Pentti Venovirta

Nascimento : 1935-10-22,

Morte : 1959-06-12


Kohtalo tekee siirron
Sound Assistant
Three brothers, all with their own problems that could be solved by money, try to come up with a plan to get they share of their uncle's fortune. Then a murder takes place and it is the job of a detective to find out which one of the brothers did it.
Verta käsissämme
Sound Assistant
After returning home from being a prisoner of war Viktor gets a job from his friend Rolf with whom he had served. The men trust each other until Viktor meets Rolf’s wife Astrid.
Herra sotaministeri
Sound Assistant
Pekka ja Pätkä ketjukolarissa
Sound Assistant
Pikku Ilona ja hänen karitsansa
Sound Assistant