A soldier protects a mule during the Spanish Civil War.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Após a última Grande Guerra, as armas químicas causaram estragos entre a humanidade. Os seres humanos transformaram-se em perigosos zombies. Uma pequena comunidade de oito pessoas, entre elas crianças, tenta sobreviver a esta situação hostil vivendo isolada num casarão abandonado. Eles não podem abandonar o lugar e vivem num perpétuo estado de vigilância. Porém, a comida está cada vez mais escassa, faltam remédios e munições. Para encontrá-los devem abandonar a área segura, mas ao redor da pequena zona habitada rondam ameaças de seres que eles nem se atrevem a falar.
Director of Photography
Uma comédia ultrajante sobre um grupo de posseiros anarquistas radicais que, inadvertidamente, ultrapassar a Embaixada cubana em Madrid, ao mesmo tempo em que Fidel Castro anuncia primeiras eleições democráticas em Cuba.
Director of Photography
1940. In a rural home in northern Spain life goes on, slowly. But a blood stain on a newborn might have some deep meanings.
Director of Photography
Ten Minutes Older is a 2002 film project consisting of two compilation feature films entitled The Trumpet and The Cello. The project was conceived by the producer Nicolas McClintock as a reflection on the theme of time at the turn of the Millennium. Fifteen celebrated film-makers were invited to create their own vision of what time means in ten minutes of film.
A young worker enjoying an affair with an upper class beauty, Adelaida, is drafted by the Spanish Army to fight in the Cuban War of Independence. After Adelaida receives an unusual announcement regarding her lover's death in combat, she refuses to believe the loss of her lover. Her class-conscious family, led by her jealous sister Maria, believes that Adelaida has lost her mind and places Adelaida in an insane asylum. However, Adelaida continues to to live according to her beliefs of passion and freedom. Fellow "inmates" tell her about the wood-nymphs which inhabit the adjacent forest. Adelaida is convinced these nymphs will lead her to her lover and to happiness.
Director of Photography
Histórias de encontros ao acaso ocorridos entre 14 pessoas no “Quilômetro Zero”, o centro de Madri. O Quilômetro Zero, na Porta do Sol de Madri, é um lugar muito utilizado para se encontrar pessoas. Numa calorosa tarde do verão, pessoas das mais diferentes idades e condições sociais partem para o local a fim de se encontrarem com quem tinham marcado. Uma série de equívocos e encontros fortuitos podem transformar a vida de cada um dos que esperam.
Director of Photography
In the early 70s, a rather backwards young soldier with serious family problems finds himself stationed in a small village in Spain's Levante. Secretly in love with a young village girl, Pere slips into her room one night. When he is discovered, the soldier reacts with spontaneous violence, creating an embarrassing problem for the military that the brass decide to handle--expeditiously-- as "an internal affair."
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Count Nado, is in love with Fénix, an intergalactic singer. Unable to achieve it with traditional methods, the evil Nado kidnaps the scientist Avelina to make a replica of the singer, creating Supernova.
Director of Photography
Sol do Marmelo é um filme sobre a determinação artística da vontade de representar um marmeleiro sobre o qual incide maravilhosamente a luz da manhã. E isso é a mesma coisa que filmar a confrontação daquela vontade com a fluência cósmica e irreparável do tempo, fazendo com que encare a variabilidade meteorológica e a efemeridade das formas orgânicas. Victor Erice oferece sua câmera à metódica, quase missionária, entrega de Antonio Lopez ao seu trabalho.
Director of Photography
A New York executive is handcuffed to a precious briefcase to which only his Spanish contact holds the key and of which many others are in hot pursuit.
Director of Photography
In Madrid at the time of the Inquisition, the monk Ambrosio is renowned for his faith and his strength of will, a saint in the eyes of the populace. But when he discovers the beautiful Matilda hidden in his own monastery, all his repressed passions begin to show themselves, and he is soon using the girl, and her powers, in his lust for more innocent prey.
Director of Photography
Pablo ama Juan, mas a paixão não é correspondida. Antonio fica obcecado por Pablo depois de uma noite destinada a ser uma simples ficada casual. Paralelamente a esse perigoso triângulo amoroso está a história de Tina, irmã transexual de Pablo, sobre quem ele está escrevendo uma peça.
Beatriz is an attractive young lawyer who enjoys an enviable position thanks to the influence of his father, a prominent businessman. Lucas, a young guy with a rather shady past, struggling to emerge from the unfavorable situation in which life has placed him. When Lucas is arrested with a stash of cocaine adulterated becomes a client of Beatrice. The pure cocaine has hidden with intent to distribute it only with your partner Uriarte, for it has had to deceive another of his buddies into thinking that the business has failed.
Director of Photography
Um toureiro é ferido por um touro e não pode mais matar na arena. É apenas uma falha, além de muitas outras de vários personagens que colidem de forma insuspeita.
It's 8 AM in a summer morning from the 70's. Jon, an ETA member, is being chased by the police in the Old Town of San Sebastian. While he runs, he revises his whole life.
Director of Photography
A sobrecarregada faxineira Gloria trabalha em vários lugares para conseguir se manter. Sua vida implacável está repleta de excêntricos: um marido taxista abusivo, um filho adolescente traficante, uma sogra ingrata e uma vizinha prostituta que paga Gloria para estar com clientes exibicionistas.
Director of Photography
Rafa and Jeromo are a curious couple of friends. Their friendship began in childhood as well as his love for Silvia, which have been in love since childhood. Silvia Jeromo elected, and Rafa decided to disappear. Years later he returns and finds that the couple is experiencing a serious emotional crisis...
Director of Photography
Five Argentinian women, with missing relatives from the military dictatorship that ruled the country, explain their emotions and feelings about all that happened.
Director of Photography
El senor Galindez is a Spanish movie starring Antonio Banderas
Director of Photography
A famous composer creative in crisis and must compose a new album, but is going through a painful separation that prevents him from concentrating. In this situation, your manager will provide a time extension
Director of Photography
Após a overdose fatal de seu namorado, uma cantora de bolero e viciada em drogas busca refúgio em um convento que resgata mulheres envolvidas com drogas, prostituição e assassinato. Mas a redenção não está nem perto, pois o convento abriga numerosos vícios e pecados.
Director of Photography
Madrid, anos 80. Uma cidade incômoda, selvagem e divertida. Nela acontece uma história de amor incomum entre uma jovem ninfomaníaca e o filho de um imperador árabe. Ela, membro de um violento grupo musical, e ele, preocupado em se manter escondido de terroristas de seu país de origem, são o fio condutor de uma série de relações entre os personagens mais díspares que se pode encontrar. Música, violência verbal, perseguições, paixão, sexo... e acima de tudo, o amor e suas dificuldades.
Director of Photography
The relationship of a adult man and a young girl.
Director of Photography
Bernabe (José Sacristán) works as an artistic director for a publicity firm but his avocation is fawning after his bosses, sleeping with whomever might advance his career, and ignoring his wife. Life continues on in this vein until he meets a young model whom he invites up to his boss's temporarily vacant country house, pretending the house belongs to him. Not very far away, bulldozers and other machinery are clearing the beautifully wooded area so construction can start on an amusement park. Little does Bernabe realize that his potential new conquest is a seriously fanatical environmental advocate, and she arrives at the house with friends, gets Bernabe high and "out of it," and then she and her friends proceed to trash the construction machinery. Once Bernabe comes around again, he finds out what has happened, loses heart for his planned sexual escapade, and begins to appreciate his wife for the first time.
Photoscience Manager
A story of love and heartbreak. Of hope and despair. Of passion and abandonment. After two years together, John has left Marita, a mature woman that has kept him until he has found Adela, another woman from whom get her money.
Director of Photography
Luis and Aurora live in the outskirts of Madrid, his life is quiet and peaceful until it reaches Antonio, her new neighbor. Luis says that neighbors are classic bores who put loud music, no wave and always call at inopportune to ask for something. But Aurora considers friendly, helpful and willing to help where needed. Things get complicated when Antonio Aurora and strike up a friendly relationship.
"El Rata" is released from prison after having served a sentence for "political" crimes during Franco's dictatorship. Now, on the street and with very few opportunities to work, he decides to commit a crime again.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
José Sirgado is a low-budget filmmaker whose heroin addiction distorts his perspective of the real world. Although he is a depressed and unstable individual, his mood improves when he receives the mysterious films of Pedro, with whom he shares his passion for cinema.
Director of Photography
Matias meets Violeta, his cousin one morning in Madrid at the Plaza de Opera. He is twenty-five. She is 18. He's a divorced journalist trying to write a thriller. She studies violin. She's a vegetarian. He loves meat. Many things separate them, but he moves into her apartment.
Director of Photography
A set of nine stories whose central theme is eroticism. The different directors of the film deal from philosophical aspects to others that are almost pornographic, but always with a common denominator: sensuality.
Director of Photography
Three old schoolmates, who in their time as students had formed a kind of secret society called The Black Hand, in order to embitter teachers' lives, meet again years later with very different lives. One is a dad's son who is distracted as best he can; another has become a writer of espionage novels and is persecuted by the CIA, and the third leads an indolent life without further ado. The reunion of the three friends will make the society of La Mano Negra revive.
Camera Operator
A sex party at a movie producer's house ends with traumatic results for a young couple.
Assistant Camera
Andrés, who lives with his grandmother in a decadent mansion, decides to become a dog in order to overcome his moral prejudices so that he can commit a horrible act.