Walter Holscher

Nascimento : 1901-01-23, Hamburg, Germany

Morte : 1973-08-07


Mean Justice
Art Direction
Moreno (Bronson) is a tough ranch hand on the vast half million acre Garret Ranch. Rich in timber, gas, cattle and oil, the ranch is a major employer of rough rugged cowboys in northern New Mexico. Unexpectedly, Moreno has been accused , and tried for the murder of the daughter of the Garret ranch's popular foreman (Denver Pyle). As luck turns against the Garret ranch, each man endures struggles against nature, competitors, and each other in order to keep the operation profitable.
Cry for Happy
Art Direction
Army photographers on leave in Japan take over a geisha house.
Sonho de Amor
Art Direction
A história romântica do pianista húngaro Franz Liszt, cujo escandaloso caso de amor o forçou a abandonar seu público adorador. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Eu e o Coronel
Art Direction
Jacobowsky (Danny Kaye), um refugiado judeu, foge dos nazistas com o Coronel Prokoszny (Curd Jürgens), um aristocrático e anti-semita oficial polonês, que está tentando levar uns documentos para a Inglaterra. Ao longo da história Jurgens aprende a gostar de Kaye, apesar de sua disputa pela mesma mulher, e juntos eles tentam despistar seus perseguidores.
Torturados Pela Angústia
Art Direction
Um avião a caminho do Japão é forçado a pousar no mar perto da costa japonesa. Um pequeno menino americano sobrevive à escavação, mas é separado do resto dos passageiros e da tripulação e é levado por um pescador japonês, que leva o menino de volta à sua aldeia. O menino é ajudado pelo filho do pescador, mas quando vê a polícia japonesa invadindo a vila, eles temem que tenham feito algo errado e fugido, embora a polícia esteja apenas procurando pelo menino desaparecido. Juntos, os dois rapazes viajam pelo interior do Japão, tentando evitar que a polícia os procure e se encontre com muitos tipos diferentes de pessoas ao longo do caminho.
Meus Dois Carinhos
Art Direction
Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra) é charmoso, bonito, engraçado, talentoso, de primeira classe, o maior dos malandros. Quando Joey encontra a ex corista e agora rica viúva Vera Simpson (Rita Hayworth), os dois desregrados parecem feitos um para o outro. Isto é, até surgir Linda English (Kim Novak). Linda é uma "mouse on the line" e vive como se não houvesse amanhã. Mas ela é a típica boa menina de uma boa família - exatamente o ingrediente certo para bagunçar a confortável situação do Joey.
Bundle of Joy
Art Direction
Kitschy musical remake of "Bachelor Mother". Debbie Reynolds plays an over-eager clerk in a large department store and Eddie Fisher plays the boss' son. After getting fired from her job, she finds an adorable baby on the steps of the foundling home and the folks inside mistake her for the mother. Fisher, well-meaning, but obtuse, tries to help her out with the baby, and the buds of romance begin to appear. Meanwhile old Merlin, the owner of the store, thinks he just might be a grandfather...
Art Direction
New ranch owner Frank Madden, half Indian but posing as white, arrives just as an all white jury finds the three white Shipley brothers who lynched three Indians innocent. There is soon trouble between Frank and the Shipleys who are using Frank's land to graze their cattle. When the brother of one of the Indian victims kills a Shipley, Frank is accused and put in jail. The Shipleys then organize a lynch mob and head for the jail.
He Laughed Last
Art Direction
A 1920s chorus girl inherits a slain gangster's empire.
Melodia Imortal
Art Direction
Biografia romanceada do pianista Eddy Duchin. No final dos anos 20, o farmaceutico recém-formado e aspirante pianista Eddy Duchin vai de Boston para Nova York com a expectativa de tocar com a orquestra de Leo Reisman no fantástico Cassino do Central Park de Nova York. No entanto, ele tinha entendido mal a convite do maestro. Quando está deixando o local conhece a rica socialite Marjorie Oelrichs que pede a Leo Reisman para dar uma chance ao Eddy. Ele começa a tocar durante os intervalos da orquestra e se torna um pianista famoso. Dois anos depois, Marjorie e Eddy se casam e no Natal, Marjorie tem um bebê, Peter.
Aposenta-se um Marido
Art Direction
This musical reworking of Too Many Husbands (1940), features Grable as a top singer and dancer who's been widowed by WW II. She marries her late husband's songwriting partner, Gower Champion, but the new marriage is thrown for a loop when Lemmon, her first husband, turns up very much alive and eager to see Grable.
A Morte Espera no 322
Art Direction
A police detective falls for the bank robber's girlfriend he is supposed to be tailing.
O Selvagem
Art Direction
Johnny Strabler (Marlon Brando) é o líder de uma gangue de motociclistas conhecida como Black Rebels Motorcycle Club. Eles vivem perigosamente, enfrentando os perigos e arriscando suas vidas inconsequentemente. O grupo chega à Wrightsville, uma pequena cidade, e após causar arruaças tomando o troféu de um vencedor de corridas, seguem para outra cidade, invadindo uma cafeteria. Johnny conhece Kathie Bleeker (Mary Murphy), filha do chefe da polícia, e que trabalha na cafeteria. Ele decide ir embora, mas seu grupo começa mais uma briga, desta vez com um grupo de rivais liderados por Chino (Lee Marvin). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Ambição Que Mata
Art Direction
A doctor returned from the Korean War must choose between joining a glamorous practice and helping the poor.
Let's Do It Again
Art Direction
Composer Gary Stuart (Ray Milland) and his wife, Connie (Jane Wyman), have an argument over her alleged affair with Courtney Craig (Tom Helmore). The Stuarts agree to get divorced, and each tries to move on to a new love: Gary with socialite Deborah Randolph (Karin Booth) and Connie with businessman Frank McGraw (Aldo Ray). However, they start to realize that they still have strong feelings for each other. The Stuarts must make a decision before their divorce is final.
Os Mal Encarados
Art Direction
Hodiak, Brian, Derek and Teal have just been released from prison. They return to Tomahawk Gap, now a ghost town, to retrieve the money that they stole and was buried by a partner somewhere in the town. While hunting, the Indians attack, and a life and death battle ensues.
Uma Viúva em Trinidad
Art Direction
Cantora de boate e seu cunhado tentam encontrar o assassino de seu marido. Quando Steve Emery chega a Trinidad a pedido urgente de seu irmão, ele fica surpreso ao descobrir que seu irmão não só foi assassinado, mas que a esposa de seu irmão, Chris, está sucumbindo às tentativas de sedução do homem que possivelmente é o assassino. Seus sentimentos ficam ainda mais exacerbados quando ele descobre que também está se sentindo fortemente atraído por Chris, que é uma apaixonada cantora de cabaré. Ela, por sua vez, joga um contra o outro enquanto trai os segredos dos dois homens para a polícia, para quem trabalha secretamente. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos) O filme marca o retorno de Rita Hayworth ao cinema depois de quatro anos longe da Columbia.
Volúpia de Matar
Art Direction
Eddie Miller struggles with his hatred of women, he's especially bothered by seeing women with their lovers. He starts a killing spree as a sniper by shooting women from far distances. In an attempt to get caught, he writes an anonymous letter to the police begging them to stop him.
The Son of Dr. Jekyll
Art Direction
The son of the notorious Dr. Henry Jekyll is determined to prove that his father's reputation has been unjustly deserved. He sets out to develop his father's formula in order to prove that he was a brilliant scientist rather than a murderous monster.
Santa Fé
Art Direction
Depois da Guerra Civil, quatro irmãos mudam-se para o oeste em busca de aventura e trabalho. Após tomarem caminhos diferentes, entre boas e más escolhas, seus destinos se cruzam no final.
A Dominadora
Art Direction
A perfectionist woman's devotion to her home drives away friends and family.
Cidade Apavorada
Art Direction
In New York, Sheila Bennet and her spouse, Matt Krane, are trying to unload a trove of rare jewels they smuggled into America from Cuba, but the police are hot on the couple's trail. Meanwhile, government officials begin a desperate search for an unknown individual who is infecting the city with smallpox.
The Petty Girl
Art Direction
An artist famous for his calendar portraits of beautiful women becomes fascinated by a prim and proper professor and tries to get her to pose for his arwork. She declines his offer, but he's determined not to take no for an answer.
Miss Grant Takes Richmond
Art Direction
A bookie uses a phony real estate business as a front for his betting parlor. To further keep up the sham, he hires dim-witted Ellen Grant as his secretary figuring she won't suspect any criminal goings-on. When Ellen learns of some friends who are about to lose their homes, she unwittingly drafts her boss into developing a new low-cost housing development.
O Czar Negro
Art Direction
Frank Warren is a treasury agent assigned to put an end to the activities of a powerful mob crime boss. Frank works undercover, posing as a criminal to seek information, but is frustrated when all he finds are terrified witnesses and corrupt police officers.
Art Direction
Two men, one woman and one horse get into trouble.
Best Man Wins
Art Direction
Jim Smiley has a frog that can jump further than anyone else's frog, and Jim becomes obsessed with entering the frog in all of the local jumping-frog contests, not realizing that his obsession is about to cost him his marriage.
The Mating of Millie
Art Direction
Self-sufficient in life and successful in business, prim and proper Millie McGonigle wants just one more thing, a child. When she asks to adopt orphan Tommy Bassett, but learns that she will first have to have a husband, Millie turns to her neighbor, Doug Andrews. Though he has no interest in marriage, Doug offers to help Millie find a husband by transforming her into a beautiful and exciting woman, one who catches the eye of two eligible bachelors, including the orphanage's president.
The Woman from Tangier
Art Direction
This one has Nylon, an American dancer fleeing Morocco after her employer gets into trouble with the police, and she stops off at Tangiers on her way to Gibraltar. $50,000, in gold, is stolen from the ship's safe and the captain tells the police that the purser was the thief and that he had to kill him in self defense, but the purser must have hidden the money before he got dead. The purser isn't in any position to make a disclaimer. Everybody buys that with the exception of an insurance detective, Shapley, who, along with the audience, suspects the captain of being the thief shows up to investigate further. Written By Les Adams
Art Direction
The daughter of a prominent citizen marries an outlaw's son.
Strange Affair
Art Direction
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Endereço Desconhecido
Art Direction
When a German art dealer living in the US returns to his native country he finds himself attracted to Nazi propaganda.
Encontro em Berlim
Art Direction
The "war of nerves" which gripped the European continent in 1938, is the background for this war thriller starring George Sanders.
It's a Great Life
Art Direction
When the profits of their various film series began slumping in the mid-1940s, Columbia Pictures tried to broaden the appeal of these films by disguing the fact that they were indeed series entries. Thus it was that Columbia's 13th "Blondie" picture was shipped out as It's a Great Life. The comic confusion begins when Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake), intending to buy a house, buys a horse instead. Before the film's 75 minutes have run their course, Dagwood gets mixed up in a fox hunt. But Blondie (Penny Singleton) saves the day as usual, with the help of eccentric millionaire Timothy Brewster (Hugh Herbert). After It's a Great Life and #14 "Footlight Glamour", Columbia restored the name "Blondie" to the titles of all subesequent installments in this long-running comedy series.
Murder in Times Square
Art Direction
An actor becomes a suspect in the murders of four New Yorkers injected with rattlesnake venom.