Arthur Ibbetson

Nascimento : 1922-09-08, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, England, UK

Morte : 1997-10-19


Babes in Toyland
Director of Photography
11-year-old Lisa has no time for toys; she's too busy taking care of her siblings and cooking for her mother. During the Christmas Eve blizzard, Lisa travels to Toyland in Wizard of Oz-like fashion and arrives just in time for a wedding. Young Mary Contrary is about to marry mean, old Barnaby Barnacle, despite the fact that she loves Jack Be Nimble. Lisa tries to stop this terrible wedding and, together with her new friends, discovers that Barnaby wants to take over Toyland. Lisa, Mary, Jack, and Georgie Porgie ask the Toymaster for help, but he can't help them as long as Lisa doesn't truly believe in toys.
Pai Natal: o filme
Director of Photography
Esta é a deliciosa história de um mestre em fazer brinquedos que descobre o reino mágico dos duendes no Pólo Norte. Lá ele recebe poderes especiais surpreendentes e se transforma no símbolo do Natal mais amado do mundo: Papai Noel! Na fábrica encantada ele conhece Patch (Dudley Moore), um duende ajudante que entra numa grande confusão com um magnata da indústria de brinquedos (John Lithgow), que planeja dominar o Natal. E assim começa a maior de todas as aventuras do Papai Noel – salvar o seu leal e o Natal de todas as crianças do mundo!
Rebelião em Alto Mar
Director of Photography
Em 1789 um navio inglês, o HMS Bounty, empreendeu uma viagem até o Taiti para conseguir mudas de fruta-pão, que seriam largamente cultivadas para alimentar os escravos. O tenente William Bligh (Anthony Hopkins), comandante do Bounty, começa a agir de forma cada vez mais despótica, impondo castigos cada vez mais duros para a tripulação. Isto faz com que Fletcher Christian (Mel Gibson), o melhor amigo de Bligh, comande um motim, mesmo sabendo que este ato poderia ser punido com o enforcamento. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Witness for the Prosecution
Director of Photography
Sir Wilfred Robarts, a famed barrister is released from the hospital, where he stayed for two months following his heart attack. Returning to the practise of his lawyer skills, he takes the case of Leonard Vole, an unemployed man who is accused of murdering an elderly lady friend of his, Mrs. Emily French. While Leonard Vole claims he's innocent, although all evidence points to him as the killer, his alibi witness, his cold German wife Christine, instead of entering the court as a witness for the defense, she becomes the witness for the prosecution and strongly claims her husband is guilty of the murder.
O Pequeno Lord
Director of Photography
Ceddie Errol, um garoto de 8 anos, mora com sua mãe num decadente prédio de Nova York. Seu pai, Capitão Cedrid Errol, morto há vários anos, era filho de um conde inglês, mas foi deserdado quando casou-se com uma americana. No entanto, sua vida muda surpreendentemente quando seu avô o chama para morar com ele, pois agora é seu único herdeiro e deve ser educado para assumir as responsabilidades e deveres de um aristocrata inglês. Será que Ceddie, tão amoroso e gentil, conseguirá suportar a rabugice de seu avô e a falta de sua mãe que não foi aceita no castelo?
O Espião Trapalhão
Director of Photography
Cansado das falcatruas de seus colegas de profissão, um agente da CIA se aposenta. Junto com a namorada, ele começa a escrever um livro de memórias sobre os anos de segredos obscuros e passa a ser perseguido pela agência. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Nothing Personal
Director of Photography
Environmentally concerned lawyer Abigail Adams works with Professor Roger Keller in his effort to protect baby seals from slaughter.
O Prisoneiro de Zenda
Director of Photography
Anthony Hope's classic tale gets a decidedly 'un-classic' treatment at the hands of Peter Sellers. Following the story somewhat, friends of the new King Rudolph of Ruritania fear for his life, and switch him with a look-a-like London cabby. Throw in two(!) lovely blondes, treachery, and a battle for life and honour, and enjoy life at its zaniest.
O Toque da Medusa
Director of Photography
Suspense psicológico sobre um romancista telecinético que causa desastres simplesmente pensando neles.
Um Pouco de Música Noturna
Director of Photography
Fredrik Egerman is very happy in his marriage to a seventeen-year-old virgin, Anne. Only she's been a virgin for the whole eleven months of the marriage, and being a bit restless, Fredrik goes to see an old flame, the famous actress Desiree Armfeldt. Desiree is getting tired of her life, and is thinkin of settling down, and sets her sights on Fredrik, despite his marriage, and her own married lover Count Carl-Magnus. She gets her mother to invite the Egermans to her country estate for the weekend. But when Carl-Magnus and his wife Charlotte appear, too, things begin to get farcical (Send in the Clowns), and the night must smile for the third time before all the lovers are united.
Director of Photography
Renowned criminologist and occult investigator William Sebastian (Culp) recruits his old friend Dr. Hamilton (Young) to aid him in his current case. Anitra Cyon (Bell), the sister of prominent British businessman Geoffrey Cyon (Villiers), believes her brother is dabbling in the black arts. In turn, Geoffrey claims that she is mentally unfit. Sebastian and Hamilton travel to the Cyon estate to investigate the matter. Complicating the issue is Sebastian's debilitating heart condition that was induced by his own experimentations with the black arts.
The Sell Out
Director of Photography
This action drama centers on a former CIA operative who grudgingly rejoins the spy game due to the machinations of his one-time student - a screw up who goes to work for the Soviets. As his job drags him deeper into a dangerous and under-handed world, the student wants out of the agency and oout of the U.S.S.R. But the man's choices have made him a target and now both the United States and Russia want him dead, sending their mos able hit men to do it.
Out of Season
Director of Photography
Middle-aged Ann and her teenage daughter Joanna manage a failing hotel on an island off the British coast. One day, the hotel receives an unexpected guest, a man named Joe...
Ligações Proibidas
Director of Photography
Two strangers, both married to others, meet in a railway station and soon find themselves in a brief but intense affair.
A Casa dos Brilhantes
Director of Photography
A small time diamond merchant jumps at the chance to supervise the purchase and cutting of a large first class diamond. But when the diamond is stolen from him, he is blackmailed into pulling off a major heist at the Diamond Exchange, located at 11 Harrowhouse.
A Verdadeira História de Frankenstein
Director of Photography
Victor Frankenstein witnesses his creation turn uncontrollable after he's duped by his associate, Dr. Polidori.
A Casa das Bonecas
Director of Photography
Nora Helmer, anos antes, cometeu uma falsificação para salvar a vida de seu marido autoritário Torvald. Agora ela está sendo chantageada vive com medo do descobrimento de seu marido e da vergonha que tal revelação traria à sua carreira. Mas quando a verdade sai, Nora fica chocada ao saber onde ela realmente está na estima de seu marido.
All Coppers Are...
Director of Photography
A young policeman and a small-time crook are both involved with the same girl.
A Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate
Director of Photography
Um garoto pobre ganha o direito de visitar a fábrica de chocolates do excêntrico Willy Wonka. Acompanhado por seu avô e quatro crianças mimadas, ele vive aventuras inesquecíveis e aprende uma importante lição.
Quando 8 Sinos Tocam
Director of Photography
In a vein similar to Bond movies, a British agent Philip Calvert is on a mission to determine the whereabouts of a ship that disappeared near the coast of Scotland.
Quando o Coração Bate Mais Forte
Director of Photography
O filme começa em uma vida feliz, a casa superior confortável de classe média em Londres vitoriana. Uma noite, as três crianças vêem seus usher pai dois desconhecidos em seu estudo. Depois de uma discussão que ele deixa com eles e não retorna. Eles e sua queda mãe em tempos difíceis e, eventualmente, mudar para uma casa de campo no país. Ainda assim, manter o ânimo e encontrar maneiras de ajudar os outros. Fascinado pela ferrovia nas proximidades, eles acenam para os passageiros fielmente todos os dias, e sua vigilância e coragem evitam um acidente. Sua bondade acaba fazendo amizade com algumas pessoas importantes que podem ajudar a resolver o mistério de seu pai desaparecido.
The Walking Stick
Director of Photography
A young woman's highly ordered and structured life is turned upside-down when she meets a handsome stranger at a party. Friendship soon develops into romance and for the first time in her life she is truly happy. This happiness is short lived, however, as little by little she discovers her partner has been lying to her about his past. It is soon revealed that he and his friends have been planning to rob the auction house that she works for and they require her inside knowledge in order to pull off the crime.
Ana dos Mil Dias
Director of Photography
O rei Henrique VIII (Richard Burton) apaixona-se pela jovem Anna Bolena (Geneviève Bujold). Casado com Catarina de Aragão, que não lhe deu um herdeiro homem, não mede esforços para ficar com Anna, rompendo com a Igreja Católica e criando a Igreja Anglicana. Mas Anna também não consegue lhe dar seu tão esperado filho homem. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
O Desafio das Águias
Director of Photography
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um general dos Estados Unidos é capturado e feito prisioneiro no quartel-general da SS, nos Alpes da Baviera. Um grupo de soldados aliados tem a difícil missão de resgatá-lo. A operação torna-se ainda mais complicada quando descobrem que há um traidor entre eles.
Inspetor Clouseau
Director of Photography
O inspetor francês Jacques Clouseau é emprestado ao governo inglês para atuar numa missão especial da Scotland Yard, que investiga a quadrilha responsável por um grande assalto. Vencendo as adversidades com suas trapalhadas, Clouseau acaba se tornando cúmplice de um novo assalto sem saber quando os bandidos usam máscaras imitando seu rosto para cometer o crime.
Pretty Polly
Director of Photography
Miss Polly decides to spend a few months with her wealthy spinster aunt as a traveling companion. While in India her aunt's demise leaves her alone to pursue her freedom and explore an arm's length romance with a local boy.
A Condessa de Hong Kong
Director of Photography
A Revolução Russa fez com que vários integrantes da nobreza local fugissem para a China e Hong Kong, que na época era um protetorado inglês. Lá cresceram suas filhas que, apesar de terem títulos nobiliárquicos, precisaram se prostituir para sobreviver. Uma destas mulheres é Natascha (Sophia Loren), condessa de pai russo, que é apresentada ao empresário Ogden Mears (Marlon Brando) quando o navio dele aporta em Hong Kong. Ogden e Harvey (Sydney Chaplin), seu amigo, saem com Natascha e outras mulheres na mesma situação, acreditando que apenas as verão naquele dia. Porém, quando o navio deixa Hong Kong, Ogden encontra Natascha escondida no guarda-roupas de sua cabine. Ela deseja ir para os Estados Unidos, onde poderá recomeçar sua vida, mas para tanto precisa da ajuda de Ogden para não ser descoberta como clandestina. Inicialmente reticente, aos poucos Ogden aceita a idéia de ajudá-la.
Director of Photography
A young woman is terrorized by her fiance's demented mother who blames her for her son's death.
Corações Feridos
Director of Photography
Uma avó procura uma governanta para sua neta de 16 anos, Laurel, que conseguiu expulsar todas até agora, expondo seu passado, com um recorde de três em uma semana! Quando uma candidata com um passado misterioso consegue pegar o emprego, Laurel promete expô-la. Enquanto isso, a mãe casada e divorciada de Laurel tenta recuperá-la.
A Velha Descobre o Crime
Director of Photography
Miss Marple e Stringer são testemunhas da morte por ataque cardíaco de idosos, ricos, Enderby. No entanto, eles têm dúvidas sobre o que aconteceu. A polícia não acredita neles, levando Miss Marple a investigar novamente por si mesma.
Nine Hours to Rama
Director of Photography
José Ferrer and Horst Buchholz star in this fictionalised account of events leading up to the assassination of Indian spiritual leader and independence campaigner Mahatma Gandhi.
I Could Go on Singing
Director of Photography
Jenny Bowman is a successful singer who, while on an engagement at the London Palladium, visits David Donne to see her son Matt again, spending a few glorious days with him while his father is away in Rome in an attempt to attain the family that she never had. When David returns, Matt is torn between his loyalty to his father and his affection for Jenny.
O Inspetor
Director of Photography
At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Também o Vento Tem Segredos
Director of Photography
When an injured wife-murderer takes refuge on a remote Lancashire farm, the farmer’s three children mistakenly believe him to be the Second Coming of Christ.
The Canadians
Director of Photography
When the Sioux come to Canada, the Canadians permit them to stay in Canada if they come peacefully. However, some cowboys kill all inhabitants of one of their villages. The cowboys seek to get back their horses, but they pretend to search for a girl who once had been robbed by the Indians.
A Story of David
Director of Photography
Directed by Bob McNaught. King Saul of Israel is jealous of the fame and adoration of David, who long ago slew Goliath and brought victory to Saul's armies. Now Saul, egged on by his Edomite counselor Doeg, attempts to have David killed. Saul's son, and David's best friend, Jonathan, conspires to help David, who is reluctant to fight back against his own people the Israelites.
Glória Sem Mácula
Director of Photography
Logo após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, o Major Jock Sinclair (Alec Guinness), boêmio, bom de copo, e amigo de seus subordinados, vive seus últimos dias no comando de um regimento escocês. Em seu lugar, assumirá o Coronel Basil Barrow (John Mills), oficial muito mais rígido e disciplinador. O conflito entre as duas personalidades mudará a vida de todos os envolvidos naquele batalhão. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
There Was a Crooked Man
Director of Photography
When a law-abiding demolition expert is duped by a gang of criminals into helping them he is caught and jailed. When he is released he goes straight and then notices a leading citizen in his town is cheating his neighbours.
Os Sete Cavalheiros do Diabo
Director of Photography
Involuntarily-retired Colonel Hyde recruits seven other dissatisfied ex-servicemen for a special project. Each of the men has a skeleton in the cupboard, is short of money, and is a service-trained expert in his field. The job is a bank robbery, and military discipline and planning are imposed by Hyde and second-in-command Race on the team, although civilian irritations do start getting in the way.
Momentos de Angústia
Director of Photography
A young factory worker stands alone against a proposed strike.
The Bridal Path
Director of Photography
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
Maluco Genial
Director of Photography
Gulley Jimson is a boorish aging artist recently released from prison. A swindler in search of his next art project, he hunkers down in the penthouse of would-be patrons the Beeders while they go on an extended vacation; he paints a mural on their wall, pawns their valuables and, along with the sculptor Abel, inadvertently smashes a large hole in their floor. Jimson's next project is an even larger wall in an abandoned church.
Adeus às Armas
Camera Operator
Quando um voluntário do exército americano conhece uma enfermeira britânica na véspera de uma grande ofensiva nos Alpes, os dois rapidamente se apaixonam. A história de amor deles é ameaçada pela guerra e pela intromissão de um amigo invejoso.
O Céu é Testemunha
Camera Operator
Em 1944, no Pacífico Sul o náufrago Cabo Allison, um fuzileiro, chega em uma balsa na Ilha Tuasiva, onde ele encontra a irmã Angela. Ela lhe diz que ela é a única pessoa na ilha e foi deixado para trás pelo barco de fuga para as Ilhas Fiji enquanto procurava o padre local. Encalhados na ilha, mas com água, peixes e frutos, sua vida paradisíaca termina quando os japoneses chegam para construir uma base, forçando Allison e a freira se esconderem em uma caverna. O fuzileiro rústico fornece o abastecimento necessário para a sobrevivência dos dois e se apaixona pela freira.
Moby Dick
Camera Operator
Consumido por uma raiva completamente insana, Capitão Ahab (Gregory Peck) tem apenas um objetivo na vida: Vingar-se de Moby Dick, a grande baleia branca que o feriu e desfigurou. O obcecado capitão de um baleeiro usa seu poder de comando como uma desculpa para navegar pelos Sete Mares em uma busca sem fim pelo seu objeto de ódio. Lutando contra uma tripulação amotinada, o calor tropical e tormentas violentas, Ahab finalmente encontra com sua inimiga e começa um confronto que irá culminar em uma luta épica de uma fúria sem fim…
O Homem que Nunca Existiu
Camera Operator
Durante a II Guerra Mundial, a inteligência britânica está tentando fazer com que o alto comando alemão remova sua força armada, pronta para atacar a Itália. Para criar a ilusão de que a Inglaterra vai invadir a Grécia, eles arrumam um cadáver no qual colocam papéis secretos da autoridade espanhola.
Camera Operator
Rural Australian Nellie Melba becomes an opera star in 1900s Europe and the United States.
Director of Photography
Rural Australian Nellie Melba becomes an opera star in 1900s Europe and the United States.
A Caixa Mágica
Assistant Camera
Now old, ill, poor, and largely forgotten, William Freise-Greene was once very different. As young and handsome William Green he changed his name to include his first wife's so that it sounded more impressive for the photographic portrait work he was so good at. But he was also an inventor and his search for a way to project moving pictures became an obsession that ultimately changed the life of all those he loved.
Circle of Danger
Camera Operator
An American comes to Britain to investigate the murky circumstances of his brother's death that occurred during a WW2 commando raid.
Fortune in Diamonds
Camera Operator
As the Boer War ends a South African soldier hides a cache of diamonds he finds on a body. He returns to the town he left three years earlier where his girl has married a disgraced English officer. Needing funds to get back to pick up the diamonds the Boer enlists the help of a fellow soldier as well as the Englishman and a local hotel keeper. This ill-assorted bunch set off into the bush intent on finding their fortune.
The Spider and the Fly
Camera Operator
"The Spider and the Fly is set in Paris during the cloud-cuckoo days before WW I. The storyline intertwines the destinies of three people. Guy Rolfe plays Phillipe de Ledocq, a resourceful safecracker who always manages to elude arrest. Eric Portman is cast as police-chief Maubert, who will not rest until Ledocq is behind bars. And Nadia Gray is Madeleine, the woman beloved by both Ledocq and Maubert. Just as Maubert has managed to capture his man, Ledocq is released at the behest of the government, who wants him to steal secrets from the German embassy revealing the whereabouts of the Kaiser's secret agents. And just how does Madeleine figure into all of this? Spider and the Fly is a diverting precursor to the 1960s TV series It Takes a Thief." ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Stop Press Girl
Director of Photography
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.
Vice Versa
Camera Operator
Businessman Paul Bultitude is sending his son Dick to a boarding school. While holding a magic stone from India, he wishes that he could be young again. His wish is immediately fulfilled and the two change bodies with each other. Mr Bultitude becomes a school boy who smokes cigars and has a very conservative view on child upbringing, while his son Dick becomes a gentleman who spends his time drinking lemonade and arranging children's parties.
Hotel Reserve
Camera Operator
A hunt for a spy, in a hotel in the South of France just before World War Two.