Jack Pierce


Uma Mãe Postiça
Club Promoter
A coming of age drama about two young brothers whose lives are thrown into turmoil when their mother dies suddenly, leaving them to fend for themselves. While Danny loses himself in music, sex and drugs, his younger brother Jack transforms a life size mannequin into a brand new mum for him to talk to. Jack's obsession leads to both comic misunderstandings and bitter antagonism as the pair battle through grief, anger and denial.
Alien vs. Predador
Co-Pilot (uncredited)
Uma pirâmide até então desconhecida é encontrada na Antártica através de satélites, fazendo com que uma equipe de cientistas e aventureiros seja enviada para investigar o local. Porém lá eles fazem uma descoberta atra: a pirâmide serve de abrigo para duas raças alienígenas extremamente violentas, que estão em guerra.
Back Home
The war in Europe is over, but the one at home has only just begun. The Second World War is ending and throughout Britain, evacuees are returning home to their families - but not the families they remember. Like so many other women, Peggy’s life has been transformed by the war. Living and working with good friends, she is happier than she has been for years. Yet Peggy’s life is not the only one changed by the war. Her daughter, Rusty, has just returned from the U.S., where she has been living as an evacuee for the last five years. After so long abroad, her home in England has become unrecognizable. Just as Peggy begins to restore normal family bonds, her husband returns from the war, damaged and desperate to make everything as it was before. Adapted from the novel by Michelle Magorian, author of Goodnight, Mister Tom, Back Home is the story of a family who struggle to make sense of their new lives in a world irrevocably altered by the far-reaching effects of war.
A Isca Perfeita
Bank Colleague
Nadia (Nicole Kidman) e John (Ben Chaplin) são duas pessoas que se conhecerem pela internet e logo começaram a namorar através de e-mails. Após terem marcado a data do casamento entre eles, Nadia, que mora na Rússia, vai até a Inglaterra, onde John trabalha como banqueiro. Mas pouco após se encontrarem o que antes parecia ser um amor inocente e anônimo logo se modifica, com John correndo um grande perigo.
Gangster No. 1
Jack the Lad
Neste suspense passado no Soho londrino dos anos 70, um ambicioso e carismático gângster planeja como eliminar o seu chefe e tomar o seu lugar, o temido respeitado número 1. Mas, é claro, sempre há um preço a pagar.
Shockers:  Dance
Thirty-something single father Mike meets attractive younger Christine at a dance lesson. She likes him as much as he likes her. But are things too good to be true.