportunism of shady characters who, like businessman Ciccio Mira, profit from the commemoration of both tragedies.
Momentos de Felicidade Insignificante
Additional Gaffer
Graças a um erro burocrático no paraíso, Paolo ganha 92 minutos a mais de vida após morrer em um terrível acidente. A partir desse momento, o homem é obrigado a refletir sobre a própria existência.