Ivy Bregman


Threats from the Inside
When Amy’s controlling husband Brad learns she had an affair with work colleague Kirk, Brad kills her. Then he turns his attention to Kirk, specifically Kirk’s wife, with a plan to ruin the marriage of the man who “ruined” his.
Trapped with My Husband
Melissa learns that her new husband Kevin is a philanderer with no ambition. The two become roommates from hell while Kevin remains in the house until the divorce is finalized, but when he turns up dead, all eyes are on Melissa.
Um Pesadelo de Triângulo Amoroso
Brittany, uma mulher solteira muito simpática, conhece um estranho charmoso. Ela pensa que encontrou tudo o que procurava em um parceiro - apesar das advertências de seus entes queridos.
Mommy's Little Star
Still reeling from her mom's divorce, a 12-year-old discovers an app that helps her become a social media star. However, she soon learns that her mother's new boyfriend has more on his mind than just managing her career.
Webcam Cheerleaders
Maisy transfers to her late sister's college to find the truth behind her death, where she uncovers that many of the girls on the cheerleading squad are also webcam girls, but revealing the truth may have deadly consequences.
Dia Das Solteiras Fatal
Associate Producer
Uma mulher consegue o emprego dos sonhos e encontra o homem ideal em questão de dias, mas tudo se transforma num pesadelo quando ela descobre que seu príncipe encantado é casado com sua nova chefe.
Don't Sell My Baby
Who Killed Our Father?
After her foster sister dies, Leila takes a DNA test and discovers the identity of her biological father and sister. But when her father is tragically murdered, and Leila travels to meet the sister she never knew, she lands herself in more danger than she ever imagined.